Water Margin people

Chapter 1272 The navy attacks Goryeo

"How about you become a field captain?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang who had been silent for a long time and said.

"I am the minister of the country's subjugation. I will do whatever you want!"

Li Gang said nonchalantly, he actually wanted to die, but he knew Sun Lei's methods. If he died, Sun Lei would definitely vent his anger on the Zhao family royal family. He was already a minister of the country's subjugation, and there was nothing he could do in the end. It is to help the Zhao family maintain their final dignity.

"Forget it, you don't know anything about farming. If you go there, it will only cause trouble. You should just do what you are good at."

Sun Lei waved his hand again and said with a smile.

"Humph, I have also been an official and managed farming!"

Li Gang was a little unconvinced. His official position was obtained through hard work step by step from the local level.

"Do you know anything about farming? How many feet do you plow the land? How many times do you plow it? How many times do you water it? What crops are grown on what land?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and asked.

Li Gang opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't answer for a long time. He was from Changzhou, and he was a local official in Zhenzhou. They were all in the south of the Yangtze River. Rice was grown in the south of the Yangtze River. Yan Yun couldn't win these.

As for how many feet to turn over, turn over, and water, Li Gang didn't know. He was an official. He only needed to organize and manage people's farming, raise some cattle and farm tools, and handle some disputes. He didn't have to wield a hoe himself.

When Sun Lei saw that Li Gang couldn't answer, he smiled and left. Does this old man really think he is an all-rounder?

Li Gang was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but he still held back. He had to lower his head under the eaves and could only follow Sun Lei silently.

"You three, can you still take a look at these Western troops?"

Sun Lei looked at Deng Yuanjue, Shi Bao and Wang Yin in front of him.

"Your Majesty, these Western troops are very well-qualified and can become a strong army with a little training!"

Wang Yin smiled and said, these Western troops are much stronger than the soldiers they once had in the Ming Cult.

"You three should seize the time to train. When the weather gets warmer and the grass grows, the war will begin."

Sun Lei looked at the three people and said.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, we will do our best!"

Shi Bao looked at Sun Lei clasping his fists and said, They all have ambitions in their hearts. They used to follow Fang La and wanted to overthrow the decadent Song Dynasty and restore a clear sky to the people.

Unfortunately, Fang La was not a wise leader. His subordinates were all ignorant mobs. Not only did he fail to save the people of Jiangnan, but he brought disaster to Jiangnan instead.

Now that Sun Lei has unified the world and treats the people well, they will naturally not be able to rebel again. They thought that their martial arts would be useless, but they didn't expect that Sun Lei gave them the opportunity to fight against foreigners. How could they not be happy about this? Since ancient times, the highest military commander The achievement is to seal the wolf to live in Xu and drink from the vast sea of ​​horses.

Sun Lei explained a few more words and then led the people on horseback all the way east.

"Where are you going? Don't you care about training?"

Li Gang looked at Sun Lei in confusion and asked, "The Liaodong War is about to begin. What is more important than training troops now?"

"For the war, of course!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

At this time, the ice and snow in Yanyun have dispersed, the weeds on the roadside have begun to sprout, and the willow trees are also turning green.


Li Gang was shocked when he looked at the numerous warships in the port. There were dozens of huge warships.

"His Majesty!"

When Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, Ruan Xiaoqi, Zhang Shun, Fei Bao and others saw Sun Lei coming, they all stepped forward to salute.

"Are you all ready?"

Sun Lei looked at everyone and said.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, everything is ready!"

Ruan Xiaoer said excitedly.

"Relax, enemies are nothing!"

Sun Lei patted Ruan Xiaoer on the shoulder and smiled.

"Your Majesty, I will definitely kill all the barbarians and expand the territory for Your Majesty!"

Ruan Xiaoer said solemnly that he was the marshal of the Navy and must express his attitude on behalf of the Navy. "Well, that's up to you!"

Sun Lei nodded.

Ruan Xiaoer and others took Sun Lei to visit the entire navy, including warships and cannons.

"Are you all familiar with this new type of cannon?"

Sun Lei asked as he looked at the artillerymen on the ship.

"We have all received training in Liangshan and have gone to the sea for many trainings. We are now able to fully control the artillery!"

The soldiers spoke.

"Ah, very good!"

Sun Lei touched the barrel and nodded. He wanted to usher in the age of navigation, and warships and artillery were indispensable.

After visiting the warship, Sun Lei came to the deck again.

"Remember, you are the navy of my country. Don't always think about fighting with a bang. That's what the poor do. We have more cannonballs and gunpowder. We only have one life, so you must learn to cherish it!"

Sun Lei patted the soldiers who were lined up neatly and said.

"I will obey His Majesty's teachings!"

The soldiers spoke in unison.

After visiting the battleship, Sun Lei went to the largest flagship.

"Go in and discuss tactics!"

Sun Lei looked at Ruan Xiaoer and others and said, there is a huge sand table in the middle of the warehouse.


Li Gang looked at the sand table with shock in his eyes. He thought Sun Lei would let the navy go to Liaodong to fight, but unexpectedly he wanted to cross the sea to fight against Goryeo.

"What? Surprised?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and smiled.

"You...you don't want to have a decisive battle with the Kingdom of Jin?"

Li Gang found that he couldn't understand Sun Lei. Sun Lei seemed to be arrogant all the time. He always fought on multiple fronts and was never afraid of accidents.

"Yes, but the Kingdom of Jin also called Korea, Xixia, and Grassland this time. Grassland and Korea must be fighting together with the Kingdom of Jin, and Xixia must be attacking the Five Routes of Guanxi to contain me."

Sun Lei said indifferently.

"Also united with Xixia, Goryeo, and Grassland?"

Li Gang's face changed greatly. He did not expect that this battle would be of such a large scale. The Jin Kingdom had already overwhelmed the Song Dynasty. How could Xixia, Goryeo, and Grassland be added to the mix? How big would this battle be?

"I have defeated the Jin Kingdom several times. They are not fools. How can they come to fight without full confidence? You also know these barbarians outside the territory. If they are weaker than others, they surrender, and if they are stronger than others, they will show their teeth."

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"We have received news that the King of Goryeo has sent 200,000 troops to Baozhou to prepare for a sneak attack on the flanks of our army!"

Ruan Xiaoer said.


Li Gang quickly searched for the location of Baozhou on the sand table.

"Downstream the southeastern bank of the Yalu River, cross the Yalu River and enter Liaodong! The Jin army is on the front, Korea is on the east side, the grassland is on the west side, and Xixia is on the rear! This is a pocket formation! Liaodong is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the sea on one side. The only accessible route is the Western Liaoning Corridor. Once there is a defeat..."

Li Gang's face turned pale and he almost didn't dare to think about it. A group of barbarians seemed to have set a trap long ago.

"See? It's not bad!"

Sun Lei smiled and nodded in recognition of Li Gang's military capabilities.

"What benefits can Goryeo gain? It is impossible for the Jurchens to give up Liaodong!"

Li Gang looked at Sun Lei. Goryeo had always had frictions with the Khitan and Jurchens before, but it had relations with the Song Dynasty. Li Gang knew the situation of Goryeo. Today's Goryeo country has a population of less than three million, and it sent 20 Ten thousand troops accounted for almost half of Goryeo's entire army. (End of chapter)

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