Water Margin people

Chapter 1270 Practice to Show the Enemy

Chapter 1270 Practice to Show the Enemy

"Making money? Is he trying to steal money? Look at the boatloads of food. Aren't they all stolen from the South China Sea?"

Wang Zhen pointed to the south and said that he had also seen the ships supplying supplies along the way. The food was mainly rice, and the fleet said directly that these were stolen from the South China Sea.

"It's a skill if you can rob it. It's better than imposing taxes, right?"

Han Shizhong said, although Sun Lei is domineering and has a gangster spirit, he has nothing to say to ordinary people. It is not an exaggeration to say that Sun Lei is a wise and benevolent gentleman.

"Guys, you are new to Liaodong, so there is no need to rush to rest. Let's lead the troops to train overnight!"

Lin Chong rode up to Zhong Shidao, Han Shizhong and others and said.

"Start training now?"

Wang Xun frowned as he looked at the exhausted soldiers. Qi's military training was a bit too harsh. The soldiers had to run from Yanyun to Liaodong on two legs. They started training again before they could catch their breath. ?

"Of course this military training must be completed overnight. If you have no time, you will be lazy!"

Lin Chong spoke directly, saying that he knew more about military training than the people in front of him.

Zhong Shidao and others did not argue much, and followed Lin Chong to train. Although the training was very hard, they never skipped three meals a day, and it was natural to train with a full meal all day long.

Wang Jin came to the resting Forbidden Army, and many older Forbidden Army soldiers recognized Wang Jin, the former Forbidden Army coach.

"You all just came to Liaodong, right? It will take some time to set up the military camp. During this time, you can come with me and get familiar with the terrain first!"

Wang Jin looked at the forbidden troops and said.

Without waiting for the howls of the Forbidden Army, the veterans of Qi State had already walked to their respective teams with whips in hand.

When the Imperial Guards saw the instructor coming, they didn't dare to complain about being tired and stood up one after another to line up.


Wang Jin gave the order and led the imperial troops north along the Liao River.

Wang Jin's training speed was very fast this time. The soldiers were struggling to follow him and the team dispersed. However, Wang Jin didn't care. After all, it was to exercise physical fitness. The formation was not important. Those who ran in front had to eat the meat and those who ran behind. I could only take two sips of soup.


"Report, the enemy army has begun training!"

A cavalryman ran up to Wanyanwu to report.

"Didn't you just arrive in Liaodong?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai asked with a frown. He came with his people as soon as he received the news. The enemy should have just arrived.

"The enemy's leading force of 40,000 has just arrived outside Liaoyang Mansion and started training, but the follow-up army has not arrived yet!"

Soldiers report.

"So anxious?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai frowned even more tightly. This was completely illogical.

Wanyan Wu Qimai and his men quickly arrived at the front line.

"Your Majesty, that is the enemy."

Jin Wushu pointed at the army running in the distance and said.

"The formation is scattered and disorganized!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at the army in the distance and chuckled.

"These people are all Tokyo's forbidden troops. It seems that Sun Lei's army is just these soldiers. No wonder he dared to mobilize so many troops!"

Wanyan Zonghan said.

"King Zhennan, do you want to take a look?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Zhao Gou who was standing aside.

"It is indeed the Tokyo Forbidden Army, and that person is Wang Zhen..."

Zhao Gou looked at it for a while, then spoke with certainty, and gave out the names of many people.

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyan Loushi again. The two of them had fought against the Tokyo Forbidden Army.

The two of them nodded slightly and agreed with Zhao Ji's words. Some of the generals on the opposite side were former Forbidden Army. As for the soldiers, no one could recognize them. However, the armor, weapons, and movements were all authentic. They were indeed the Tokyo Forbidden Army. "Sun Lei is really a ruthless person. He sent his soldiers to die because he was reluctant to go to the battlefield. He wants to kill these soldiers with our own hands!"

Jin Wushu said.

"Then Sun Lei is also the emperor now. Aren't all emperors in the Central Plains hypocritical? They don't dare to kill and surrender, so they use this insidious trick."

Wanyan Yinshu also spoke.

"I heard that there are more than 500,000 troops in Tokyo?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai touched his chin and looked at Zhao Gou and others and asked.

"Yes, yes, the Forbidden Army, the Western Army, the Xiang Army, etc. add up to about half a million!"

Zhao Gou answered directly that after all, he had served as a guard in Tokyo and knew the situation of the army inside and outside Tokyo very well.

"More than half a million?"

Wanyan Wu was thinking about this number.

"Your Majesty, these people are vulnerable. Do you want me to lead some people to kill them?"

Wanyan Zongjun watched Wanyan Wu beg for money and said, "They know the virtues of the Tokyo Forbidden Army. They are just paper tigers. They look bluffing, but in fact they will break at a touch."

"Don't worry, this is just the enemy's vanguard. If we beat the enemy, we won't dare to come!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai shook his head and said that he did not pay attention to the 40,000-strong army. What he wanted was the chance to defeat the enemy's main force.

"King Zhennan, it's time for you to set off. You don't need me to point out the way, right?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Zhao Gou and said.

"No need! I'll go back right away!"

Zhao Gou was overjoyed, bowed to Wanyan Wu Qimai and left with the others.

"Your Majesty, are you really going to let them go like this?"

Jin Wushu looked at Wanyan Wu begging for money and asked. He always felt that it was inappropriate to let Zhao Gou go like this.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Only when Zhao Gou returns to the Central Plains can the Central Plains become chaotic and Sun Lei can be restrained."

Wanyan Wu Qimai shook his head.

"What about Zhao Gou? Just those people around him? Their army of more than 500,000 people is no match for them!"

Jin Wushu said.

"It's different, overtly and secretly. If Zhao Gou is smart, he can go to the south to find a place surrounded by mountains to raise the flag. If he has to capture the state capital, Sun Lei will be annoyed."

Wanyan Wu Qimai shook his head and said, asking Zhao Gou to fight Sun Lei head-on would definitely be an egg hitting a stone, but there are many ways to create trouble.

"But Your Majesty, Sun Lei has sent so many soldiers and horses to Liaodong this time. How can we deal with it? There is still no news from the grassland. Xixia also sent people to ask if the original plan has been followed."

Wanyan Zongxian looked at Wanyan Wu begging for money and asked, if Sun Lei really wants to fight with their Jin country, then the military strength will be terrifying.

"The spies are here to report that Yan Yun still has a lot of troops. The initial estimate is seven to eight hundred thousand!"

Wanyan Xiyin said.

"Seven to eight hundred thousand troops?"

Everyone gasped after hearing this. They were only young and middle-aged Jurchens.

"The people on the grassland definitely want to wait for us to decide the outcome with Qi before making a choice. These people are as cunning as the people in the Central Plains!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said.

"These guys deserve to die. Once we finish dealing with Sun Lei, we will go and kill them!"

Jin Wushu said angrily.

"Ignore them for now and tell Xixia that everything is business as usual. They harassed Guanxi first. This time it is easier for them!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said, the Song Dynasty was destroyed and the main force of the Western Army was captured by Sun Lei. Now the Kansai Defense Line is in name only. Sun Lei certainly can't control it now. Xixia is fully capable of attacking the Fifth Route of Kansai.

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