Water Margin people

Chapter 1289 Soft Persimmon

Chapter 1289 Soft Persimmon


Jin Wushu led the army to charge towards a Qi camp again.

"Array up! Crossbows!"

Wang Zhen roared loudly, and the soldiers in the position immediately raised their shields and lined up, while the soldiers in the rear drew their bows and nocked arrows.

"These bunch of dog feudal lords really think I'm easy to bully!"

Wang Zhen couldn't help but feel furious. This guy Jin Wushu would lead his troops to attack five times a day, and two of them were on his side.

"You pick me to attack the dozens of camps outside Liaoyang Mansion. You really think I'm a fool!"

Wang Zhen cursed Jin Wushu in his heart. After all, he was also a famous general. How could he not be angry when he was so slighted in front of the two armies.

"Cheer up, everyone. Anyone who disobeys my command will be killed without mercy!"

Wang Zhen yelled at the soldiers.

Facing the Jin cavalry charging towards them, the imperial troops around Wang Zhen were still very scared, but they did not dare to move. In the past few days, Wang Zhen had killed many people who had escaped from the battle.

If the armor protects the vital points, one will not die even if he is hit by the enemy's crossbow, but if he escapes from the battle, his head will be chopped off, which means he will not survive.


Jin Wushu, who was leading the attack, frowned slightly. After several days of fighting, this group of enemies had made rapid progress.

"Disperse, shoot in a roundabout way!"

Jin Wushu immediately gave the order, and the attacking army instantly divided into two teams and detoured towards Wang Chu's position.

The bows and crossbows of both sides fired at the same time. The Jurchens' shooting skills were obviously better. Many of the imperial soldiers fell to the ground after being hit by arrows.

But this time there were also losses in the attack on the Jin Kingdom's army. Although the crossbow skills of these forbidden troops were very poor, the design of the crossbow array coverage did not require technology at all. It only needed to be able to hit wherever you pointed. After the arrow rain covered It can cause huge casualties.

"Fall back!"

Jin Wushu was shocked. He still underestimated the restraint of the crossbow formation on the light cavalry.

"Next time I'll bring you Iron Buddha instead!"

Jin Wushu looked at the injured cavalry and thought in his mind.

At the end of the day's harassment, the Jin army disappeared over the horizon.


Wang Zhen watched the Jin army leaving with great hatred in his heart.

"General Wang, there is a letter from Liaoyang Mansion. The military advisor has summoned everyone to discuss strategies to defeat the enemy!"

A cavalryman came to deliver the order.

"I'll be there right away!"

Wang Xun responded.

"Continue to train them. If they don't meet the standards, they will have no food. Tomorrow the enemy will attack again and they will have to stand at the front!"

Wang Zhen yelled at the soldiers that the war was imminent and if he wanted to increase the combat power of these ruffians as soon as possible, he could only use Chongdian.

Liaoyang Mansion, government offices, and generals from various positions outside the city have all returned.

"Your Majesty has written. The navy brothers from Goryeo have destroyed Goryeo's military city, including the capital city of Kaijing, and destroyed more than 200,000 people. Half of Goryeo's combat power has been directly wiped out!"

Xu Guanzhong looked at everyone and said.

"So fast?"

Everyone's eyes were filled with surprise and surprise. The navy probably took action in the past two days. How could it have crippled Goryeo in such a short time?

"Your Majesty allows us to take action!"

Xu Guanzhong looked at everyone and smiled.

"Haha, it's finally our turn!"

Everyone laughed excitedly. They had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Military advisor, how large a scale should we fight? The army from the Kingdom of Jin is almost gathered!"

Lin Chong looked at Wang Jin and asked. According to the information he received, the Jin Kingdom had gathered more than 400,000 troops, while their side only had more than 200,000 forbidden troops, 100,000 Western troops, and 150,000 Qi elites. The numbers of both sides were about the same.

"First send out tens of thousands of people to test. The enemy should come again today! We still focus on paralyzing the enemy, but we can't completely show weakness now, we have to show some strength!" Xu Guanzhong said, they have already gathered enough people here It's not okay to just show weakness to our army.

"Haha, look at us!"

Lin Chong laughed, a battle of tens of thousands of people was enough.

A group of generals quickly discussed, and finally everyone agreed with Wang Jin's strategy of ambush from all sides, but in the end they still left a way to survive. If they were all killed, the enemy might be aware of it.

"Let the Five Tigers of Jishan be responsible for this war!"

Wang Jin smiled and looked at Yuan Lang, Ma Er, Ma Jin, Teng Shu and Teng Kan.

"Haha, then we will do our part!"

Yuan Lang was not one to be polite. Since Wang Jin, the Deputy Privy Envoy, had spoken, he naturally agreed happily.

"There are still five people left for House of Flying Daggers, so let Huang Xin, Jie Zhen, Jie Bao, Chen Da, and Yang Chun cooperate with you to form the House of Flying Daggers array!"

Wang Jin nodded and named five more people.

After nightfall, Wanyan Zongqian and Wanyan Zongwang came quietly with five thousand cavalry. They were going to attack tonight.

"Would you like to play something big tonight?"

Wanyan Zongqian lowered his voice and said to Wanyan Zongwang.

"What do you mean by playing big?"

Wanyan Zongmou was puzzled.

"Aren't you bored after harassing me for several days? This group of people is so weak, just kill them for a while!"

Wanyan Zongqian whispered.

"Your Majesty has a word, act with caution! Although the enemy is weak, there are currently 450,000 troops. If we are surrounded, we may not be able to escape!"

Wanyan Zongwang opened his mouth and said, he didn't want to kill for a while, but the war hadn't broken out yet, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

"There's no need to actually fight, look at this!"

Wanyan Zongqian took out a pack of explosives and said with a smile.

"Dynamite! How did you get it?"

Wanyan Zongwang was shocked when he looked at the gunpowder. A war was imminent. Gunpowder was a top priority and was strictly guarded by the army.

"The one who guards the warehouse used to work with me. I didn't get many, so he'll be fine!"

Wanyan Zongqian said.

"Just tell me whether you want to do it or not! If you don't dare, I will do it myself!"

Wanyan Zongqian continued.

"Do it! Why not do it!"

Wanyan Zongwang looked at the gunpowder and couldn't bear it anymore. He was not willing to miss this opportunity.

"There are fifteen camps outside Liaoyang Mansion. Let's find one to fight!"

Wanyan Zongwang opened his mouth and said.

"I have already thought about it. I will attack Wang Zhen. Of all the army camps outside the city, Wang Zhen's 10,000 people are the weakest."

Wanyan Zonggan said with a smile, the fifteen camps outside Liaoyang Mansion were all prisoners of the imperial army, and each camp contained ten thousand people.

After testing during this period, they found that the combat effectiveness of the fifteen camps was uneven. There were several camps with extremely strong combat effectiveness, and even the Jin army did not dare to get too close.

But some sub-camps are not good. Their combat effectiveness is extremely poor. Soldiers will run away when frightened. Their determination to fight is not firm. They want to escape before the battle begins.

Among them, the army in Wang Zhen's camp had the worst combat effectiveness.

"Haha, you and I thought we'd go together."

Wanyan Zongwang also laughed, this persimmon was of course meant for softness.

After the two discussed, they immediately changed direction and headed towards Wang Zhen's camp.

Wang Zhen, who was reprimanding the soldiers in the camp, got the news immediately.

"You think I'm easy to bully. It's not enough to come here twice during the day, but you have to come at night? Okay, okay, I'll fight with you!"

Wang Zhen was so angry that he almost became a joke in the army. The imperial army was divided into five battalions, and now his battalion was treated as a soft persimmon by the enemy. This was a slap in his face!

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