Water Margin people

Chapter 1290 Ambush

"Listen to me, anyone who dares to take a step back will be killed!"

Wang Zhen yelled at his imperial guards that today he would clear his name. He was not only a guard general, but also a general who knew how to train troops.

Wanyan Zongqian and Wanyan Zonghan led their troops to the vicinity of Wang Zhen's camp. They did not hide at all and started to charge directly with torches.


When Wang Zhen saw the enemy rushing over, he shouted at the soldiers that he would first use his bow and crossbow to stop the enemy, and then use his military formation to strangle the enemy.

But Wanyan Zongwang and Wanyan Zongqian did not intend to actually charge and kill. Their purpose was just to make a show of force. Before they could reach the range of the crossbow, the team dispersed and rushed towards Wang Zhen's camp from all directions.

"Fire the crossbows! Shield soldiers line up, spearmen prepare!"

Wang Zhen immediately ordered when he saw the enemy entering the shooting range.

The crossbowmen immediately fired their arrows, but their sight was blocked at night, so the crossbowmen did not cause much damage and the enemy rushed outside the camp smoothly.

"Lance, get up!"

Wang Zhen shouted!

But the approaching enemy stopped and threw the explosives in their hands directly into the camp.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a burst of explosions, and the imperial troops who had barely formed their formation were instantly thrown into chaos. The soldiers no longer cared about military orders, and simply abandoned their helmets and armor and fled in all directions.

"Don't mess up! Don't mess up!"

Wang Zhen yelled at the command, but the result was very bad. The frightened Imperial Army did not care about any orders at all. They just wanted to escape to the inside of the camp to avoid the enemy's attack.

"Ha ha!"

Wanyan Zongqian and Wanyan Zongwang looked at the chaotic camp in the distance and laughed.

"Jin Wushu also said that the enemy is showing off. What does this look like? We are still in the camp. When the two armies confront each other outside the camp, these people don't want to be like sheep meeting wolves?"

Wanyan Zongwang said with a smile.

"Jin Wushu just makes everything complicated. These are Song troops. No amount of training will change them!"

Wanyan Zongqian also laughed and said.

The Jin army left after the attack, with no intention of attacking by force.


Wanyan Zongqian greeted the soldiers and left. He had fought enough tonight and he would not give the enemy a chance to react.

"They're all trash!"

Wang Zhen looked at the messy camp and the soldiers hiding in Tibet and waved his whip angrily, but the soldiers were frightened and did not dare to come out no matter how hard they whipped them.

The Jin army gathered again and embarked on the return journey.

Wanyan Zongqian and Wanyan Zongwang are in a very good mood. Today's battle can prove that the forbidden troops in Tokyo are still the same useless group of forbidden troops. No matter how many they are, it is useless.

The army was marching forward with laughter. Suddenly, the cavalry at the front of the team fell and fell on its back.

"There's a situation! Be alert!"

Upon seeing this, Wanyan Zongqian immediately ordered the army to be on alert.

"It's a tripping rope, enemy!"

Wanyan Zongwang shouted.

"How dare these guys ambush us? Let me kill them all!"

Wanyan Zongqian gritted his teeth and said.

At this moment, firelights lit up on both sides, and the two armies of Jie Zhen and Jie Bao immediately appeared, rushing towards the Jin army like a rain of locust arrows.

"Go around and kill them all!"

Wanyan Zongqian was not afraid at all. This was a plain. If he wanted to ambush their cavalry, he would be seeking death.

The Jin army quickly took a circuitous route and charged towards the two places where the fire was shining.

But immediately two more fires lit up, Chen Da and Yang Chun also revealed their identities, and the two crossbow formations fired directly at the passing Jin army.

"No, the enemy is already prepared, leave quickly!"

Wanyan Zongwang opened his mouth and said, there were only four enemies appearing now, and there were not many enemies in the darkness. He could see that the enemies were already prepared.

"Want to leave now? It's too late! Kill!"

Yuan Lang gave an order, and four men, Ma Xun, Ma Jin, Teng Shu, and Teng Kan, led the army and rushed out. Four crossbow formations had trapped the Jin army from four directions. At this time, the four armies came out again. For a moment, the Jin army felt that there were enemies in all directions. For a while, the formation was in chaos and they were directly trapped.

However, the Jin army quickly adjusted and gathered together into a circular formation.

"It looks like I've been preparing for it for a long time!"

Wanyan Zongqian's face turned cold. He could tell that tonight's ambush had been planned by the enemy for a long time.

"There is some trouble. The enemy has blocked the way out. This place is too close to Liaoyang Mansion. We just attacked the enemy's camp outside the city. I am afraid the enemy will come soon!"

Wanyan Zongwang was a little worried. It would be troublesome if they were trapped.

"Kill with me, I don't believe you can't get out!"

Wanyan Zongqian called the soldiers to find a certain direction and rushed over.

Ma Tie was responsible for Wanyan Zongqian's charge. Ma Tie would not let Wanyan Zongqian pass so easily. He led his army to directly block it, and cooperated with the nearby bow and crossbow array to kill back several waves of Jin army's charges.

"It's time for us to go. After a few kills, we should let these people go!"

Yuan Lang looked at Huang Xin and said.

"I'm going!"

Huang Xin smiled and led his troops to charge away. Seeing Huang Xin leading his troops to attack, the other armies also launched an attack on the Jin army.

"We can't go on like this, let's work together and rush out!"

When Wanyan Zong saw that the enemy had launched a general attack, he said to Wanyan Zongqian that they must break through with all their strength.

"Over there, the guards are weaker over there!"

Wanyan Zongqian led his troops to charge several times and discovered the weaknesses of the enemy's defense.


The two men led the army to charge out. Faced with the encirclement and suppression, they no longer looked back and forth, and focused on leading their troops to break out of the encirclement.

After a fight regardless of casualties, the two men finally led their troops to charge out.

"Fortunately, there are only nine armies!"

Wanyan Zongqian said with a sigh of relief.


But at this moment, Yuan Lang led his troops to attack diagonally. The distance between the two armies was only a few dozen meters. Yuan Lang and his army rushed over in a moment.

"Damn it!"

Anyan Zongqian still wanted to command the army to respond to the enemy, but the army behind him had been dispersed by Yuan Lang's troops.

"Hurry up, the enemy is coming!"

Wanyan Zongwang stopped Wanyan Zongqian, and the enemies from behind were chasing him. They could not fight with the enemies here.


Wanyan Zongqian could only grit his teeth and curse and lead his troops to leave quickly.

The rest also led troops to pursue them, and in cooperation with Yuan Lang, they began to surround and kill the running Jin troops.

"This battle should be enough, the enemy will not dare to attack again!"

Xu Guanzhong looked at the enemies fleeing in panic on the city wall and smiled.

"It's been a long time since these little tricks have been finished, and it's time to serve up some real food."

Wang Jin nodded and said, the armies of both sides have been assembled, and it is time to start the battle.

Wanyan Zongqian and Wanyan Zongwang, who fled back in embarrassment, reported everything to Wanyan Wu to beg for money.

"It seems that harassment is of no use anymore!"

Wanyan Zonghan said.

"Your Majesty, it's time for war!"

Wanyan Loushi also said, their 400,000-strong army is gathered here, and their daily consumption of food and grass is huge. It is not an option to continue to consume like this.

"Send an order to the entire army to rest for two days before setting up camp and preparing to attack!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai nodded, he also knew that the battle must be decided quickly, and delaying it would be detrimental to them. (End of chapter)

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