Water Margin people

Chapter 1239 The rat-throwing weapon


Li Gang looked at Sun Lei and the Second Emperor walking away, and felt anxious. If Sun Lei and the Qi army were allowed to join together and then bring the Second Emperor to the front of the battle, the Song army would have no choice but to use the enemy. By then, the whole of Tokyo would no longer be able to fight. The power of resistance.

Xu Ning controlled the situation and jumped onto the altar, blocking Li Gang and others.

"Xu Ning, you are also a minister of the Song Dynasty. You have been favored by the emperor in this life. It is not too late to repent now!"

Nie Chang looked at Xu Ning and said.

"What's the use of talking about this now? Received the emperor's favor in this life? My ancestors of the Xu family paid for it with their lives! How can I owe anything to you? I was harmed by a traitor for no reason, but the ignorant king didn't care?"

Xu Ning looked at the officials and said coldly.

"That's because Your Majesty was deceived by a traitor. Gao Qiu is over there. Why did you anger His Majesty? Now Gao Qiu is at your disposal. If you are willing to come out of the den of thieves, Your Majesty will definitely reward you heavily!"

Xu Churen pointed at Gao Qiu not far away and said, he sold Gao Qiu without hesitation.

"Haha, Gao Qiu is already a piece of meat on the chopping board. Do I need you to deal with it?"

Xu Ning sneered.

"If you don't want to die, just sit down and wait for His Majesty's orders. Don't use any fancy words to seduce me. I, Xu Ning, have died once. In the eyes of a dead person, everything you say is nonsense!"

Xu Ning didn't bother to say anything to the group of people. He waved the golden gun in his hand, scaring all the officials to retreat. Some of the older ones fell to the ground.

"Xu Ning, aren't you afraid that your Xu family will be reviled by others?"

Someone knew Xu Ning and stepped forward boldly to scold him.

"So much nonsense!"

Xu Ning recognized the person in front of him. He was once his superior, and he was also a greedy person who was good for nothing but wielding power.

"Xu Ning..."

Seeing that Xu Ning didn't take action, the man wanted to continue speaking.

But Xu Ning didn't give him this chance. He stabbed the golden gun in his hand and pierced the man's neck.


All the officials turned pale with fright. This was the first official to be killed, and it was the "good-tempered" Xu Ning.

"Your Majesty is kind, so he won't kill, but as a general, I am the sword in your Majesty's hand. My mission is to kill people! Be honest! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

Xu Ning looked at the person in front of him with murderous intent.

Those officials were shocked by Xu Ning's murderous intent. No one dared to speak anymore. The good-tempered Xu Ning had already killed people. What else could happen?

"Haha, General Xu said it well! Your Majesty is merciful, but we can kill people!"

Chai Jin on the other side laughed and pointed the knife in his hand directly at the Zhao family royal family. He also wanted to kill a few evil slaves of their Chai family.

Chai Jin's unabashed malice frightened everyone in the Zhao family like frightened sheep, gathering together for fear of being caught and killed.

"It's really a waste!"

Chai Jin looked at the Zhao family and laughed wildly. These slaves were indeed still slaves.

"Mr. Li, you should surrender. His Majesty will not embarrass you!"

Cao Zheng, Sun Xin, and Sister-in-law Gu have led people to surround Li Gang, Zhong Shidao and others.

"I won't let you succeed even if I die!"

Li Gang held the soft sword and spoke with determination.

"Mr. Li, don't do stupid things and anger His Majesty. No one can guarantee the life or death of these people, Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan!"

Sister-in-law Gu saw the death wish in Li Gang's eyes and knew that this man would rather commit suicide than be captured.


Li Gang heard the threat in Sister Gu's words, and his hands trembled with anger.

Sun Lei controlled the hang glider and flew over Tokyo.

"Haha, it's really nice to see the scenery of Tokyo like this!"

Sun Lei laughed. He was the first person to be able to look down at Tokyo from the air.

But Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, who were hanging on the hang glider, couldn't do it. These two people were frightened. They closed their eyes and did not dare to look down. There was an unsatisfactory warmth between their legs that wet their pants. "It's your Majesty!"

On the street, Hua Rong and Pang Wanchun saw the hang glider and immediately stopped the soldiers.

Sun Lei's hang glider took the two of them unable to fly very far even if there was wind. Seeing the hang glider begin to land, Sun Lei landed directly on the wide Royal Street.

The people on the imperial street had never seen this thing before, and they all thought it was some terrifying bird of prey, and ran away in fear.

"His Majesty!"

Hua Rong and Pang Wanchun quickly led the army to Sun Lei.

"You came just in time to get it, bring these two with you!"

Sun Lei pointed at Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan who were smashed on the ground and said to them.

The soldiers quickly stepped forward and tied up Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan.

"What's going on over there at the city gate?"

Sun Lei looked at Hua Rong and asked.

"Xincao Gate has been captured, and the brothers have gone to other city gates with their troops and horses!"

Pang Wanchun said.

"Well, the only trouble near the city gate is Wang Zhen."

Sun Lei nodded. Now the high-level officials in Tokyo are being blamed. They are leaderless, and the only one who can cause trouble is the guard Wang Zhen.

"Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!"

Sun Lei looked at the smoke and dust billowing at the end of the street, and knew without thinking that Wang Zhen was coming with his troops.

The people on the street didn't know what was happening. They saw the army on the street and ran towards the streets and alleys on both sides.

"Sun Lei!"

Wang Zhen saw a large army arrayed in front of him, and he immediately spotted Sun Lei at the front.

"General Wang, you have bad eyesight! Why are you only looking at me?"

Sun Lei pointed to both sides, and Hua Rong and Pang Wanchun immediately raised Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan who were tied up.

"His Majesty!"

Wang Zhen recognized Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, and the generals around him also recognized them.

"Are you going to fight without mercy, or are you going to fight?"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

All the generals of the Song Army looked at Wang Zhen.

Wang Zhen gritted his teeth and was speechless. He could fight to the death, but the problem was that the emperor was in the opponent's hands. How could he fight to the death as a minister?

"General Wang, put down your weapons, I have to go out of the city to find Han Shizhong and the others!"

Sun Lei waved the dragon-headed stick in his hand, pointed at Zhao Ji, looked at Wang Zhen and said.

Wang Zhen held a spear in his hand and was unwilling to surrender. He knew that if he put down his weapons, the Second Emperor would be completely hopeless, and Sun Lei would take the Second Emperor outside the city to surrender all the troops. At that time, the entire Song Dynasty would be over.

"He won't let go, what about you?"

Sun Lei looked at the other generals. When Sun Lei glanced at them, those people put down their weapons one after another.

"Where are the others?"

Wang Zhen's chest heaved and he stared at Sun Lei. He did not expect such a result. All the arrangements he made on and outside the city were in vain. Sun Lei directly parachuted into the city, attacked Tokyo from the inside, and captured him. The second emperor lived.

"Both of these two people are in my hands, what do you think?"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

Wang Xun's teeth were almost broken, but he still put down the spear. Sun Lei had the Second Emperor in hand, so he had no choice.

"That's right, I don't want to go on a killing spree, so don't resist either!"

Sun Lei smiled and waved his hand, and the soldiers stepped forward to escort the Song army to the prisoner camp that had been inspected in advance - the Forbidden Army Camp.

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