Water Margin people

Chapter 1247 Lantern Festival Banquet

Chapter 1247 Lantern Festival Banquet

The lights were turned on, and the entire square of Daqing Hall was illuminated.

"Are those gold?"

Sun Lei touched several crane candlesticks placed on the steps. Each one was as big as a real crane and lifelike.

"Your Majesty is really discerning. These are made of pure gold, but they were placed in the warehouse. Those in the Zhao family prefer worthless glass."

Chai Jin said with a smile.

"Good things, good things, remember to pack them up and take them back!"

Sun Lei touched the golden crane again with satisfaction. This thing was enough to buy a boatload of glass. He found that he liked gold more and more.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Everything in the warehouse has been carefully counted, and the good things will be shipped back!"

Chai Jin said with a smile that the Tokyo Imperial Palace will be an ordinary palace from now on, so naturally these good things cannot stay here.

"Also arrange a place for them!"

Sun Lei pointed at Li Gang and others who were brought here.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Chai Jin smiled and nodded.

Sun Lei came to the entrance of Daqing Hall.

"This is?"

Sun Lei looked at the pavilion made of gold and jade, the carpet embroidered with gold thread, the pure gold desk, the silver candlestick, and the coral screen.

"Your Majesty, this is arranged according to the ancient pre-Qin system. Your Majesty can have a banquet with the generals here!"

Chai Jin said with a smile that the Daqing Palace was too small for Sun Lei to have a banquet with the generals. If Sun Lei was in the palace and the generals were outside, it would be difficult to enjoy the banquet with the generals.

So he arranged it according to the way of the pre-Qin banquet. The entire Daqing Palace Square was enough, and Sun Lei sat at the entrance of Daqing Palace, which was high up and the position was just right.

"How many treasures are there in this palace?"

Sun Lei was not interested in the decoration, but the rhinoceros horn wine glass, ivory chopsticks, and white jade dinner plate looked good.

"In the more than one hundred and sixty years of Zhao and Song Dynasty, they have plundered countless people's treasures and treasures. Naturally, there are some treasures!"

Chai Jin said with a smile.

Soon, Lin Chong arrived with a group of generals. All the generals arrived, even the officers with higher positions in the army.

"Long live your majesty!"

Lin Chong and other generals bowed to Sun Lei.

"No need to be polite, it's just like at home here. I want to have a good reunion dinner with all my brothers today!"

Sun Lei didn't say much and said with a smile to the generals.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All the generals shouted in unison.


Chai Jin smiled and shouted loudly, and then all the generals smiled and took their seats.

Sister-in-law Gu immediately called for people to serve the dishes. She had been catering in Tokyo for so long, and she specialized in running tables. She had a lot of people. There were thousands of generals coming this time, but she couldn't be troubled.

The only trouble is the food. Her cooks can prepare ordinary banquets, but they can't handle the palace's Lantern Festival banquet. So they have to let the royal chefs in the palace get started, but she also has her people to monitor and test the dishes.

Platefuls of delicacies were brought up. Although the generals had seen the world, they had never tasted the skills of an imperial chef. Looking at the delicacies with all the color, aroma and taste, they couldn't help but gulp down their saliva.

"Today is a family dinner, you're welcome, brothers, use your chopsticks!"

Sun Lei picked up the ivory chopsticks with a smile and said.

When everyone saw the emperor's order, they were not polite. They all smiled and used their chopsticks.

"What kind of meat is this? It tastes good!"

Sun Lei ate a piece of meat and thought it tasted good. He asked Chai Jin, who was sitting next to him, that the meat seemed different from what he usually eats.

"Your Majesty, this is camel meat, which is different from ordinary meat."

Chai Jin smiled and said, Qi State is mainly in the east, and camels are from the Western Regions, so they are useless on the Qi State side.

"I've learned a lot!" Sun Lei sighed, but the chef's skills are also good. The meat is soft and glutinous, and the taste is really good.

"His Majesty!"

Sister-in-law Gu smiled and brought the dishes up again.

"I know this dish, baked carp noodles, right?"

Sun Lei looked at the plate of sweet and sour carp covered with deep-fried dragon beard noodles that Sister-in-law Gu put on the table, and immediately recognized this dish.

"Yes, baked carp noodles, a famous dish in Tokyo!"

Mrs. Gu said with a smile.

"I have to try this!"

Sun Lei became interested in this dish.

At this moment, pairs of musicians began to play music, and the dancers also danced on the stage in the square.

"Is Sun Lei crazy? Why are all the generals here? He doesn't defend the city anymore?"

The cultivators looked at the people in the square who were happily eating, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"This is our chance!"

Someone whispered.

"Silence, what opportunity, what do you want to do?"

Li Gang waited for those who were eager to try.

"Li Gang, you are determined to surrender! What benefits does Sun Lei give you? You actually betrayed His Majesty!"

Someone scolded Li Gang in a low voice.

"Idiot, Sun Lei tried his best to capture Tokyo and captured all the top executives in Tokyo. Do you think he would reveal such a big flaw?"

Li Gang looked at those brainless generals and said with hatred.

"Sun Lei, my son, is very happy with his achievements. If he is arrogant and arrogant, and then declines after his peak, he will be in harmony with the way of heaven!"

"Yes, there are still more than 200,000 troops outside the city, enough to regain Tokyo!"

"When the time comes, let's take action together to kill this beast!"


The people around him couldn't listen to Li Gang's words, and they were all eager to try, as if they were about to win.

"These idiots are going to cause big trouble!"

Zhong Shidao looked at Li Gang and whispered.

"Brother, why are you like this? Do you really want to surrender?"

Zhongshi looked at Zhongshi and said, he didn't understand why his brother who sacrificed his life for the country would say such things.

"Do you really think there is any chance? Even if Sun Lei is so happy, he won't do it tonight, right?"

Zhongshi Dao looked at Zhongshi and said.

These words stunned the master. Sun Lei was definitely unparalleled in his resourcefulness to quickly capture Tokyo without any bloodshed. It was really strange that he captured Tokyo in less than half a day.

"This is Sun Lei's poisonous plan. It seems like Tokyo's defense is empty now, with flaws everywhere, but in fact it is impeccable!"

Master Zhong opened his mouth and said.

"What do you mean?"

Yang Weizhong asked in confusion.

"Look here, Sun Lei's generals are here, the palace is impregnable, and His Majesty, the royal family, officials, and nobles are all in Sun Lei's hands. The main resistance force in the city has been eliminated by Sun Lei. He is trying to force him out. Those who hide in the dark!"

"Besides, don't have any hope for the army by the Yellow River. Your Majesty and the royal family are in the hands of Sun Lei. What can the army do? Rush into the city, burn, kill and loot? Then what have we become? Evil thieves who commit crimes? Rebels enter the city. There is no killing, let’s go and kill?”

"At that time, Sun Lei will be able to judge everything from the moral high ground! The people of the world will completely fall to Sun Lei's Qi State. Do you idiots really want to completely destroy the foundation of the Song Dynasty?"

Li Gang looked at the people and scolded them. These people seemed to have no brains and didn't think about things through their brains at all.

Li Gang felt very tired. No wonder the Song Dynasty couldn't defeat a group of rebels. Sun Lei's extremely troublesome order could be understood by his subordinates and come up with an excellent solution. And on their side of the Song Dynasty, every important minister did the same. brainless.

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