Water Margin people

Chapter 1281 Showing weakness to the enemy

Chapter 1281 Showing weakness to the enemy

Han Shizhong, Zhong Shidao and others also led troops to support them at this time.

At this time, the imperial army was dispersed and arranged around Liaoyang Mansion, like stars holding the moon, surrounding Liaoyang Mansion. There were ten thousand troops in each camp, and they were only a few miles apart, so they could be each other's horns.

Originally, Han Shizhong and Zhong Shidao should have arrived with their men long ago, but their soldiers were so unsatisfied that they panicked for a long time before getting ready!

"The enemy is gone?"

Han Shizhong looked at Wang Chen and asked.

"Let's go! Those people came to harass us on purpose!"

Wang Zhen pointed at the mess in the camp and said.


Han Shizhong frowned and looked in the direction where the enemy was leaving.

"This battle was really cowardly. I have never been so cowardly in my life!"

Wang Zhen explained what had just happened in detail.

"Alas, these are the worst Imperial Guards given to us. All of them are ruffians, the kind who refuse to change despite repeated admonishment."

Zhong Shidao said helplessly, but they have no right to complain. They are all prisoners. Now they can lead troops to fight against foreigners. This is already a gift.

"If you die, just die. As a soldier, you fear the enemy like a tiger, so you deserve it!"

Han Shizhong said directly that he didn't care about the life or death of these soldiers. These people had been trained by Lin Chong and others for two months, but they still couldn't train. In this case, as a soldier, he had no choice but to die.

At Liaoyang Mansion.

"Why are there so many such trash in the Forbidden Army!"

Yang Zhi looked into the distance and said.

He had also seen the situation at Wang Zhen's side just now. Those soldiers really had no combat power at all. Jin Wushu only brought two thousand cavalry. How could it be impossible to defend the position with ten thousand defenders?

"It's just right to use these people to paralyze the enemy. These are the soldiers who have been fooling around in the Forbidden Army all year round. They are hopeless and have almost no fighting power. If they are disbanded, they will be rogues in the local area."

Xu Guanzhong said, these forbidden troops have only two paths, either to fight hard, become a good soldier, and make achievements on the battlefield, or to die on the battlefield.

"We will continue to do this during this period, loosen the outside and tighten the inside to paralyze the enemy!"

Xu Guanzhong looked at everyone and said.

"By the way, military advisor, I just received news that the grassland side seems to be resisting His Majesty's orders. I'm worried that the grassland ministries will fall to the Jin Kingdom."

Lin Chong looked at Xu Guanzhong and said.

"Your Majesty probably wants to test the reaction of various grassland ministries. Although I visited the grassland last year, those people also showed their unwillingness to participate in this war, but things are not absolute. Once the balance of the war shifts, these people will May take action at any time.”

"And the most important point is that this war broke out in late spring and early summer. This is what we and the Jin Kingdom have agreed to. The war will last until midsummer. At that time, the grasslands who are watching from the sidelines will have strong troops. If they take action at that time, but Big trouble! Since it’s a trouble, it’s better to solve it as soon as possible.”

Xu Guanzhong said.

"How your Majesty does this, the grassland will have to make a clear statement, whether to surrender to our Daqi or to go against our Daqi."

"If those tribes don't take a stand, the entire grassland will be panicked. This will divide them from within. In time, it will only be partial for them to defect."

Xu Guanzhong continued.

"So what do we do?"

Xu Ning looked at Xu Guanzhong and asked.

"Let's pretend we don't know and stay the same. There will be an army coming in the future. We need to act like we're in a hurry or even cause some trouble. Only in this way can the enemy believe that they have a greater chance of winning this battle, and then they can The enemy's main force is drawn out."

Xu Guanzhong looked at the crowd and said.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded in unison.

Jin Wushu led the army back to the camp.

"Haha, the Great Song Dynasty's imperial army is still vulnerable!"

Jin Wushu laughed and looked at the crowd and said, In this battle, he only ran around in a circle and the enemy was already in chaos and trampled on each other. If this were on the battlefield, he would dare to attack a hundred thousand troops with two thousand men. .

"Your Majesty, let's take action. These people are too weak, just kill them!"

Wanyan Zongwang looked at Wanyan Wu begging for money and said.

"No, keep these people! In addition, you can test the defenders in other places!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai shook his head.

"Your Majesty, why?"

Wanyan Zongwang asked in confusion, the Jurchens are not a merciful people, and they will not show mercy when they see the weak.

"How did we defeat the Liao Kingdom? When my brother rebelled against the Liao, we only had more than 2,000 cavalry, and you were all there. The Liao Kingdom had an army of 100,000 at that time!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at the brothers and nephews and asked, it was Wanyan Aguda who led them to attack Ningjiang Prefecture at Shibei Weizitun.

"Your Majesty, do you mean to attack one point and disperse the whole army?"

Wanyan Yinshu immediately reacted. They once defeated the Liao Kingdom's 100,000 troops with more than 2,000 cavalry. Later, Liao Emperor Tianzuo led an army of 700,000 chariots to personally conquer, but they were also routed by their 20,000 troops.

And how did the Jurchens win? It was Wanyan Aguda who seized on the weakness of the Liao army. In the Battle of Chuhedian, the so-called one hundred thousand Liao army actually only had 20,000 real troops. The remaining 80,000 were recruited servants. These people were poorly equipped. They also had no fighting qualities and would disperse as soon as they charged. The disintegrated servant army would also attack the Liao army's formation, eventually leading to a rout.

The same was true in the Battle of Hubu Dagang. There were 700,000 Liao troops. The real army was only 100,000. They directly killed the scattered servants. They were defeated and rushed towards the enemy's central army. The 700,000 army was like this. Defeated.

"Yes, just attack one point. The scale of the battle this time will be very large. The two armies will confront each other. Whoever can take the upper hand will have the last laugh. And those trash are the points for our attack. You kill them now, and we will face What to do with the tight military formation?”

Wanyan Wu Qimai nodded and looked at the crowd and said, they have been using the tactics used against Liao Kingdom to fight Sun Lei, and every time they were defeated miserably. The reason is that Sun Lei's army is all elite and there will be no war at all. The phenomenon of fleeing when the situation is unfavorable will definitely be difficult to defeat if the whole army is united.

But this time, Sun Lei didn't have enough troops, and he also wanted to kill people with a borrowed knife, which exposed his flaw.

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this, as if they were back to the time when they first launched the army, fearing neither heaven nor earth.

"Tonight you go to add fire, and during the day you can get a little closer to Liaoyang Mansion to test the enemy and see if they dare to come out."

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at everyone and said.

Everyone took the order and went out.

"Fourth brother, the Korean side and the Tata'er tribe are ready, but the Koreans are still in Baozhou on the east bank of the Yalu River."

Wanyan Gao looked at Wanyan Wu begging for money and said.

"The Koreans haven't crossed the Yalu River yet?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai frowned and said, his order was to allow the Korean army to pass the rendezvous.

"The Korean people said that their roads will be muddy after spring, and they will have difficulty transporting grain and grass. It will take some time."

Wanyan Gao said.

"The road is muddy? Where did they get the road over there?"

Wanyan Wu Qibuy said disdainfully that Goryeo had always been on guard against Liaodong, and the roads had been abandoned for so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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