Water Margin people

Chapter 1280 Winning over the grassland

Chapter 1280 Winning over the grassland


"Your Majesty, there is news from the grassland that Sun Lei is going to attack the grassland!"

Wanyan Yinshu can quickly ask Wanyan Wu to buy the report.

"What? Sun Lei did something to the grassland?"

Wanyan Wu was confused for a while. The grassland ministries were still waiting and watching. If Sun Lei attacked the grassland, wouldn't the grassland directly fall to them? Sun Lei wouldn't understand such a simple truth.

"Yes, the rumor is that Sun Lei wants all the grassland tribes to surrender completely!"

Wanyan Yinshu can speak.

"Complete surrender? What does complete surrender mean?"

Wanyan Wu asked for help.

"Sun Lei said that all the ministries should hand over the grassland, and Sun Lei will send people to manage it. The grassland will become Sun Lei's subjects! If you don't obey, the heavenly soldiers will kill them all when they arrive!"

Wanyan Yinshu can speak.

"Isn't it right? Is this what Sun Lei said?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai felt that there was something wrong with his ears. These words seemed to be what they should spread. Sun Lei should have promised benefits to win over the grassland at this time. How could he be so strong?

"I don't know who said it, but there is a lot of noise in the grasslands. Temujin of the Tatar tribe is preparing to summon all the ministries to deal with Sun Lei."

Wanyan Yinshu can speak.

"There may be no reason for the rumors to come out of nowhere. Since we are not the ones spreading the rumors, then they are only on Sun Lei's side!"

Wanyan Gao said.

"But didn't Sun Lei just send people to visit the grassland tribes last year? At that time, he still wanted to win over the grassland tribes! Is he getting angry from embarrassment?"

Wanyan Xiyin said, judging from the information they learned, last year Sun Lei sent people to change all the grassland ministries in an attempt to win over the grassland ministries, but in the end they failed.

"There must be a conspiracy here!"

Wanyan Zonghan said, every time he fights with Sun Lei, as long as he finds something strange, there must be a conspiracy.

Everyone frowned and thought. They also guessed that there must be a conspiracy, but they couldn't figure out why Sun Lei would do this.

"Is Sun Lei inflated? Does he really dare to be so arrogant?"

Wanyan Wu Qingbuy thought for a long time but couldn't figure out the reason. He could only think that Sun Lei was too arrogant.

"Your Majesty, no matter what, the grassland must be very excited now. This is a good time for us to win over the grassland!"

Wanyan Gao looked at Wanyan Wu begging for money and said, if the war is coming, if we can win over all the grassland tribes, then this battle will be much more certain.

"Well, since Sun Lei wants to die, then we will help him!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said, they don't care if there is a conspiracy or not, they just go with the flow.

"Immediately send people to the grassland and tell the grassland ministries that as long as Sun Lei is destroyed, I am willing to share the Central Plains with them!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Wanyan Gao and said.

"Split equally? Isn't that inappropriate!"

Wanyan Gao quickly advised that the Central Plains was rich and they were determined to win it, but no matter what, they could not share it equally with the grassland. In this way, their income would be too little.

"If you want the horses to run, you have to give them grass! Why are those people on the grassland waiting and watching? They are afraid! Only when there is enough profit to arouse their greed and desire can they risk their lives!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai shook his head.

"But if we divide the Central Plains equally, we will get too little, and the expansion of the grassland will sooner or later cause trouble!"

Wanyan Gao said, the grassland has been the center of the north since ancient times. The Huns, Xianbei, and Turks all emerged from the grassland. Now the grassland is strong, but there is no hero, and it is still a mess.

"The equal division of the Central Plains is only after defeating Sun Lei. It is not up to us to decide whether the Central Plains will be given or not?" Wanyan Wu said with a smile.

"Ha ha!"

Everyone suddenly realized that they had no integrity. After using the grassland, those people would naturally fall out.

Outside Liaoyang Mansion.

A cry of killing suddenly rang out, and a group of Jin cavalry charged out diagonally, targeting a camp in Qi State.

"Enemy attack!"

Wang Zhen roared loudly, and the dull military drum sounded. The Forbidden Army soldiers hurriedly put their weapons on guard behind the bunker. Seeing the ferocity of the Jin cavalry who came to kill them, the Forbidden Army soldiers were so frightened that their legs trembled.

"Fire arrows!"

Jin Wushu roared loudly, and the cavalrymen instantly raised their bows and arrows, and like a rain of locust arrows, they flew towards the formation of the Forbidden Army.

"Raise your shield and form an array!"

Wang Zhen shouted and gave orders.

But Wang Zhen overestimated these forbidden troops. When he saw the arrows coming, he must have raised his shield in a positive way, but no one cared about the formation. They all held up their shields and just ran away, and the formation suddenly became chaotic.

"No chaos, no chaos!"

The king was in a hurry and the enemy cavalry charged into the formation. At this time, they should rely on bunkers and fight in a strict military formation. As long as the military formation was tight enough and the soldiers were united enough, the light cavalry's charge could be completely blocked.

But if the military formation is in chaos, it will be another situation. At this time, the cavalry will be like wolves among the sheep.


Wang Zhen shouted for a long time but could not stop the chaotic soldiers. He could only ask the crossbowmen in the rear to prepare, trying to stop the enemy's attack with crossbows.

The crossbowman also panicked, and without waiting for the king's order to attack, he directly released the arrows. The arrows were not placed neatly, and the directions were messy. They were sparse and easily dodged by the enemy.


Jin Wushu sneered. With this wave of impact, he had figured out the true and false status of the enemy. Although they looked a little slick in training, they were still the useless imperial troops in Tokyo. Their legs became weak when they entered the battlefield and they did not obey orders at all. This kind of When an army enters the battlefield, it is vulnerable.


Wang Zhen looked at the enemy who was leaving with some confusion. It was clear that the enemy could break the formation as long as they continued to charge, but at the last moment the enemy gave up.

Seeing that the enemy had left, the imperial guards were all frightened and ran into the camp in confusion.

"Why are you running around? I'll kill anyone who runs around again!"

When Wang Zhen saw how miserable these forbidden troops were, he was furious and immediately asked the supervising veterans of Qi to step forward to control the situation.

Veterans wielding whips rushed into the army. Under the whips, the frightened soldiers finally calmed down.

"General, there were more than three hundred casualties in this battle. More than a hundred of them were wounded and killed by enemy arrows, and the rest were trampled on each other!"

A soldier reported to Wang.


Wang Zhen's face was very ugly. None of the enemies rushed into the formation. There were three hundred casualties on his side. This battle was extremely embarrassing. He had never fought in a useless battle in his life.

"Stand up. Who told you to stay in the military camp? Get out and train. You are scared to death when you see the enemy. You don't look like a soldier!"

Wang Xun was so angry that he whipped the soldiers with a whip. The soldiers were whipped so hard that they screamed and could only reluctantly go outside the camp.

"I don't believe it. I can't train you yet. If you are such a waste, you deserve to die on the battlefield!"

Wang Zhen looked at the soldiers with drooping heads and roared angrily. He didn't care whether Sun Lei wanted these forbidden soldiers to be abandoned soldiers. In his eyes, these people were not even qualified to be abandoned soldiers and were only qualified to be abandoned soldiers. Use it as fertilizer here.

(End of this chapter)

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