Water Margin people

Chapter 1249 Lively Lantern Festival Night

"What about the army inside and outside Tokyo? There must be 200,000 people there!"

Yang Keshi asked quickly.

"Your Majesty and the Supreme Emperor are both in Sun Lei's hands, so what kind of army is there?"

Wang Zhen shook his head and said.

Han Shizhong and Yang Keshi didn't know how to answer. They already knew what the situation was like, and they probably wouldn't have any other choice.

"Stop the army!"

Han Shizhong ordered to the soldiers.

"What should we do now?"

Yang Keshi looked at Han Shizhong, he was now a master of six gods.

"General Wang, since Sun Lei has taken Tokyo, how did you get out?"

Han Shizhong looked at Wang Chen and asked.

Yang Keshi also reacted at this time, with a wary look on his face.

"I was released by Sun Lei. He asked me to persuade the army outside the city to surrender, but I think it's more important to remind you.

"The army outside the city can reach the city gate before dark, and will not act rashly after seeing the situation on the city."

"And you have to wait until midnight to get outside the city of Tokyo. You are blind and blind. If you attack the city directly, it will cost His Majesty's life!"

Wang Zhen said, Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and others have fallen into Sun Lei's hands, and their first priority now is to save the lives of these royal family members.

"Then what should we do? Attacking the city is definitely not possible. Sneaking in secretly? This is also very risky!"

Yang Keshi put down his guard and became anxious again.

"Sun Lei is trying to force us to surrender!"

Yang Kebi said.

"He has hostages in hand. If we go back, the only way is to surrender!"

Han Shizhong's face was a bit ugly, even though he couldn't think of any good solution at this time, Sun Lei directly grabbed their lifeline, and they would either surrender, or lead their troops to separate sides.

"Go fight him!"

Some generals roared angrily. Almost all of the people here were soldiers of the Western Army. They were used to fighting and couldn't stand this dilemma. They would rather die in battle.

"No, His Majesty's comfort is important!"

Han Shizhong objected, saying that they could not harm the emperor in a hot head.

"What should we do? Shall we surrender? The Western Army will never surrender!"

All the generals roared angrily.

"Give me some time to calm down. Don't be impulsive if you can't think of a way!"

Yang Keshi saw that the Western Army soldiers were a little impulsive and immediately stopped.

Yang Keshi was a powerful general in the Western Army and had a high prestige in the army. He immediately suppressed the generals.

"Let's do this. General Wang and I will enter the city. General Yang, you and your troops will wait here. If there is no news, we must not approach Tokyo City!"

Han Shizhong looked at Yang Keshi and said.

"You two are going into the city? It's too dangerous!"

Yang Keshi immediately said that they had lost too many people and could not afford to lose Han Shizhong and Wang Zhen again.

"That's all. The army can't get close to Tokyo. Otherwise, will you fight or surrender?"

Han Shizhong looked at Yang Keshi and asked.


Yang Keshi wanted to fight, but if Sun Lei exposed the emperor and others, they would have no choice but to surrender.

"Most of the troops outside the city have surrendered. We, the troops, are the last soldiers of the Song Dynasty. We can no longer risk getting closer to Tokyo."

Han Shizhong looked at Yang Keshi and said.

"What about you?" Yang Keshi looked at Han Shizhong and asked.

"Since Sun Lei chose to conquer Tokyo like this, he didn't want to go on a killing spree. The most I can do is get captured when I enter the city, and I'll be fine!"

Han Shizhong shook his head and said, as long as Sun Lei is not angered, everything is easy.

"General Wang, let's go!"

Before Yang Keshi could say anything, Han Shizhong took Wang Zhen and left for Tokyo.

"How this battle was fought!"

Yang Keshi said bitterly.

Han Shizhong and Wang Zhen quickly arrived outside Tokyo, but what they saw in front of them made them hard to describe.

"Is this what happened when you left?"

Han Shizhong looked at the brightly lit Tokyo city. The city gates were all wide open. Through the city gates, he could see the streets in the city filled with people. There were countless colorful lights and ribbons on the streets, and the laughter and laughter were carried by the wind. Where was this place? Like the newly occupied city, there is obviously a lively Lantern Festival.

"This... the streets were cleared when I was in the city. The people have all gone back to their homes. There should be no people on the streets."

Wang Zhen also couldn't understand. How long had he been away? How come Tokyo had changed? There are absolutely no traces of occupation.

"It's not that there's no one on the street, but there's no one at the city gate. The city gate is wide open, and there are only defenders on the city."

Han Shizhong pointed to the city gate. There was not a single defender near the wide-open city gate, appearing to be entering and exiting at will.

"What does it mean?"

Wang Zhen was a little confused, and he couldn't understand Sun Lei's behavior at all.

"I don't know either. We'll find out when we get in."

Han Shizhong pulled the reins of his war horse and rode towards Tokyo City.

"Just go in like this?"

Wang Zhen was a little anxious. If he was misunderstood so close to the city, he would be shot by random arrows. After all, it was night.

Han Shizhong did not speak, but rode forward, and Wang Zhen could only follow.

The defenders on the city wall also noticed the two men approaching on horseback, but they didn't pay attention and didn't even intend to go down to the city for questioning.

"You just entered the city?"

Both Han Shizhong and Wang Zhen were a little surprised. Even if the defenders on the city didn't stop them, they would have to be interrogated and searched. In the end, there was nothing. This was even looser than the usual Tokyo defense.

The two of them looked at the streets full of people in a daze, which was not obvious outside the city. Only after entering the city did they realize that it was really lively, with people laughing and playing at the lantern festival and guessing lantern riddles.

"Let's go and see the inner city!"

Han Shizhong got off his horse directly. There were too many people attending the lantern festival on the street and it was impossible to pass by on horseback. He could only lead the horse and walk.

The two passed through the crowded crowd and finally arrived at the inner city. The inner city was more lively than the outer city. The people were looking at the lantern riddles under the lanterns and guessing at them. The vendors setting up stalls filled the streets. On both sides, people who are tired of visiting the lantern festival will buy something to eat.

After "wandering" along the way, Han Shizhong finally learned about the situation in Tokyo from the conversations between passers-by, and also learned that Sun Lei was having a banquet for the officials in the palace.

Han Shizhong and Wang Zhen arrived at the entrance of the palace. The palace door was not closed, and they could see a banquet taking place in the square of Daqing Hall.

"Who are you!"

Han Shizhong and Wang Zhen were stopped by soldiers as they approached the palace. There were guards at the entrance of the palace.

"I am Song General Han Shizhong, and this is Song General Wang Zhen. I am here to see Leader Sun!"

Han Shizhong reported his name.

"It turns out to be General Song, come with me!"

A soldier looked at Han Shizhong and Wang Zhen and led them into the palace.

After entering the palace, Han Shizhong and Wang Zhen realized that what Sun Lei said about the banquet was true. There were at least a thousand people present, and the entire square of Daqing Hall was filled with banquets and people.

"That's...Li Liushou! Old General Zhong!"

Wang Zhen saw two tables of people sitting quietly at the edge. Different from the laughter and laughter of others, the people at these two tables were silent. They were Li Gang, Zhong Shidao and others. (End of chapter)

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