Water Margin people

Chapter 1267 The Last Zhao Song Bloodline


Outside Huanglong Mansion!

"Who are you? Why did you enter our Kingdom of Jin without permission? Do you want to sneak into Huanglong Mansion? You are a spy!"

Jin Wushu looked at the group of Central Plains people in front of him fiercely. He had been very depressed recently, so he led his troops out and wanted to kill a tiger, but he met a group of Central Plains people in the mountains.

"We are here to see His Majesty the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, and we are here to see His Majesty King Kang!"

Qin Hui saw the people in front of him wearing animal skins and holding swords and crossbows. He knew that these were barbaric aliens, and they all killed without blinking an eye, so he quickly spoke.

"Who are you?"

Jin Wushu frowned and looked at Qin Hui and asked.

"We are officials of the Song Dynasty!"

Qin Hui said.

"Officials of the Song Dynasty? You haven't passed the credentials. Why don't you stay in the Song Dynasty and come to my country of Jin?"

Jin Wushu looked at the people in front of him and said.

"Sun Lei captured Tokyo a month ago, and we were the only ones who escaped. We came here specifically to find His Highness Prince Kang!"

Zhang Jun looked at Jin Wushu and said.

"What? Your Tokyo was destroyed? Does that mean your Song Dynasty was destroyed?"

Jin Wushu's expression also changed. They had planned to attack Qi from both sides this year with the Song Dynasty. Now that the Song Dynasty has perished, wouldn't they be fighting alone?

"Follow me!"

Jin Wushu no longer had the nature of hunting, so he led Qin Hui and Zhang Jun towards Huanglong Mansion.

"These Jin people don't know anything about it? Sun Lei blocked the news?"

Qin Hui and Zhang Jun talked in a low voice. Judging from Jin Wushu's performance, he still didn't know what was happening in Tokyo.

Jin Wushu took people directly to the palace in Huanglong Mansion. Wanyan Wu's begging for buying had already worried everyone, and Jin Wushu had already sent people to report first.

"what happened?"

Zhao Gou, who knew nothing, looked at Zhang Bangchang and Luan Tingyu, who also looked confused.

"Qin Hui, Zhang Jun!"

As Jin Wushu walked into the hall, Zhao Gou saw the two people behind Jin Wushu.

"Your Highness!"

As soon as they saw Zhao Gou, they immediately came forward and knelt down.

"Why did you come to the Kingdom of Jin?"

Zhao Gou helped the two of them up and asked.

"Something happened in Tokyo. Sun Lei raided Tokyo during the Lantern Festival. His Majesty, the Emperor and many officials were all captured. Only the two of us managed to escape..."

Qin Hui pulled Zhao Gou and cried.

"What? That...that..."

Zhao Gou suddenly collapsed on his chair, unable to sit up. Tokyo was destroyed, and the Song Dynasty was gone.

Wanyan Wu Qimai's face was as gloomy as water. He didn't expect Da Song to be so easy to kill by Sun Lei.

The others were also gnashing their teeth. Sun Lei once disrupted their plan, and their chance of revenge was reduced.

Luan Tingyu was the only one present who was filled with joy. Tokyo had been destroyed and Qi had unified the world. No matter what he did, he could make a pass. When he returned, the future would be bright.

Zhao Gou, Zhang Bangchang, Zhang Jun, and Qin Hui were holding each other's hands and weeping, their voices hoarse as if they were mourning for the Song Dynasty.

Luan Tingyu was a military general, and power was what he should have. He didn't like crying at all, not to mention that he was happy in his heart, but in order to avoid others noticing, he still pretended to be sad and howled.

"Why are you crying! Is this the place for you to cry?"

Wanyan Loushi was furious when he heard the crying and immediately yelled, "What a waste! We agreed to deal with Sun Lei together, but now he was killed without making any noise!"

Wanyan Zonghan also said coldly, they were all in a bad mood, the war was about to begin, and the stupid pig allies were gone, how could they still fight this war?

"Master Qin, you have an army of over 500,000 in Tokyo. How could you be defeated so quickly?"

Wanyan Gao looked at Qin Hui and asked.

Qin Hui could only answer truthfully, but he only knew a rough idea and relied on Zhang Jun to supplement it.

"Sun Lei is so bold?"

Everyone had different expressions after hearing this. They didn't believe that Sun Lei dared to enter Tokyo alone. Sun Lei was now the emperor of a country. Wasn't he gambling with his life?

Wanyan Wu Qimai and everyone discussed this year's war, but the Song Dynasty suddenly disappeared, which caught them off guard.

In the end, Wanyan Wu Qingbu decided to wait, because there was no response from the grassland side. Now that the Song Dynasty was gone, without the help of the grassland, they might not be able to compete with Sun Lei.

"Your Majesty, we still have the strength to fight and can continue to fulfill our covenant!"

Zhang Jun looked at Wanyan Wu Qingbuy and said.

"You are all slaves to the subjugation of the country, why are you so loud?"

Wanyan Zongqian looked at Zhang Jun with a sarcastic face.

"Our Kingdom of Jin is also hospitable, so just stay here and we won't drive you away!"

Wanyan Zongwang also started to sneer.

Wanyan Wu Qimai waved his hand to stop everyone's sarcasm.

"Where is your fighting power?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Zhang Jun and asked.

"Sun Lei just captured Tokyo. Our Song Dynasty has a vast territory and a large population. How many places can Sun Lei capture in a short time?"

"Sun Lei used conspiracies and tricks to capture the Song Dynasty royal family, which made the Tokyo army and generals surrender, and they had to be captured one by one."

"But His Highness King Kang is also a descendant of Taizong, and can inherit the orthodoxy of the Song Dynasty. As long as His Highness King Kang goes back and raises his arms, the century-old prestige of the Song Dynasty will still be there, and there will be countless followers. Isn't this the power of a battle?"

Zhang Jun looked at Wanyan Wu begging for money and said.


Only then did Wanyan Wu Qimai realize that it seemed that was really the case. Zhao Gou was the only one in the Zhao family now. The south was so big, there would always be people loyal to the Zhao family.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this matter needs to be discussed in the long run. After all, it's not our family sending troops this time. Grassland, Xixia, and Korea will also have to ask!"

Just when Wanyan Wu was about to agree, Wanyan Xiyin suddenly interrupted.

Wanyan Wu Qimai frowned slightly. What does Wanyan Xiyin mean by this? Xixia and Goryeo are just vassals of their Jin Kingdom. He can just make up his mind on this kind of matter. As for the grassland, there is only Tata'er until now. The Ministry agreed to send troops, so there was no need to ask.

But Wanyan Wu is not stupid when begging for money. He knows that there must be a deep reason why Wanyan Xiyin interrupted at this time.

"It's getting late today. You've worked hard to get here. I guess you have a lot to say. You guys need to rest for the night. Tomorrow I'll call in the envoys from Grassland, Xixia, and Korea to discuss the war!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Zhao Gou and others and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou didn't think too much. He gratefully thanked Wanyan Wu for his purchase and left with the others.

"Any questions?"

Wanyan Wuqimai looked at Wanyan Xiyin and asked.

"Your Majesty, is it too easy for them to let Zhao Gou go like this? Zhao Gou is the only descendant of Zhao Song who has not been captured by Sun Lei, and his value is extremely high. If we can control him, we can use Zhao Gou to build a We control the Puppet Dynasty.”

"Furthermore, can we really get help by letting them go? We still don't know what's going on in the Central Plains, and we don't know what step they can take!"

Wanyan Xiyin saluted Wanyan Wu’s beggar. (End of chapter)

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