Water Margin people

Chapter 1279 See through everything

Chapter 1279 See through everything

"Your Majesty, you know that I am only the leader of the Taichiwu Tribe. I cannot even represent the Mongolian tribes, let alone the other large tribes!"

My baby explained.

"Okay, it's up to you. I gave you a chance. If you don't cherish it, don't blame me for being cruel when I kill you."

"I don't use any Central Plains methods. If you don't understand, I will use your grassland methods to conquer other ethnic groups. You must be familiar with these."

Sun Lei nodded, I am indeed not representative of the entire grassland tribes.

"Your Majesty, the war is about to begin. Aren't you worried that our grassland tribes will defect?"

I Bahai looked at Sun Lei and said, as a grassland man, he knows best how the grassland conquered other tribes. The level of blood and cruelty is shocking.

"Changing sides? Do you think I really trust you?"

Sun Lei looked at my baby and smiled.

"Your Majesty, what does this mean?"

I looked at Sun Lei in surprise.

"I want a decisive battle with the Jin Kingdom. Wanyan Wu Qimai has also roped in Goryeo, Xixia and your grassland this time. Goryeo will send 200,000 troops, Xixia will send 150,000 troops, and on your grassland, Tata'er will send 100,000 troops. Ten thousand."

"As for the other tribes on the grassland, there is no movement yet, but once the war breaks out, they may join the fight at any time."

Sun Lei looked at my baby and said.

"Your Majesty still wants me to go back and deliver a message. Does your Majesty know that those people in the grassland will definitely turn to the Jin Kingdom after they find out?"

I Bahai said doubtfully, he still wanted to fight for it, hoping that Sun Lei would change his mind.

"I said, it doesn't matter, my army is waiting for you. If you don't want to surrender, then kill them all!"

Sun Lei glanced at my baby and said.

Seeing that Sun Lei refused to change his mind, I could only clasp my fists and salute and say goodbye.

"Your Majesty, those people in the grassland should not surrender easily."

Zhu Wu said.

"I know that they will not surrender easily, so the war must be fought!"

"But the entire grassland is not monolithic. For those noble leaders, they will lose everything if they surrender to our Qi country."

"But what about the ordinary grassland herdsmen? Surrendering to our Qi State can not only avoid war, but also get the protection of our Qi State."

"You probably don't know how those grassland nobles exploit ordinary herdsmen. It's not an exaggeration to call them herdsmen. They haven't gotten rid of the slave society yet!"

Sun Lei said directly.

"Your Majesty deliberately asked me to bring the message back."

Everyone reacted, so that the grassland could be divided from within.

"Yes, the grassland is different from us. They don't have a city there. They live in water and grass, and they have no control at all! I don't think many people will come to seek refuge!"

Sun Lei smiled and said, those ordinary herdsmen might have fled to the Great Wall on horseback, driving their cattle and sheep.

"Your Majesty, I will send someone to spread the news right now!"

Zhu Wu smiled knowingly and said, I can't let the entire grassland know just by relying on me.

After returning to his residence, An Bahai no longer felt as leisurely as before. Early the next morning, he bought more than a dozen carriages and bought salt, tea, cloth, iron pots, porcelain bowls, glass jars and other grassland necessities. supplies.

"What are you doing? Collecting rags?"

Sun Lei looked at the fully loaded carriages of my baby. There was a row of iron pots hanging on the sides of the carriages. It was obvious that there was no room for them in the carriages.

"Your Majesty, it's rare for me to come here, so I have to bring something to my tribe!"

I Bahai said, he has been away from the tribe for so long, he must bring something good when he goes back.

"Mark my words, I gave you a chance!"

Sun Lei looked at my baby and said.

"I know!"

I said goodbye to Sun Lei and left with the people and goods. After leaving Xijin Mansion, I saw the army training outside the city again.


I Bahai looked back at Xijin Mansion and sighed unconsciously, with a sad look on his face.

Unlike I Ba'ai, who was full of sorrow, the tribal warriors accompanying him all had smiles on their faces.

"Chief, we brought so much goods back this time, the tribe will definitely be very happy!"

One person looked at me and said.

"Well, I'll definitely be happy!"

I Bahai nodded, forced a smile and said, he didn't want to tell these warriors about Sun Lei's plan to annex the grassland, which would only make the grassland panic.

"The news has started spreading, right?"

Sun Lei asked looking at Shi Qian beside him.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Taoist Master Ma had already set off with his people last night. When I entered the grassland, the news must have spread!"

Shi Qian said with a smile.

It's easy to spread the news, and you don't even need to enter the grassland. The grassland and the Central Plains have always had trade exchanges at the border. The Central Plains needs cattle, sheep and horses from the grassland, and the grassland also needs various goods from the Central Plains.

I Bahai led the people along the road out of Juyongguan and headed north. He was in a hurry this time and did not plan to go to Datong Prefecture.

After passing through the mountains and crossing the Great Wall, we saw the grassland. At this time, the ice and snow melted, and there was already a layer of light green on the edge of the grassland.

"I can finally go back!"

After seeing the grassland, An Bahai finally felt better. Seeing the grassland made him feel at ease.

"Chief, Yanzi City is ahead of us! Once we leave Yanzi City, it is our territory!"

The warriors around me are even happier. There is nothing happier than returning home with a full load.

Yanzi City, a city outside the Great Wall, exists between the grassland and the Central Plains Dynasty. This is a pure trading town. People who come here are doing business. There are many convoys transporting goods on the road these days, all going to Went to Yanzi City.

I was tired after traveling for many days, so I wanted to enter Yanzi City to rest for a day.

But as soon as I approached Yanzi City, I realized something was wrong. The small town was actually full of people, and many prairie people were rushing to buy goods. The scene was very exciting.

"What's going on here?"

I am full of doubts. It is spring now, and all tribes should be busy looking for pasture for grazing. How can there be so many people purchasing goods?

"I'm a boy! The leader of the Taichiwu tribe!"

As soon as I entered Yanzi City, I was recognized and everyone gathered around me.


I Bahai asked as he looked at the people in front of him.

"Chief, I heard that the new emperor of the Central Plains wants to unify the grasslands!"

Everyone asked in a hurry.

"Who did you listen to?"

My baby's face changed. He had already kept this in his stomach. Why did these people know about it?

"The word has spread, and everyone is buying things to prepare to escape the war!"

Everyone asked eagerly. War is not unfamiliar to them, but a war breaking out at this time is not what they want. They need to go pasture now.


The warriors around me were full of surprise. They had just come out of Xijin Mansion and didn't find anything unusual or heard anything. How come such a bolt from the blue happened just as they were half-stepping into the grassland.

"Has it all spread?"

I Bahai finally reacted at this time. His secretive plan was still seen through by Sun Lei. When the news spread, the entire grassland would be in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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