Water Margin people

Chapter 1251 The Last Western Army

Chapter 1251 The Last Western Army

The palace walls of the imperial city were very high, and the people in the inner city also gathered in the streets to watch the opera, with constant cheers.

"Sun Lei doesn't seem to be in a hurry at all?"

Zhong Shidao whispered to Li Gang, there are still more than 200,000 troops outside the city. If Sun Lei opens the city gate so wide, does he really dare to bet that they won't take action?

"I don't know, but there must be something wrong with it!"

Li Gang frowned and said.


By the Yellow River.

Lu Zhishen led the army and shook his head as he watched the people go to the empty camp.

"A little late!"

Lu Zhishen said.

"Master Lu, we haven't left for long. They are slow, but our cavalry is fast. We will catch up in a while."

Lu Fang checked it and said.


Lu Zhishen immediately ordered the army to pursue him.

"Master Lu!"

Jiao Ting's shouts rang out in the east, and Jiao Ting, Hua Rong, Pang Wanchun and others brought people over.

"How did you come?"

Lu Zhishen looked at Jiao Ting and asked.

"Your Majesty asked us to send Master a big killer weapon!"

Jiao Ting looked at Lu Zhishen and smiled, and pointed at Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan on the carriage behind him. At this time, these two people had already put on dragon robes and crowns, as if they were going to court.

"You really caught them!"

Lu Zhishen looked at Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan in surprise. He also knew Sun Lei's plan, but he still thought the risk was too great. He didn't expect Sun Lei to succeed.

"His Majesty is giving a banquet to all the generals in Tokyo!"

Jiao Ting smiled.

"Brother, I'm not very interesting. I don't even wait for you to drink!"

Lu Zhishen muttered with a smile.

"Master, you are wrongly blaming Your Majesty. Your Majesty has kept the best wine, just waiting for Master to go!"

Hua Rong said with a smile.

"Haha, let's go quickly!"

After hearing this, Lu Zhishen laughed and chased after the army.

Ten miles outside Tokyo.

Yang Keshi walked back and forth in the camp anxiously. He did not let the army set up camp, but formed an array on the spot. It was too close to Tokyo and a war could start at any time.

"What time is it!"

Yang Keshi said irritably.

"At four o'clock in the morning, the moon has just passed its zenith!"

Yang Kebi said.

"According to time, Han Shizhong should have arrived in Tokyo long ago!"

Yang Keshi said.

"It's not an option for us to wait like this. If we delay for a moment, Tokyo will be in trouble!"

Wu Jie looked at Yang Keshi and said.

"I think it's better to fight and rescue His Majesty!"

Zhang Jun looked at Yang Keshi and said.

Both of them were in the rear army just now and had no time to stop Han Shizhong.

"But His Majesty, the Supreme Emperor, and a group of royal family members and senior officials are all in the hands of Sun Lei."

Yang Keshi said helplessly.

"Han Shizhong just worries too much. Why don't we just call him back? What can he do if he goes away? It's just to give him another one!"

Liu Guangshi was also very dissatisfied.

Yang Keshi looked at the three people and shook his head helplessly. These three people had the same idea as him at first. All three of them were young and energetic.

"Report, there are enemies coming from behind!"

A soldier's report broke the debate in the camp. "What? Enemy? Coming from the rear?"

Zhang Jun, Wu Jie and Liu Guangshi all looked confused.

"No, it's Lu Zhishen on the other side of the river!"

Yang Keshi was shocked. They were on guard against Lu Zhishen at the Yellow River. Now that they had withdrawn, Lu Zhishen must have crossed the river.

"In formation, the army is ready to meet the enemy!"

Yang Keshi roared, and the military formation immediately changed its direction, and the fire in the formation lit up the surrounding darkness.

Soon, Lu Zhishen's army arrived outside the Western Army's formation.

"Fire the bow!"

Liu Guangshi roared loudly, and the crossbowmen behind the formation were ready to fire their bows. The crossbows were also pulled open, and even the artillery was pushed to the front of the formation.

"I don't see how Lu Zhishen dares to get close!"

Wu Jie looked at the cavalry on the opposite side coldly. They were fully prepared to deal with Lu Zhishen's cavalry.

"Yang Keshi, come out and meet me!"

Lu Zhishen stopped outside the range of the crossbow and shouted at the formation of the Western Army.

"Lu Zhishen, I don't want to fight you today, so retreat quickly!"

Yang Keshi shouted at Lu Zhishen. He was very anxious now. He just wanted to rescue the emperor from Tokyo and was not in the mood to fight with Lu Zhishen.

"Haha, Yang Keshi, do you want me to retreat?"

Lu Zhishen laughed.

"Lu Zhishen, if you have the ability, come and kill him!"

Zhang Jun yelled at Lu Zhishen.

"Zhang Jun, you are such a sweet-mouthed, servile villain, how come you are such a scum in the Western Army!"

Lu Zhishen heard Zhang Jun speak. Zhang Jun was also from the Western Army. He made meritorious service in the battle of Renduoquan in Xixia and was awarded Chengxinlang.

However, Lu Zhishen looked down upon Zhang Jun very much. Although this man was brave and resourceful, he was too obsessed with power. Everyone in the Western Army was disgusted with traitors like Tong Guan, but Zhang Jun was extremely flattering and would always flatter others.

"Lu Zhishen, you, a traitor, have the nerve to speak out. Why did the Western Army produce such a shameless thief like you?"

Zhang Jun, however, was not afraid of Lu Zhishen and started shouting curses directly in front of the formation.

"You two, let Zhang Jun crawl over on his knees!"

Lu Zhishen did not get angry with a villain like Zhang Jun, and directly asked Jiao Ting to bring Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan out.

"Zhang Jun, I can't come to say hello!"

Zhao Ji was frightened out of his wits at this time, but he was not afraid of his ministers at all and shouted angrily.

"The Great Emperor!"

Zhang Jun saw Zhao Ji, who was wearing a dragon robe, his face was ashen and he gritted his teeth and dared not speak.

Wu Jie, Liu Guangshi, Yang Kebi and others on the side also looked in disbelief. They thought the emperor and the emperor were in Tokyo, but they didn't expect that they would appear in front of the battle.

"Lu Zhishen, it's a man talking about swords and guns on the battlefield, what's the point of holding a hostage!"

Yang Keshi looked at Lu Zhishen and roared.

"Yang Keshi, why don't you get over here!"

Zhao Huan was afraid that Yang Keshi would anger the thieves, so he pointed at Yang Keshi and yelled.

"If you don't put down your weapons, do you all want to rebel?"

Zhao Huan continued to shout when he saw the military formation on the opposite side was tense.

When the soldiers saw that the emperor had spoken, they quickly put away their weapons. No matter what, there would be no good outcome for offending the emperor, and there would never be a mistake in being obedient.

"Everyone pick up your weapons!"

Yang Keshi roared at the soldiers. The soldiers hesitated and looked at each other. What could they, the little soldiers, do if the emperor's order conflicted with the general's order?

"Do you all want to rebel? Do you know that rebellion is a capital crime!"

Zhao Ji saw that the soldiers on the opposite side did not obey their orders and yelled.

"I didn't expect that these two people have such a majestic side."

Sun An looked at Zhao Huan and Zhao Ji yelling in front of the battle, and they were completely different from the submissive people they had just met.

"This is called Woliheng!"

Yuan Lang shook his head and said.

"Haha, but with these two people, the army on the opposite side is no longer a threat!"

Zhu Wu said with a smile, "With an army of more than 200,000 people, most of them are elite Western troops. If there is a fight, it is hard to say whether they will win or lose."

Jiao Ting led people to guard Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan to prevent them from escaping.

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