Water Margin people

Chapter 1274 Land

Chapter 1274 Land

"Teacher from heaven?"

Li Gang looked at Sun Lei. Although he told him in his heart that this was nonsense, subconsciously he thought it was very possible because Sun Lei was very "weird" in both his style and habits, and he felt out of place in this world. .

"What? Don't believe it?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and asked.

"I would be a fool if I believed it!"

Li Gang said.

"If you don't believe it, I'm down. Brothers, do you believe it or not?"

Sun Lei asked everyone around him.

"Believe! Your Majesty is God and knows everything!"

Lu Fang and Guo Sheng shouted in unison, as did the rest of the soldiers.

"Look, you are blind to gold and jade!"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and said.

"You just said plundering money, minerals, and land? What about the population?"

Li Gang didn't want to discuss those illusory things with Sun Lei, so he directly asked the question behind Sun Lei's words. Sun Lei only said that sending troops to plunder. For a country, population, money, land, and minerals are the most important things. , but Sun Lei only said the last three.

"Population? I don't want this thing, so of course I'll kill it."

Sun Lei said.


Li Gang looked at Sun Lei with wide eyes. He didn't believe that Sun Lei said these cold-blooded and cruel words. Sun Lei never killed innocent people.

"Of course they will be killed. Do you still expect me to educate them and assimilate them? How do I have hundreds of years?"

Sun Lei spread his hands. After the world is peaceful, he will start to enjoy life. He doesn't want to care about the affairs of China. Why should he care about the barbarians outside the territory? He's not a virgin bitch!

"You can take your time and educate generations. There is no need to kill! You can't stand such killing!"

Li Gang quickly advised him that he didn't know how many people there were outside the territory, but he just guessed that there were definitely a lot of them. If he killed them all, how many would he need to kill?

"I didn't see you being so selfish! Leave the problems that our generation can't solve to the next generation? This is called shirking responsibility!"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and said sternly, Li Gang is a smart man, but even such a person is so pedantic. No wonder the feudal dynasty has made slow progress for thousands of years.

"I am doing this for your reputation. If you really continue to kill like this, your reputation for cruelty will surpass that of all previous emperors, and you will become the greatest tyrant in history!"

Li Gang was not afraid of Sun Lei and spoke directly.

"The greatest tyrant of all time? That's not a bad title!"

Sun Lei touched his chin and laughed. He didn't care about being a tyrant.

"You...you don't even want your reputation?"

Li Gang couldn't believe his ears. Since ancient times, what kings care about most is reputation. Everyone wants to leave a reputation as the most holy and benevolent, but Sun Lei is the most tyrant in history.

"Reputation? What good reputation can I have if I am a bandit?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and asked.

The corner of Li Gang's mouth trembled slightly, and then he realized that Sun Lei was different from the emperors of the previous dynasties. Among the previous emperors, the lowest born was Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, but he was also a pavilion chief. The rest were from the families of princes, generals and ministers, and Sun Lei was directly the Born as a bandit.

"What good reputation do you expect for an emperor who comes from a bandit family? Since he doesn't have one, it's not bad to be a tyrant. It's better than to be a fatuous emperor, right? At least I have done practical things and the people have benefited!"

Sun Lei said.

"Why do you want so much land? The Central Plains is so big and it can't satisfy you?"

Li Gang still wanted to persuade.

"A woman's view!"

Sun Lei went even further this time and directly beat Li Gang into the crowd of women. In traditional culture, women and ignorance are equated. "I heard that you come from a family of officials?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and asked.

"My ancestor was an official of the Fujian state."

Li Gang answered without hesitation that his fifth generation ancestor was an official of the southern Fujian state during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

"A family that has been an official for more than two hundred years has a lot of wealth, right?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and continued to ask.

"The family property is all accumulated through hard work by our ancestors! The money is all clean!"

Li Gangyi said sternly.

"I don't care whether your family property is clean or not, or how much money your family has. I'm just asking you, how many fields does your family have? Thousands of acres? Tens of thousands of acres?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and asked.


Li Gang's lips were so murmuring that he couldn't speak.

"You don't know, do you? Let me tell you, your family has a total of 100,000 acres of land. What does your family need so much land for? Farming after resigning from office? Can you even wield a hoe at that age? It's not like that Thinking about having a piece of land, your children and grandchildren will be able to be prosperous for thousands of years just by collecting rent!”

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and said, Li Gang himself is not greedy, but such a big family is rich, so naturally they have a lot of land.

"One hundred thousand acres?"

Li Gang was surprised. He really didn't expect there to be so many. He hadn't returned to his hometown for many years.

"It's okay, I confiscated everything for you!"

Sun Lei waved his hand and said.

"It's not just you, it's the same for everyone who has money, whether it's an upright official or a corrupt official, a businessman or a rich man, and even the hawkers who do business. You all like to buy land, and you think there is a way out if you have land. Even if your family is in decline, you won’t starve to death.”

Sun Lei said.

"It's human nature and no one is immune to it!"

Li Gang soon figured out that even Zhuge Liang would not leave his descendants 800 mulberry trees and 15 hectares of thin fields in Chengdu to ensure that their descendants would have enough food and clothing.

"Yes, it's human nature to work hard all your life. After a hundred years, you have to leave something to your descendants. Land is the safest thing."

Sun Lei nodded.

"Do you think the world is peaceful, the people have enough food and clothing, and the country is peaceful and the people are safe?"

Sun Lei changed the subject and asked.

“This is a lifelong ambition!”

Li Gang said without hesitation.

"Going back to the previous question, if the world is peaceful and people have enough food and clothing to live and work in peace and contentment, the population will definitely grow rapidly, right? Is it okay for a normal family to have five or six children?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and asked.

"This is what it would be like if there were no disasters of war!"

Li Gang nodded. If there are no disasters, it is normal for a family to have five or six children. Moreover, Sun Lei's Qi State also waived the poll tax and distributed fields according to the head of the head. The people were even more willing to have children, and those with more than ten children Not nothing.

"A couple has six children! The population triples in one generation, nine times in the second generation, and three times... You are now in your forties. If you pay attention to health and live to be over eighty, how many people do you think there will be in the country?" Is there enough land in the Central Plains?”

"You are a smart man. There is a limit to the output of the land. The population continues to increase, and the land cannot support so many people. Then the problem arises. The only way to reduce the population is to use war, and those who survive will have fields."

Sun Lei gave Li Gang a simple example.

"So you're going to conquer lands outside the territory?"

Li Gang suddenly looked at Sun Lei. At this moment, Sun Lei's image in his eyes suddenly grew taller, like a towering mountain, which made him fear from the bottom of his heart.

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