Water Margin people

Chapter 1275 AK Rifle

Chapter 1275 AK Rifle

"Otherwise, what should I do? Land and population are irreconcilable. I'm not a god. I can't create land out of thin air, so I can only grab it!"

Sun Lei nodded and said, primitive accumulation is bloody, and no one can change this.

"But you have to be aware of the risks of war. In an expedition of thousands of miles, there are too many unknown risks, and countries outside the region are not all foolproof."

Li Gang said that he knew very little about the countries outside the region, but he could tell a thing or two from the Western Regions. Those countries may not be as good as the Central Plains, but their combat effectiveness is definitely not bad.

"Of course I know, that's why I asked the navy to fight against Goryeo first to practice their skills. After this battle is over, they will fight against Japan, and then start from the South China Sea and head west!"

Sun Lei nodded and said that he was going to go against the path taken by Europe. As long as the ship was strong and the guns were strong, there would be no danger along the way.

Li Gang saw that Sun Lei was full of confidence, so he just held his hand in front of him, which was regarded as recognition of Sun Lei. Although Sun Lei acted a little cruelly, this cruelty was towards foreigners, which made him acceptable, and the people who benefited were the common people. That's even more true.

All the way back to Xijin Mansion, the army outside the city was still training in an orderly manner.

"Look at how difficult it is to train these armies. Even the Western Army has lacked training in recent years!"

Sun Lei pointed at the armies and said.

"The Western Army has lacked food, grass and weapons in recent years and cannot train intensively, but the disciples are still good!"

Li Gang said, although the Western Army is the main force in the northwest's fight against Xixia, Tong Guan is greedy and greedy. When there is no war, military pay and food will be withheld. Without enough food and grass, the Western Army cannot train intensively on weekdays.

"Your Majesty! Ling Zhen and Tang Long are here!"

Shi Qian came running and said.

"Ling Zhen and Tang Long? Haha, okay!"

Sun Lei was overjoyed and rode towards the city.

"Your Majesty, why are you so happy?"

Everyone quickly followed, but they were all puzzled as to why Sun Lei was so happy.

"Good stuff is here! I thought I would have to wait a few months, but I didn't expect them to rush it."

Sun Lei laughed.

Sun Lei led a group of people to the government office in the city. Ling Zhen and Tang Long were already waiting at the door, and Tang Long was holding a box in his hand.

"His Majesty!"

Ling Zhen and Tang Long bowed to Sun Lei, and Tang Long held the box in both hands and raised it in front of Sun Lei.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Sun Lei touched the brocade box and said with a smile.

"Get up!"

After taking the box, Sun Lei smiled and caressed the two of them.

At this time, everyone in the mansion also came over, curiously looking at the brocade box in Sun Lei's hand.

Sun Lei didn't hesitate and opened the box directly. There was an AK rifle inside.

Sun Lei picked up the rifle, weighed it, and then pulled the bolt to try.

"The weight is okay and the structure is good! Is it energy-producing?"

Sun Lei nodded.


Tang Long looked bitter and didn't know what to say.

"Say what you have to say, I don't blame you!"

Seeing Tang Long hesitating, Sun Lei didn't know how to speak and said directly.

"Your Majesty, more than a dozen people have made such a qualified gun this year. The handguard, receiver and mechanism are all simple, but the barrel is too difficult to make. Hundreds of barrels were scrapped before it was made. It's not easy to pull the trigger handle and spring with a suitable one!" Tang Long said with a grimace. He had never seen this gun before, but looking at the drawing, he could understand that it was a hand-held fire gun, but the structure was more precise. .

"Your Majesty, bullets!"

Ling Zhen quickly handed over a box of bullets. This thing was not difficult to make. Now that gunpowder has made new breakthroughs, the power of this bullet has increased by 10%.

"I'm embarrassing you!"

Sun Lei did not blame Tang Long. Without modern machine tools, it was a bit difficult to make a rifle barrel. The reason why he chose AK was that the gun had an extremely simple structure, and he wondered if it could be built under limited conditions.

"Your Majesty, if this is the case, I've already had someone build that machine tool. It should be ready this year!"

Tang Long quickly replied that he had already felt the bottleneck of his skills. He could not make what he wanted with good steel. He was like a cook who looked at a table of precious ingredients but could only cook stews. This made him Very distressed, Sun Lei gave him a simple drawing of the machine tool, and he suddenly found a new direction.

"Well, take your time!"

Sun Lei pulled out the magazine and started to press the bullet, then loaded the magazine and pulled the bolt to load the bullet.

"I'll try!"

Sun Lei came to the yard, and everyone stood behind him, looking curiously at the strange weapon in Sun Lei's hand.

Sun Lei turned on the safety and started shooting at the wooden board at the edge of the yard. He shot a single shot and then a series of shots, and then he stopped after he fired all the bullets.

"Well, not bad! Not bad! Good stuff!"

Sun Lei was very satisfied looking at the planks that had been beaten into a hornet's nest. He knew that the gun in his hand could not compare with the mature industrial products of later generations, but it was enough in this era. It could penetrate a three-finger-thick plank at a distance of fifty meters. This The power is enough, any armor is useless in front of this weapon.

Everyone behind Sun Lei, except Tang Long and Ling Zhen, were stunned.

"Your Majesty, this..."

Zhu Wu looked at the door panel that looked like a hornet's nest and was speechless. What kind of killer weapon was this? It was a door panel.

"This is called a rifle! As you know, this is an upgraded version of the musket!"

Sun Lei patted the AK rifle in his hand and smiled.

"Is this called a gun?"

Everyone knows about muskets. After Tokyo was captured, many muskets were found in the warehouse. However, those weapons were not powerful and troublesome to operate. They were far less convenient than crossbows.

"Slowly you will understand."

Sun Lei put the rifle back into the box.

"Your Majesty, this rifle is difficult to make, but many shotguns and revolvers have been made!"

Tang Long quickly took out a few more boxes, which contained finished shotguns and pistols.

Shotguns and revolvers are much simpler. The barrel does not require rifling, the quality is not so strict, and the structure is not as precise as a rifle.

Sun Lei picked them up and tried them separately, and was very satisfied.

"Call that guy Yue Fei back. He doesn't have many guns. When the time comes, let his battalion go to Liaodong to try it first."

Sun Lei nodded. The manufacturing of firearms was on the right track. The next step was to train the soldiers to use it. Yue Fei's special operations battalion was the most elite in the army. The soldiers were all selected from a thousand, so naturally they had to be equipped first. .

"Is this your confidence?"

Li Gang looked at the board that had been riddled with holes and said, he now knew why Sun Lei dared to boast about conquering an unknown foreign land in Haikou. With such a weapon in hand, who could be his opponent? As for the rifle just now, it is not a problem to block a hundred with one. The key is that it only takes one ordinary soldier to defeat a hundred. It is not a problem if there are thousands of people to wipe out the world.

"Yes, this is my confidence!"

Sun Lei pointed at the brocade boxes. Since the Age of Discovery is about to begin, hot weapons must be available. Otherwise, how can we defeat the aliens to surrender?

Li Gang looked at Sun Lei and found that he seemed to not understand Sun Lei at all. Sun Lei always had something unexpected for him.

Everyone was gathered around to study those firearms, and they were all smart people. They knew that as soon as the production of these weapons increased, they would become standard equipment in the military and would soon replace the original swords, guns, swords and halberds.

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