Water Margin people

Chapter 1288 Silver Mine and Fishing

Chapter 1288 Silver Mine and Fishing

Analyze Jinfu.

"Your Majesty, the navy has come to report that after a day's bombardment, the five cities of Goryeo have been destroyed, hundreds of thousands of enemies have been killed, and countless gains have been made..."

Shi Qian took the military newspaper and reported it to Sun Lei.

"This is very fast!"

Sun Lei took a look at the battle report and laughed.

"So fast?"

Sui Sheng was confused for a while, no matter how powerful the artillery was, it would be impossible to destroy five cities in a row.

"Do you think this is our fortified city? The Korean people's buildings are far less thick-skinned than theirs. Can some soil walls and wooden walls withstand artillery bombardment?"

Sun Lei said with a smile that Goryeo, which was accustomed to being comfortable, had long lost its sense of worry. Hundreds of artillery bombardments were bombing together, and Goryeo's village-like defenses could not stop it.

"Well, Japan has silver mines?"

Sun Lei's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the last few lines of words. He suddenly remembered that there was a silver mountain in the Japanese country, which was a windfall.

"Silver mine?"

Everyone looked at Sun Lei. Silver mines were also very scarce in the Central Plains. Now Qi State has implemented three coins of gold, silver and copper. In terms of value, silver coins will become the main currency in circulation. However, the Central Plains is short of silver and there are not enough silver coins minted. Covering the entire country.

"Tell Ruan Xiaoer that the matter of the silver mine will be left to him. The Koreans and Japanese can do whatever they want!"

Sun Lei looked at Shi Qian and said.

"Your Majesty, there are silver mountains in places like Japan?"

Shi Bao frowned and said, the Japanese country is a remote and barren land overseas. There are silver mountains in such a place?

"Haha, of course there are silver mountains, and the silver mine reserves are huge."

Sun Lei said with a smile, he knew that there was Iwami Silver Mine in Japan. This mine contained huge silver content. At its peak, it produced 200 tons of silver a year, accounting for one-third of the world's silver production at that time. Such a good thing How could I let it go?

"Wu Yong!"

Sun Lei shouted.

"His Majesty!"

Wu Yong immediately stepped forward and saluted.

"I'll give you a mission. The navy will soon attack Japan to look for silver mountains. You will be responsible for the silver mines. Remember, I only want the silver mines!"

Sun Lei looked at Wu Yong and said that he needed a ruthless person who was good at playing with human nature and scheming to go to Japan and Korea to preside over matters, and among all his subordinates, only Wu Yong was the most suitable.

"Your Majesty, what should we do with Japan and Korea?"

Wu Yong looked at Sun Lei and asked.

"I'm not interested in them, it's up to you!"

Sun Lei waved his hand and said that he was too lazy to care about Korea and Japan. He was only interested in Japan's silver mines and Korea's copper mines.

"I understand!"

Wu Yong's eyes were gleaming, especially the last sentence, "You can do it." This gave him a lot of room for maneuver. It could almost be said that he could do whatever he wanted.

Wu Yong was very excited. This was the most important task he had accepted since joining Qi State. He could handle two countries by himself!

"Go ahead and bring the ore back as soon as possible!"

Sun Lei nodded.

"Great, now that we have the gold, silver, and copper mountains, our Daqi coins can finally be promoted!"

Sun Lei couldn't help but feel better. Jinshan Li Jun would definitely be able to find it if he went to America. There are gold mines on the west coast of America. It can be said that gold is everywhere. Nowadays, Japan has a lot of silver mines and Korean copper mines, and his headache is solved all of a sudden.

"Tell Liaoyang Mansion that the war can begin!"

Sun Lei looked at Ma Lin and said, the battle in Goryeo has been won, so the war in Liaodong should begin, otherwise the Kingdom of Jin should react.

"Your Majesty, there is news from the west that Luan Tingyu is back!"

Sun Li hurried in from outside and said.

"Luan Tingyu? Is there any news about Zhao Gou?"

Sun Lei asked.

"Yes, Zhao Gou, Zhang Bangchang, Qin Hui, and Zhang Jun are all here. Then Zhao Gou has accepted the canonization of the Jin Kingdom and became the King of Zhennan of the Jin Kingdom. He has also given three thousand soldiers and horses. Zhao Gou is ready to come. The Central Plains gathered forces and established a puppet state."

Sun Li said.

"Oh?" Sun Lei touched his chin and started thinking.

"Your Majesty, what Luan Tingyu means is that your Majesty can set up an ambush and capture Zhao Gou and others."

Sun Li saw that Sun Lei was silent in thought, so he spoke.

"No, we can't capture Zhao Gou now!"

Sun Lei shook his head.


Sun Li was stunned. Zhao Gou was already meat on the chopping board. If he didn't take it off now, how long would it take?

"You have to squeeze out all the value of Zhao Gou!"

Sun Lei shook his head and said, Zhao Gou can only be considered a small player now and cannot make waves at all, but a small player can also play a big role, such as being used as bait for fishing.

"Your Majesty, what value does Zhao Gou have? The Song Dynasty is dead!"

Sun Li asked in confusion, the Song Dynasty is no longer here, and Zhao Gou is just a lost dog at best.

"After all, the Song Dynasty has been passed down for more than 160 years. Even a centipede is still alive, and a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Do you know how many people still think of the Zhao Song Dynasty?"

Sun Lei looked at Sun Li and asked.

"Your Majesty...I am loyal to Your Majesty! I will never have second thoughts!"

Sun Li quickly knelt down to show his loyalty. He thought Sun Lei was doubting him.

Everyone was surprised when they saw Sun Li acting like this. Qi would not like this unless Sun Li really had different intentions.

"Have you been staying with Zhao Song for a long time? Get rid of this bad habit quickly!"

Sun Lei looked at Sun Li and said.


Only then did Sun Li realize the strange looks from everyone around him, and quickly stood up.

"What I mean is to use Zhao Gou to fish and fish out those who are hiding and loyal to Zhao Song."

Sun Lei looked at Sun Li and explained.

"So that's how it is! Your Majesty is wise!"

Sun Li suddenly realized that he couldn't help but admire Sun Lei's wisdom. The enemy in the dark was the most dangerous one. Now that Zhao Gou was acting as a bait, he was not afraid that those people would not be fooled.

"But Your Majesty, if you really ask Zhao Gou to gather those people, I'm afraid it will be too big!"

Sun Li also expressed his worries. It is unknown how many people are loyal to Zhao and Song in the world. If there are too many people, it may not be easy to solve.

"You are stupid! How does Zhao Gou know who is real and who is fake? We can just arrange some people to pretend to sneak in, and then we can solve it without much effort!"

Sun Lei glanced at Sun Li and said.

"I see!"

Sun Li looked ecstatic. Isn't this the way to destroy Tokyo? But this is easier than breaking through Tokyo. This time they can even directly arrange for the army to sneak into Zhao Gou's side.

"Besides, you go and act in a play, otherwise Luan Tingyu will be easily suspected!"

Sun Lei looked at Sun Lidao.


Sun Li was puzzled again.

"It's a drama about brothers turning against each other and each being his own master. It has been reported that you are an undercover agent. Zhao Gou is likely to suspect Luan Tingyu!"

Sun Lei looked at Sun Li and said.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the general will know!"

Sun Li immediately saluted.

"Don't let Zhao Gou go to Shuzhong, just let him go to Guanzhong. The road in Shuzhong is difficult, and it is difficult for people from the Central Plains to get there!"

Sun Lei also warned that fishing should be done at a controlled time. The road to Shu was difficult and he did not have time to wait for the "fish" to swim slowly over.

"Master Lu and Taoist Master Gongsun will help you arrange this!"

Sun Lei looked at Sun Li and said, Lu Zhishen is responsible for the war in the northwest.

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