Water Margin people

Chapter 1255 Two people running away

Chapter 1255 The two people running away

"We really don't know!"

Liu Guangshi said.

"You want to hide it? You don't think Zhang Jun can change anything, do you?"

Sun Lei looked at the three people and said.

The three of them still didn't speak, and the main one was that silence is golden.

Li Gang looked at everything in front of him thoughtfully. The sudden departure of Qin Hui and Zhang Jun didn't seem to be a bad thing. There was a ripple in the stagnant situation.

"Forget it, let's drink and listen to the show!"

Sun Lei didn't bother to ask anything. Today was the Lantern Festival Banquet, a day of joyful reunion. He didn't want to spoil his own fun, nor did he want to spoil the fun of other brothers.

"Brother, that Zhang Jun is just a two-faced guy, don't worry, he won't achieve anything big!"

Lu Zhishen said while eating and drinking.

The banquet was still going on, and the people outside the city did not leave. They even sat on the street and watched the show. In the winter, when there were so many people crowded together, they didn't even feel the cold.

Wu Jie was a little surprised when he saw that Sun Lei did not continue to press. He glanced at Liu Guangshi and Yang Kebi, and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

The play in the city continued until dawn, the people dispersed, and the banquet in the palace ended.

"Your Majesty, those surrendered soldiers are now in the military camp!"

Lehe watched Sun Lei report.

"The surrender will be handed over to Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen. One of them is the instructor of the Forbidden Army, and the other is from the Western Army. They should still have some prestige."

Sun Lei said.

"Don't worry, I know those guys from the Western Army very well!"

Lu Zhishen patted his chest and said.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. I will deal with it easily."

Lin Chong also stood up and saluted.

"The other ones are the royal family, officials, and nobles."

Sun Lei touched his chin and started thinking.

"Chai Jin, you are in charge of the royal family named Zhao; Xiao Jiasui is in charge of the noble family, and Wen Huanzhang is in charge of the officials."

Sun Lei looked at the three people and said.

"Sister-in-law Gu, Pang Qiuxia, and Qiongying, you three are responsible for the women in the harem."

"Yang Zhi is responsible for guarding the outer city."

"Xu Ning is responsible for guarding the inner city."

"Tang Bin is responsible for guarding the imperial city."

"The rest are doing their own duties. I want to finish the matter in Tokyo in the shortest possible time."

Sun Lei looked at everyone and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Everyone saluted Sun Lei.

"Your Majesty! General Hua Rong found traces of the enemy general who was about to leave outside the city. He almost caught up with him, but the enemy general was supported by someone and has now fled north. General Hua Rong is really leading the pursuit."

A soldier walked into the hall and knelt down to salute.

"Enemy general?"

Sun Lei touched his chin and started thinking.

"Your Majesty, could it be that Zhang Jun?"

Zhu Wu said.


Sun Lei immediately thought of Zhang Jun who had escaped. Hua Rong said that he saw someone in the Western Army escaping and led people to pursue him.

"Is there anyone else available?"

Sun Lei grasped this keyword again keenly. Zhang Jun must have made a sudden move, otherwise he would have run away by the Yellow River, why would he wait until the two armies faced each other.

"Tell Hua Rong to be careful!"

Sun Lei ordered to the soldier that he was not too worried. It would not be a problem to deal with Zhang Jun with Hua Rong's ability.

Tokyo city has returned to calm, and there is nothing unusual in the streets. Because they have been rejoicing all night, the people are nothing but a little tired.

The people who went into the city to sell vegetables didn't even know what was going on. They just felt that the defenders at the city gate were much kinder today and did not collect the city tax.

"Your Majesty, there is so much money and food, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it all at once!" Jiang Qin held up an abacus and said with a bitter smile, followed by more than a dozen accountants who also held abacuses.

"Are there so many?"

Sun Lei was a little surprised. Didn't all the food in Tokyo be bought from Liangshan?

"Your Majesty, taxes and grain from various places have been shipped to Tokyo one after another, and the wealth of corrupt officials in Tokyo is also a huge number."

Jiang Qin said helplessly.

"Then you count slowly! If not, transport them back to Liangshan City first."

Sun Lei understood the reason as soon as he heard it. The money and food were easy to calculate, but the palace's property and the property of corrupt officials were a troublesome matter.

The north bank of the Yellow River.

"Master Qin, why are you here?"

Zhang Jun looked at Qin Hui in front of him and said.

"I was outside the city when the thieves entered the city and escaped. I didn't expect to meet General Zhang here. I wonder what happened to the Western Army?"

Qin Hui was also very happy to see Zhang Jun. He originally wanted to go into the city to explore, but the enemy quickly captured the city wall and captured Tokyo in just a moment.

"There is no more Western Army. The thieves have captured His Majesty the Emperor..."

Zhang Jun briefly explained the situation.

"how so!"

Qin Hui's face was dull. He still had millions of money stored in his mansion in the city. Now that Tokyo is gone, doesn't that mean his money is gone too?

"Master Qin, isn't there a sacrifice to heaven in the city? Why aren't you in the city?"

Zhang Jun looked at Qin Hui unexpectedly. How could a high-ranking official like Qin Hui not go to the royal sacrifice?

"Didn't His Majesty ask me to transport some glassware to the Ancestral Temple? After preparing for the sacrifice, all of them will be replaced with these exquisite glassware."

Qin Hui pointed to the glassware on the carriage and said.

Zhao Huan also liked extravagance, and what Qin Hui said was somewhat reasonable. Qin Hui was the emperor's butler during this period.

"General, someone is chasing you!"

The soldier pointed to the rear and shouted in horror.


Qin Hui and Zhang Jun immediately led people and ran north.

"Master Qin, your horse is quite good!"

Zhang Junke was born as a general, and he was naturally good at riding in the army all year round, but he could only catch up with a civilian official in front of him.

"Haha, this...this is a reward from His Majesty!"

Qin Hui laughed. In fact, he had no intention of avoiding the sacrifice yesterday. He contacted a group of businessmen from the Western Regions and planned to sell the glassware from Tanmo to the Western Regions at a high price. Naturally, these BMWs were donated by those businessmen from the Western Regions. of.

"General Zhang, what's your plan? Where should we escape?"

Qin Hui saw Zhang Jun sizing up the horses on his side and immediately changed the subject.

"Now that Tokyo has been destroyed, all the royal family in the city have been captured, and the army has abandoned its weapons, it is impossible to go back to Tokyo..."

Zhang Jun analyzed it for Qin Hui, and finally said that he went to Liaodong Jin Kingdom to find Kang Wang Zhao Gou.

"Kang Wang?"

Qin Hui's eyes lit up. If they want to succeed, they must have a status. The best choice is the Song Dynasty royal family, and Zhao Gou, who has survived now, is the best choice.

"We are thousands of miles away from Liaodong, and Sun Lei's army is blocking us at every turn. How can we get there?"

Qin Hui was worried again. Going to Liaodong was not something he could just say.

"Master Qin, I am in the border army, but I know a small road to get out of the customs!"

Zhang Jun looked at Qin Hui and said.

"Is this true?"

Qin Hui was overjoyed.

"Master Qin, this group must be BMWs from the Western Regions. It won't be a problem to cross the mountains and wading rivers."

Zhang Jun looked at Qin Hui's horses.

"General Zhang changes horses, let's get rid of the enemy quickly!"

Qin Hui couldn't care less about the horse at this time, getting away was the key.

"How can these guys be so fast?"

Hua Rong's brows furrowed as he pursued, and he actually couldn't catch up.

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