Water Margin people

Chapter 1252: Generals of the Western Army

Chapter 1252: Generals of the Western Army

Yang Keshi's teeth were almost broken.

Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan were still shouting, and Wu Jie, Liu Guangshi, Zhang Jun and others who were still shouting did not dare to speak at this time.

"Lu Zhishen, he is a man and solves problems like a man!"

Yang Keshi waited for Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan to get tired of shouting, then looked at Lu Zhishen and roared angrily.

"You must not be a loyal minister first and then a man?"

Lu Zhishen looked at Yang Keshi and smiled.

"The Song Dynasty is gone, and I am no longer a minister! I am just a soldier of the Western Army now!"

Yang Keshi threw away his helmet and chopped down his general flag with a knife.

"Now I am no one's subject, I am just me!"

Yang Keshi roared angrily under the disbelieving gazes of all the generals.

"He's a man!"

Lu Zhishen looked at Yang Keshi and said, but not everyone has Yang Keshi's courage.

"Lu Zhishen, if you want to take down the Western Army, then take me down, but you have the guts to challenge me one on one!"

Yang Keshi pointed the knife at Lu Zhishen and shouted.

All the soldiers of the Western Army looked at Yang Keshi. They were now in a dilemma. The emperor asked them to put down their weapons, but once they lowered their weapons, they would surrender.

"This Yang Keshi wants to take a gamble!"

Zhu Wu saw Yang Keshi's purpose.

"A gamble?"

The generals around him were a little confused.

"Now that we have Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan in our hands, the army on the opposite side does not dare to take action at all. They are forced into a desperate situation. Although Yang Keshi's behavior is reckless, it helps the army resolve the desperate situation in front of it. As long as Yang Keshi is still there Now, they can use the reason of not accepting the order of the foreign king."

Zhu Wu said.

"But will this Yang Keshi be Master Lu's opponent?"

Everyone laughed. Lu Zhishen's martial arts was very high. Although Yang Keshi was a strong general in the army, he was still inferior in comparison.

"Lu Zhishen, do you dare to fight!"

Yang Keshi yelled at Lu Zhishen again.

"The Sa family is also curious about how much your martial arts has improved over the years!"

Lu Zhishen did not refuse, but said with a smile that he was also from the Western Army. Although he has little relationship with the Western Army now, his feelings are still there, and he does not want to really rely on Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, the two foolish kings, to subdue the Western Army. Then It is an insult to the Western Army.


Yang Keshi waved his sword and killed Lu Zhishen.

Lu Zhishen also waved the water mill Zen staff and rushed forward. Lu Zhishen's horse was faster, and the water mill Zen staff struck Yang Keshi with the sound of breaking the wind.

Yang Keshi quickly swung his sword to block him. Yang Keshi knew that Lu Zhishen had great strength and did not dare to fight head-on. After the weapons crossed, he quickly released his strength.

Yang Keshi quickly swung his sword up, but Lu Zhishen was faster, and the water mill Zen staff hit Yang Keshi's sword again.


Yang Keshi only felt a huge force coming, and the knife he just raised in his hand was pressed down again.

"Hmph, they say people treat each other with admiration after three days apart. We haven't seen each other for so many years. Do you think I'm still the same as before?"

Lu Zhishen looked at Yang Keshi and smiled and said, Yang Keshi actually wanted to use speed to suppress him.

"Look at the knife!"

Yang Keshi roared angrily, suddenly drew the knife in his hand, and then stabbed Lu Zhishen.

Lu Zhishen's Shuimo Zen staff raised up to block the move, and then the Shuimo Zen staff suddenly slammed down again, forcing Yang Keshi to block it with a horizontal sword. Yang Keshi grunted, and the sword in his hand was almost knocked down by Lu Zhishen.

The two of them fought continuously, leaving the armies on both sides stunned.

"Can Yang Keshi win?"

Zhang Jun looked a little anxious. Yang Keshi was now the only breaking point. If Yang Keshi could defeat and capture Lu Zhishen alive, all problems would be solved.

"General Yang looks a little struggling!"

Wu Jie looked at the battle and shook his head. Although the two were equally matched, Lu Zhishen was obviously more powerful.

"We can't go on like this. The generals fight with great momentum! How can General Yang win if he is so determined to fight to the death?"

Liu Guangshi said anxiously.

"Brother is not in good health, and Lu Zhishen is full of blood, so he will naturally suffer from a fight!"

Yang Kebi had a sad look on his face. Yang Keshi had to charge forward in every battle these years. Yan Yun was seriously injured in the battle. Although the wound has healed, his strength has not recovered. The combination of new injuries and old illnesses has made his body worse. forward.

"What should we do? We can't lose!"

Zhang Jun was anxious when he heard that Yang Keshi could not win. If Yang Keshi lost, they would be doomed.

"Not as good as that!"

Zhang Jun grabbed a magic arm bow from the soldiers beside him and wanted to sneak attack Lu Zhishen.

"What are you doing? This is a fighting general of the Western Army!"

Yang Kebi didn't expect Zhang Jun to think of a sneak attack and stopped him immediately.

"I am not doing this for myself, this is for General Yang, for our army, and for the great Song Dynasty!"

Zhang Jun looked at Yang Kebi and said righteously.

Yang Kebi still wanted to stop him, but Zhang Jun's words made him speechless. What else could he do after Song Dynasty moved out?

"But now the eldest brother represents the brothers of the Western Army. What can you do to keep your military morale in mind?"

Yang Kebi saw that the soldiers of the Western Army around him were waving flags and shouting to cheer for Yang Keshi. If Zhang Jun made a sneak attack, it would damage the morale of the Western Army. Now the main force of the army is the Western Army.

"Besides, what will happen if you kill Lu Zhishen? It will only anger the enemy. When the time comes, the enemy will definitely kill people to vent their anger. Your Majesty and the Supreme Emperor will be in danger."

Yang Kebi continued to persuade Zhang Jun. Since it was for the sake of the Song Dynasty, the emperor should not be put in danger. Without the emperor, where would the Song Dynasty be?

"I remember that His Royal Highness Prince Kang is not in Tokyo."

Zhang Jun looked at the people around him and expressed his thoughts.

"Zhang Jun, what do you mean?"

Liu Guangshi looked at Zhang Jun in horror.

"Zhang Jun, do you know what you are talking about?"

Wu Jie even scolded Zhang Jun angrily.

"Of course I know what I'm talking about, but you don't know what the situation is now! The emperor, the Supreme Emperor, and all the royal family have been captured by the enemy. Now among the Song royal family, only His Highness King Kang has survived. It is up to His Highness King Kang to clean up the country. , Revitalize the Song Dynasty!"

Zhang Jun looked at several people and said, what he meant was that he wanted to establish an emperor.

"Don't look at me. Although this is not what a minister should say, it is like this now. Apart from this method, do you have any other good strategies?"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him with unkind expressions, Zhang Jun said indifferently that he didn't care what these people thought. He knew that although what he did was detrimental to morality, it was in line with justice.

"King Kang is in Liaodong now!"

Liu Guangshi looked at Zhang Jun and said, although Zhao Gou survived, he is in a foreign country.

"Isn't this a good opportunity for us to welcome back the royal family and revive the Song Dynasty? Everyone, remember Qin Yiren! As long as we welcome back His Royal Highness, Prince Kang, we can create eternal achievements and leave a name in history!"

Zhang Jun became more and more excited as he watched everyone talking, and even forgot about what he wanted to steal.

Yang Kebi, Wu Jie, and Liu Guangshi looked at Zhang Jun in shock. They didn't expect that Zhang Jun could think of so many things. Although it sounded like a fantasy, it actually sounded so reasonable in this situation.

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