Water Margin people

Chapter 1248: Big banquet for all the generals

"But this is our last chance!"

Some people still insist that the Song Dynasty has its last breath left. If we let this opportunity pass, it will really be submerged in the dust of history.

"The last chance? A chance to be wiped out, right? What do you want? Han Shizhong and Yang Keshi lead troops into Tokyo City? People all over the streets come in? And then they are trapped in the city and killed by Sun Lei? "

"Even if Tokyo is massacred, this crime will fall on us. The whole world will blame the Song Dynasty. Everyone will be alienated from the Song Dynasty. The word Song Dynasty will become a despised object!"

Seeing that everyone still didn't understand, Zhong Shidao was a little angry. These people were really stupid. They didn't even notice Sun Lei's obvious conspiracy, and they were still focused on getting in.

"He doesn't dare!"

Everyone swallowed their saliva. Tokyo had a population of nearly one million. Who dared to massacre the city? Not even Bai Qi, the God of Death, would dare to do this.

"Don't dare. Doesn't it look like he doesn't dare? He is just afraid that his reputation will be damaged so he doesn't kill. If we do it, then he will just use the knife to kill!"

"Have you forgotten the flood last year? Even though it was the Yellow River dug by us, he just watched it coldly without any obstruction!"

Zhong Shidao looked at the crowd and said coldly, "Although Sun Lei has a reputation for kindness, he does not have the kindness of a woman. He never shows mercy when he kills people."

“Today’s dish tastes delicious!”

Sun Lei ate another piece of bear paw and said with a smile.

"Brother, this palace banquet in Tokyo is full of colorful grass and flowers. I can't eat meat in a big way, and it won't be satisfying to eat."

Li Kui also shouted that although the food was delicious, it did not suit his taste.

"Tieniu, are you not satisfied with my arrangement?"

Sister-in-law Gu slapped Li Kui on the head. The banquet she had carefully prepared was not as good as a few plates of beef in the eyes of this iron bull.

"Can't you tell me that I don't eat well?"

Li Kui muttered.

"Sister Qiuxia, you need to take good care of this iron cow. How dare you talk back to my sister-in-law!"

Sister-in-law Gu knew that Li Kui was a piece of meat, so she looked directly at Pang Qiuxia opposite and smiled.

"Ha ha!"

Sun Lei took the lead and laughed, and everyone also laughed. Who in Liangshan knows about Li Kui and Pang Qiuxia?

Pang Qiuxia was too embarrassed to speak, but she glared at Li Kui so fiercely that Li Kui didn't dare to speak.

"Haha, this Tieniu is greedy for wine! What dishes don't suit your appetite? I'm afraid you've never eaten these dishes before!"

Sun Lei looked at Li Kui and said.

"Hey, brother understands me!"

Li Kui said with a flattering look on his face, he was really greedy for wine, how could he not have wine during this banquet?

"One person, one pot, no drunkenness!"

Sun Lei smiled and said, everything is not over yet, the army is still enforcing the prohibition on alcohol, but today's Lantern Festival banquet, a banquet for all the officials, it is not appropriate not to drink at all.

"Long live your Majesty!"

There was another chorus of shouts from the generals, with excitement in their voices. Almost all the people in the army were good drinkers.

Sister-in-law Gu personally brought a jug of wine and placed it in front of Sun Lei.

"This is?"

Sun Lei smelled the unusual aroma of wine, with a hint of fruit.

"This is grape wine found in the warehouse. It is said to be a tribute from the Western Regions."

Sister-in-law Gu said.

"Sure enough, there are so many good things! Take them out and let everyone try them!"

Sun Lei is not a stingy person. Although the wine is good, it is just a bit rare and far from precious.

The wine was a tribute, and the quantity was not large. The Zhao family also consumed a lot, and what was left was enough for one person to drink. "Generals, drink to win!"

Sun Lei picked up the wine glass and looked at everyone with a smile.

"Long live!"

Everyone stood up and shouted at Sun Lei with their wine glasses in hand.

After drinking a glass of wine, many people look surprised and feel the mellow aroma of the wine.

However, there are also some people who are not used to drinking it, such as big guys like Li Kui. The slightly sour wine makes them stick out their tongues.

The banquet continued, and Sun Lei led a group of generals down the steps, drinking and chatting with the officers, really looking like he was having fun with the generals.

"Guys, why don't you drink? This is all good wine. It comes from the palace warehouse! It is also top-grade among imperial wines."

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and others who were sitting still and spoke. These people seemed to have little appetite, and they didn't eat much.

Li Gang and the others looked at Sun Lei without saying a word. Sun Lei, who had a kind smile on his face, was now an evil ghost in human skin in their eyes, and his vicious tactics made them all afraid.

"It seems like you usually eat too much and don't like it! Then forget it!"

Seeing that these people were silent, Sun Lei led them away with a smile and continued talking, laughing and drinking with the officers.

"Did we think too much!"

Zhong Shizhong looked at Zhong Shidao and asked in confusion. He couldn't figure out Sun Lei's many vicious strategies.

"If you had thought too much, we wouldn't be sitting here!"

Zhong Shidao sighed. Sun Lei had been planning Tokyo for several months, but they didn't even notice. This was enough to prove how terrifying Sun Lei was.

"But Sun Lei is quite generous. At least these singers were recruited from brothels in the city!"

Zhong Shidao picked up the wine glass and sighed, then drank it all in one gulp. He didn't want to drink Sun Lei's wine, but now he really wanted to drink and get drunk.

Li Gang also silently picked up the wine glass. As Zhong Shidao said, Sun Lei acted as a benevolent and righteous gentleman and did not harass or insult the women in the palace, which saved enough face for the Zhao family.

The palace doors were not closed, and the jubilant banquet in the palace could be seen from the Royal Street.

The common people also put away their last caution and went to the lantern festival, enjoying the lanterns and guessing riddles.

The small gifts of lantern riddles also made the people excited. The smallest gift was only ten cents, and the larger ones were even a few taels of silver. Almost all Tokyoites took to the streets to guess lantern riddles and hold a lantern festival. The joyful atmosphere is far better than that of the Tokyo Lantern Festival in the past, and there is no fear of the recent change of government.


North of Tokyo.

Wang Xun galloped on his horse. He was going to find the defenders by the Yellow River in the north.

"General Wang?"

Several scouts discovered Wang Zhen and immediately stopped him.

"Take me to see Han Shizhong and Yang Keshi quickly!"

Wang Xun gasped and said.

The scouts also knew that something big had happened, and led Wang Zhen to the army. At this moment, the army was still advancing towards Tokyo.

"General Wang, why are you here?"

When Han Shizhong saw Wang Zhen, his heart skipped a beat, and he realized that the worst had happened. Wang Zhen was the leading guard in the army. He had been along the Yellow River. During the New Year period, Li Gang was worried about changes in Tokyo, so he transferred Wang Zhen. Tokyo is responsible for Tokyo's defense. Now that Wang Zhen appears here alone, something big must have happened in Tokyo.

"Sun Lei suddenly appeared in the Ancestral Temple with his people. His Majesty and others were captured alive on the spot. Tokyo has fallen. Now Sun Lei is waiting in Tokyo with hostages!"

Wang Zhen said.

"What? How could this happen?"

Han Shizhong's face was full of disbelief. Tokyo, which they had arranged as if it were monolithic, was so broken? (End of chapter)

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