Water Margin people

Chapter 1271 Zhao Gou’s ambition

Chapter 1271 Zhao Gou’s ambition

"Free at last!"

Zhao Gou looked at the army behind him and laughed. At this moment, he felt like a dragon returning to the sea.

"Congratulations, Your Highness!"

Zhang Bangchang and Qin Hui smiled and congratulated Zhao Gou.

"Haha, you are also helping me wholeheartedly. When you return to the Central Plains to gather old ministers, you will all have made great contributions."

Zhao Gou watched the two of them happily promising the future.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The two of them also saluted Zhao Gou with a look, and their title was changed from His Highness to His Majesty.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Gou was even more happy when he heard this.

The army entered the Daxianbei Mountains all the way.

"Where are we going?"

Zhao Gou looked at Zhang Jun and Luan Tingyu and asked, "Doesn't he know the road?"

"Your Highness, let's go west, take advantage of the grassland, and go from Xixia to Guanxi!"

Zhang Jun looked at Zhao Gou and said.

"Kansai? Aren't you going back to the Central Plains?"

Zhao Gou frowned and asked. Guanxi is a notoriously barren land and borders Xixia. He is unwilling to go there.

"Your Highness, we only have these three thousand soldiers and horses now. The goal of entering the Central Plains is too big. If the enemy discovers it, it will be a dead end."

Zhang Jun looked at Zhao Gou and said.

"Then you can go directly to Hedong!"

Zhao Gou still refused to give up.

"Your Highness, Sun Lei is training in Yanyun now. It is too risky to go east of the river. And there is another important reason for going to Guanxi. There are still some Western troops stationed there. If we can reach Guanxi before Sun Lei, those The Western Army can be used by His Highness!"

Zhang Jun looked at Zhao Gou and said, now the entire Central Plains is in Sun Lei's hands. They are in urgent need of soldiers and horses. Recruiting soldiers and horses will definitely not work. What is the use of soldiers without armor and equipment? The army stationed at the border is the best choice.

"Yes, Your Highness, after we gather the soldiers, we will go directly to the middle of Shu to establish the country!"

Qin Hui said to Zhao Gou, "Everyone knows that the sky in Sichuan is dangerous, and Sichuan is also known as the land of abundance. Now that the Central Plains has returned to Sun Lei, it will not be easy for them to go to Jiangnan, but Sichuan should not have been noticed yet. This is what they Opportunity.

"Okay, then I will learn from Liu Bei!"

Zhao Gou nodded after hearing this.

Luan Tingyu listened silently to everyone's discussion without speaking, but his head was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to send the news out.

"General Luan, why are you so dazed?"

Zhao Gou was very satisfied when he heard the flattery from everyone, but Luan Tingyu remained silent and frowned slightly, as if he had something on his mind.

"Your Highness, the general is thinking about how to defeat the enemy!"

Luan Tingyu explained quickly.

"General Luan, don't worry. When we get to Shuzhong, we will recruit brave men and we will have the strength to deal with Sun Lei."

Zhao Gou comforted Luan Tingyu. Now Luan Tingyu was the only general under his command who could fight. Although Zhang Jun was also a general, his command was good. He would definitely not be as good as Luan Tingyu in killing enemies in battle formations.

"Thank you, Your Highness. I will definitely repay you with my death."

Luan Tingyu immediately expressed his loyalty.


Analyze Jinfu.

"Zhongyuan is so wonderful!"

I Bahai looked at the lively Xijin Mansion and sighed, just by walking to the state capital, their grassland was inferior.

"Chief, are we staying here forever?"

The soldiers next to An Bahai asked in a low voice. Being in a foreign country made them feel insecure, and the Xijin Mansion was surrounded by large armies, which made them even more afraid. The thousand-year grievances between the grassland and the Central Plains have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Now the people of Xijin Mansion looked at them with alert eyes.

"There is a saying in the Central Plains: Once you come, you will be safe. The Central Plains is so wonderful. You have to eat and drink. The only bad thing is that everything costs money!"

I Bahai said with a smile, and then led people into a wine shop, ordered a table of wine and food, and started eating. "Your Majesty, I am quite honest!"

Time to report.

"What does this guy mean? He followed us to the Central Plains, but he only wanted to eat, drink and have fun."

Yue Fei was a little confused. He was sure that I Ba'ai must have some intention, but I Ba'ai didn't show it for a long time.

"Why are you still so irritable? It's him who should be anxious, not us. If he eats, drinks and has fun, just let him eat, drink and have fun. As long as you give him money, ignore him."

Sun Lei smiled and said, I must have a purpose, but if I don't say it, then why should they care.

"If you really have nothing to do, go out and train your troops. Even if you don't train the soldiers, you should also train the soldiers and horses in your own camp. The battle in Liaodong is very important. I want to win it quickly!"

Sun Lei looked at Yue Fei and said, Yue Fei is unwilling to train soldiers, and there is nothing he can do about Yue Fei. After all, Yue Fei has been busy for so long, and it is difficult to assign him any more tasks.

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

When Yue Fei heard that he was training soldiers in his camp, he immediately agreed.


Watching Yue Fei leave, Sun Lei sighed helplessly.

"It's not a good thing for you to indulge him like this!"

Zongze looked at Sun Lei and said.

"As for young people, you can't always control them. As long as they do things seriously, they can just turn a blind eye to some things."

Sun Lei waved his hands.

"We are all back, but the army has left for Liaodong. What are we doing?"

Zhang Shuye looked at Sun Lei in confusion and asked.

"It's just that the Imperial Army has returned, isn't it because the Western Army hasn't passed yet?"

Sun Lei looked at the three old men who had just returned.

"The Western Army? Let us train the Western Army?"

Liu Fa felt happy. If he could be allowed to train the Western Army, it would be considered as returning to his old army.

"Old General Liu may want to go somewhere else."

Sun Lei looked at Liu Fa and said.

"What do you mean?"

Liu Fa looked at Sun Lei in confusion, why did he want to go somewhere else?

"There may also be a war in Xixia. Lu Zhishen has already led people there to collect the Western Army. I will also send troops there later, and I also ask General Liu to go there as well."

Sun Lei looked at Liu Fa and said.

"Will the Xixia people start a war? Okay, I'll go there!"

Liu Fa nodded. He and Xixia had deep hatred, and he would definitely participate in this battle.

"General Zong and General Zhang are training in Xijin Mansion. I will make arrangements before the war begins!"

Sun Lei looked at Zongze and Zhang Shuye again and said.

The three of them nodded, very satisfied with Sun Lei's arrangement.

"Your Majesty, it seems that these three old generals are still unwilling to surrender?"

Zhu Wu said.

"Just work hard. The three of us together are almost 160 years old. We need to be proud!"

Sun Lei smiled.

Zhu Wu was talking about the title issue of Zongze and the others. Sun Lei was now the emperor and ruled the entire nine states of the Central Plains, but Zongze and the others did not address Sun Lei by the title of the emperor.

"Is the training of the Western Army going well?"

Sun Lei looked at Zhu Wu and asked.

"The Western Army still has some combat literacy, and training is very simple, but those soldiers and volunteers are not. Without a year of training, it is impossible to go to the battlefield."

Zhu Wu replied that among all the prisoners, the Western Army had the strongest fighting ability, followed by the Forbidden Army, and the Xiang Army and the Volunteers were the worst.

"If that doesn't work, let them go to farm. Yanyun will reclaim all the wasteland this year. Tens of thousands of young people are enough to reclaim a lot of land."

Sun Lei gave the order directly.

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