Water Margin people

Chapter 1268 Fanbang

Chapter 1268 Fanbang

"You mean to capture him? But if you don't let him go back to the Central Plains, he will be worthless!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai frowned and said, now that all the Zhao family bloodlines have been captured by Sun Lei, the only one missing is Zhao Gou. This makes Zhao Gou extremely valuable, but the problem is how to realize this value.

"This one……"

Wanyan Xiyin was also a little undecided. This matter was really difficult to handle. If he let it go, he wouldn't be able to control it. If he didn't let it go, it would be worthless.

"Why don't you send someone to follow him!"

Jin Wushu said.

"It's useless. How many people can you send? How long can we follow you? You can't keep up at all."

Wanyan Wu Qimai shook his head and said, he thought of this method immediately.

Everyone was frowning and couldn't think of a good solution after thinking for a long time.

"There is a way!"

Wanyan Gao suddenly spoke.

"any solution?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai asked quickly.

"Let Zhao Gou become the vassal king of our Kingdom of Jin. The emperor personally gave him the decree to make him king, and asked Zhao Gou to sign and pledge it. In this way, Zhao Gou will be a subordinate of our Kingdom of Jin no matter what."

Wanyan Gao looked at everyone and said.

"This is a way. I'm afraid Zhao Gou will become bigger and out of control in the future."

Wanyan Zonghan said, weren't they the Jurchens who endured humiliation and endured heavy hardship under the rule of the Khitans and finally made a comeback?

"This is not a question we should think about now. If there is such a day, it will be because we are not strong enough. But will there really be such a day? When the Song Dynasty was still alive, he was just a chicken and a dog. If he has been defeated, Zhao What can he do with just a few people around him? "

Wanyan Gao looked at the puzzled crowd and said.

"If that's the case, why let him go back?"

Wanyan Zongqian said, everyone knows that Zhao can't create a climate, so why let him go? This release is somewhat of a disaster.

"In our opinion, it won't work, but in Sun Lei's eyes, it is a serious problem. Now that the Central Plains has just fallen into Sun Lei's hands, the identities of Sun Lei and the Zhao family have changed. What we want is that bandits are everywhere in the Central Plains, so that Sun Lei can There is no peace in the rear!”

Wanyan Gao continued to say that he had learned a lot about many things since he had been in Tokyo for so many days, and he had also carefully studied the rise of Sun Lei.

"Well, that's it, I'll make him the King of Zhennan! Let's see if he can suppress their Song Dynasty."

Wanyan Wu Qimai said with a smile.

A courtyard in Huanglong Mansion.

"Is Tokyo really broken by Sun Lei?"

Zhao Gou held Qin Hui's hand with a sad look on his face to confirm. He still didn't want to believe that Song Dynasty was gone.

Qin Hui and others could only comfort Zhao Gou in a low voice.

A prince who had lost his country and a group of ministers who had lost their country began to mourn again.

"Your Highness Prince Kang, now is not the time to mourn. The people of the Song Dynasty are still waiting for His Highness Prince Kang to return and take charge of the overall situation!"

Zhang Jun looked at Zhao Gou and advised.

"General Zhang, the Song Dynasty is dead, what can I do if I go back? We have no soldiers and generals, how can we deal with Sun Lei's group of evil thieves?"

Zhao Gou looked at Zhang Jun and said sadly. When he first got the news, the ambition in his heart had indeed swelled. But when he came back and looked at the people around him, he seemed to be deflated again. Only the three or five people around him How can people restore their country? It would be death to go back!

"Your Highness King Kang, although Tokyo has fallen, Sun Lei has not recovered it yet. Officials, soldiers, guards, border troops and even civilians are all available."

"Sun Lei's main force is in the Central Plains, north of the Yangtze River. Let's go directly to Jiangnan, Jinghu, Sichuan, and Lingnan. There is absolutely no problem in building a country!"

"When the time comes, as long as His Highness raises his arms, all the people in the world who are loyal to the Song Dynasty will rush to serve him. As long as His Highness has strong troops and strong horses, and sends troops to the Central Plains, he will surely be able to conquer the Song Dynasty."

Zhang Jun looked at Zhao Gou and advised.

"Yes, Your Highness, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time!"

Zhang Bangchang finally couldn't bear it anymore. He had had enough of the environment in the Kingdom of Jin and just wanted to return to the Central Plains as soon as possible.

"Your Highness, Prime Minister Zhang is right. After all, this is a foreign territory and it is not suitable to stay for a long time!"

Qin Hui also advised that now Zhao Gou is their glory and wealth. As long as they bring Zhao Gou back to the Central Plains and support him, they will have contributed to the founding of the country. "Your Highness, let's go back, it's cold and bitter here in Liaodong!"

When Luan Tingyu saw that everyone was speaking, she also started to persuade them. She couldn't show any abnormality at this time.

"Go back...will they let me go back?"

Zhao Gou's eyes were blank.

"Don't worry, Your Highness! Although the Jin people are cunning, Sun Lei is their biggest worry. If they want to deal with Sun Lei, they must use all available power. Your Highness will be Sun Lei's biggest worry when he returns to the Central Plains. This will be extremely beneficial to the Kingdom of Jin." "

Zhang Jun said, Wanyan Wu was about to agree to the purchase just now, but was interrupted at the critical moment, but the result would not change much.

Everyone rested for the night with mixed emotions, and were called to the Jin Kingdom Palace early the next morning.

"King Kang, I can let you go back and give you some help!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Zhao Gou and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. What kind of help is it?"

Zhao Gou asked happily. He was really desperate now. There were only seventy or eighty officials and guards around him.

"I have some prisoners of the Song Army here, and I can also give them some horses and equipment."

Wanyan Wu Qimai said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will remember this kindness!"

Zhao Gou was overjoyed when he heard this. These were exactly what he needed urgently.

"Prince Kang, I have given so much, I wonder what you can give me to the Kingdom of Jin?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Zhao Gou and asked.

"As long as I return to the Central Plains, I will always be brothers with Jin Guoyong!"

Zhao Gou said, these are what he promised at the beginning, and it doesn't matter if he agrees again now.

"Is that just it?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Zhao Gou dissatisfied, and his tone became a little cold.

"I wonder what your Majesty wants?"

Zhao Gou asked quickly.

"The Song Dynasty has been destroyed. Now that I, the Jin Dynasty, are helping you to build a country, naturally it cannot be a country of brothers. You should be a vassal state of my Jin country."

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Zhao Gou and said.

"No, how can we, the Song Dynasty, have become a foreign country after one hundred and sixty-seven years of inheritance?"

Zhang Jun immediately refused. If he agreed, he would be reviled forever.

"Your country has been destroyed, and your country has been subjugated!"

Jin Wushu said coldly.

"Hmph, our territory in the Song Dynasty has not yet been completely occupied, and the subjects are still fighting locally. How could the country be cut off?"

Zhang Jun argued hard.

"Prince Kang, are you the one who keeps his word now?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Zhao Gou and asked.

"Of course I keep my word!"

Zhao Gou was afraid that Zhang Jun would anger the state of Jin, so he quickly explained.

"I have three thousand soldiers here. I originally planned to provide you with three thousand horses and three thousand soldiers and equipment, but now it seems you don't need them."

Wanyan Wu Qimai said.

"No, no, no, I need it very much. I, the Song Dynasty, am willing to become a vassal state of the Jin Kingdom!"

Zhao Gou was so anxious that he quickly stood up and bowed to Wanyan Wu's beggar. He needed the three thousand fully armed troops so much now that he had no reason to refuse.

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