Water Margin people

Chapter 1254 Completely capture Tokyo

Chapter 1254 Completely capture Tokyo

"Why are you talking? The Sa family is hypocritical. Do you understand compassion? Believe it or not, the Sa family has saved you!"

Lu Zhishen glared at Yang Keshi and said.


Yang Keshi was so angry that he had nothing to say. He had looked like a compassionate and enlightened monk just now, but now he had turned into the rude Luda again.

"Quickly, put these people into custody, the Sa family is going to drink!"

Lu Zhishen ordered to the soldiers.

The army rushed forward quickly. It would be troublesome to capture the 200,000 enemies. However, there are a lot of open spaces outside Tokyo now, so just rush into the city.

Hundreds of thousands of troops arrived in Tokyo in the middle of the night.

At this time, Tokyo's city gates are still wide open, the city is brightly lit and full of tourists.

"Take them into the city!"

Lu Zhishen pointed at the city gate and ordered.

Hundreds of thousands of troops appeared outside the city. The people near the gate of the outer city were in commotion, with panic on their faces.

"You don't have to be afraid. The war is over and they are returning to camp."

Lu Zhishen looked at the frightened people and said, his voice was very loud, and since he was a bald monk, it was easy to win the people's trust.

The people were even more happy when they heard that the war was over and there would be no more wars. This was the good life they wanted.

"Keep an eye on these soldiers and don't let them run around."

Lu Zhishen told him to ride to the palace.

"Put me down!"

Yang Keshi struggled, his old face turned red at this time, being captured in front of the people, where did he put his face?

"Follow me honestly, that brother from the Sa family will definitely want to see you!"

Lu Zhishen put down Yang Keshidao.

"Are you so relieved?"

Yang Keshi, Lu Zhishen actually just drove the soldiers into the military camp, which was a bit surprising. This is Tokyo, and it is so dangerous for hundreds of thousands of surrendered soldiers to be locked up in the city.

"Why are you worried? If we take you away, what else can those soldiers do without a leader?"

Lu Zhishen said nonchalantly.

"Aren't you afraid of soldiers rioting? Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, even with their bare hands, will cause great damage in this city."

Yang Keshi looked at the people on the street. If the soldiers rioted, Tokyo would be a human hell.

"Then I follow Bai Qi's example and kill all these hundreds of thousands of people?"

Lu Zhishen glanced at Yang Keshi, not many people were killed in this battle, and there were more than 500,000 prisoners. How could they not be imprisoned in the city? If we really put them outside the city, if these surrendered soldiers escape, then the Central Plains will probably be in chaos for a while, and it will be even more troublesome.

"Ruda, you dare!"

Liu Guangshi pointed at Lu Zhishen and shouted, "Bai Qi killed and surrendered his soldiers and was called the God of Killing by later generations. How dare Lu Zhishen follow suit?"

"Don't be impulsive, I just told the soldiers to calm down!"

Wu Jie looked at Lu Zhishen and said.

"Didn't you say you are compassionate? Do you dare to do that thing of massacre?"

Yang Kebi also spoke.

"Haha, it seems you are honest?"

Lu Zhishen looked at everyone and smiled.

"They are all from the Western Army, Ruda, do you really want to kill them all?"

All the generals of the Western Army also looked at Lu Zhishen. The life and death of hundreds of thousands of Western troops could depend on this thought.

"You can rest assured that there are free men guarding the military camp. As long as you don't make trouble, you don't have to worry about anything."

Zhu Wu said with a smile, how could there be no one to guard so many surrendered soldiers in the city.

"You tell them what to do, let them use their brains more, and don't think about something that is not there."

Lu Zhishen said that he didn't tell Yang Keshi because he wanted to see what Yang Keshi and others thought. If Yang Keshi didn't speak, he might rebel. Now it seems that these people really don't dare to move.


Yang Keshi and others were so angry that their faces were as black as the bottom of a pot. In the past, Lu Zhishen was famous for being reckless in the Western Army, but now he has become so treacherous.

"I must have learned it from Sun Lei!"

Yang Keshi guessed that it is said that those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black. Lu Zhishen learned from whomever he followed. Lu Zhishen led the people to the inner city and saw the opera being sung on the palace wall from a distance.

"It's so lively!"

Lu Zhishen laughed when he looked at the lanterns all over the street and the operas sung on the palace walls. He loved the excitement, so how could he be missing on such a lively night?

"Master Lu!"

Lin Chong saw Lu Zhishen coming and immediately greeted him.

"Brother, it's so lively!"

Lu Zhishen laughed.

"Why did you come so late!"

Sun Lei looked at Lu Zhishen with a smile and said.

"That's more than 200,000 people, even more than 200,000 sheep. I think it will take some time to rush to the city!"

Lu Zhishen lifted the wine jar on the table and started drinking.

"People are much easier to drive than sheep. They can walk on their own, so you don't have to follow them!"

Sun Lei smiled.

"Anyway, the army outside has been dealt with, and now there are no enemies around Tokyo."

Lu Zhishen said.

"Isn't this a good thing! General Yang, we meet again!"

Sun Lei looked at Yang Keshi with a smile and said.

Li Gang and Zhong Shidao looked at Yang Keshi and others with dark expressions, and their last hope was gone.

"Han Shizhong, how about it? What other bargaining chips do you have?"

Sun Lei looked at Han Shizhong again and said.


Han Shizhong took a sip of wine. His bargaining chip had been taken away by Sun Lei, and he was no longer qualified to negotiate.

"Your Majesty, after counting, only Zhang Jun and Qin Hui are missing."

Shi Qian came over and whispered.

"Qin Hui? Didn't you catch him?"

Sun Lei frowned. He had warned him that Qin Hui must be caught.

"For some reason, Qin Hui did not participate in the sacrifice at the Ancestral Temple. Later, he sent people to search Qin Hui's mansion, but no one was arrested. The people in the mansion even said that they did not see Qin Hui all day long, saying that he might have gone to the dock outside the city. , but we sent people to the dock and couldn’t find it.”

Shi Qian said, there are too many targets in the city, especially the royal family. These people need to be controlled immediately. They really can't spare more people.

"So Qin Hui may have left the city one step ahead of time and is now missing?"

Sun Lei asked with a frown.


Shi Qian said helplessly that this was their dereliction of duty, but now that more than half a million troops came to the city, their manpower was even more stretched, and they couldn't find anyone to investigate.

"Check it slowly!"

Sun Lei waved his hand and said, now is not the time to worry about Qin Hui.

"As for Zhang Jun, you should know where he is going!"

Sun Lei looked at Yang Keshi again.

But Yang Keshi looked confused. He didn't know anything. He thought Zhang Jun had also been caught.

"You don't know? Then you must know?"

Sun Lei looked at Liu Guangshi, Wu Jie, and Yang Kebi and asked. These three people had just exchanged looks in private.

"We don't know anything!"

Wu Jie said that although they did not follow Zhang Jun away, it did not mean that they would betray Zhang Jun. If Zhang Jun could succeed, that was what they wanted to see.

"do not know?"

Sun Lei squinted his eyes and looked at the three people in front of him.

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