Water Margin people

Chapter 1291 Acting

Near Jiashan.

"Why hasn't Luan Tingyu come back yet? It's been several days!"

Zhao Gou looked at Qin Hui beside him and asked.

"No news yet!"

Qin Hui quickly replied.

"Is something going to happen?"

Zhao Gou became worried. He was not worried about Luan Tingyu's safety, but worried that Luan Tingyu would betray him after being caught. Then there would be trouble.

"It shouldn't be the case. The northwest is vast and sparsely populated. Luan Tingyu only has a few people there. If you be careful, you won't be discovered."

Zhang Jun said, Luan Tingyu acted fairly and carefully.

After waiting for another half day, Luan Tingyu brought the people back.

"General Luan, do you have any news?"

When everyone saw Luan Tingyu coming back, they all came forward and asked. They were curious about the situation inside the Great Wall.

"The interior of the Great Wall is controlled by Qi, but the defense line in Kansai is very long, and Qi is fighting the Jin army. There are not many troops here. I have explored several safe routes..."

Luan Tingyu took a sip of water and spoke.

"That's great!"

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this, and quickly took out the map and asked Luan Tingyu to mark the route.

Luan Tingyu marked the route he had explored in detail.

"Actually, there are three roads, take Taiyuan, take Yan'an Prefecture, and take Weizhou!"

Zhang Jun saw the route marked by Luan Tingyu and said directly.

"Weizhou is safer, go to Weizhou!"

Qin Hui pointed to the road leading to Weizhou and said.

"This road is too far!"

Zhang Bangchang was a little hesitant. If he wanted to go to Weizhou, he would have to make a long detour.

"Not only is it a distance, the road to Weizhou has to pass through the plateau. Now that the grasslands have grown in the south, the Xixia people are grazing on the plateau. It is too dangerous to go there at this time!"

Zhang Jun also spoke out and rejected the Weizhou route. He was worried about the Xixia people. During this period, they detected that Xixia soldiers and horses were mobilized frequently. It seemed that they were preparing to enter the pass. They were likely to encounter them in the past.

"Then where should we go? Yan'an Mansion? That is a place heavily guarded by the enemy! Or Taiyuan Mansion. The road there is densely populated. Our three thousand soldiers and horses will be discovered as soon as we go there."

Qin Hui looked at Zhang Jun and said, these three roads are not safe.

Everyone couldn't stop arguing and could only look at Zhao Gou, waiting for Zhao Gou to make a decision.

Zhao Gou didn't expect that everyone would look over to see what he had in mind. In the end, he could only look at Luan Tingyu.

"I think it's safer to take the Yan'an Mansion route."

Luan Tingyu said his thoughts.

"Yan'an Mansion, isn't that right under the enemy's nose?"

Qin Hui looked at Luan Tingyu and said.

"There is a saying that it is dark under the lamp. Yan'an Prefecture is an important town in Guanxi, but the more it is like this, the easier it is for the enemy to be careless. Moreover, the roads around Yan'an Prefecture are full of mountains. There are many roads we can take."

Luan Tingyu said.


Zhang Jun nodded repeatedly after hearing this. Luan Tingyu's thoughts coincided with his.

"Then let's go!"

Seeing that Zhao Gou had made up his mind, he immediately urged him.

Three thousand people quietly walked toward the Great Wall.

"Report, Your Highness, a large number of Xixia people have appeared in the west and are heading towards the pass!"

A sentinel rider came to report.

"Xixia people!"

Zhao Gou's face was full of surprise. He was a little lucky that he didn't take the Weizhou road, otherwise he would have plunged directly into the battlefield.

"how many people?"

Zhang Jun asked.

“Thirty thousand people were seen!”

Sentinel Qiu replied.

"Thirty thousand people? This is just one army. Goryeo will have at least five armies dispatched this time. Wanyan Wu Qimai really contacted Xixia!"

Zhang Jun said.

"Isn't this just right! When Xixia knocks on the pass, those people will definitely be restrained, and we can leave just in time." Qin Hui said, isn't this just God helping them.

"Go! Go!"

Zhang Bangchang urged.

The group of people entered the pass smoothly with their troops and horses, and headed south along the safe route discovered by Luan Tingyu.

"General Luan, you have worked hard this time. When you settle down, I will definitely reward you based on your merits."

Zhao Gou looked at Luan Tingyu and said.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Luan Tingyu saluted and thanked him with a look of great joy.

The army marched for two days and passed Yan'an Mansion very smoothly. This made everyone finally feel relieved. After passing Yan'an Mansion, their biggest obstacle on the road was over.

"Report, there is a large army coming across the Yellow River from the east!"

At this moment, the Sentinel Cavalry came running to report.

"It should be for frontline support. There is only one road here. The nearest branch road is ten miles away. We can't completely avoid it!"

Zhang Jun looked at the map and said to Zhao Gou.

"Why is your luck so bad!"

Zhao Gou cursed secretly, it was going smoothly all the way, how could he be hit by the enemy when he was about to succeed.

"You protect His Highness and go ahead while I go to stop the enemy."

Seeing everyone in a panic, Luan Tingyu spoke directly.

Everyone looked at Luan Tingyu with surprise and disbelief in their eyes. It would be a dead end to stop the enemy at this time.

"General Luan, I will reward you well!"

Zhao Gou looked at Luan Tingyu with emotion, this is called sincerity in need, Luan Tingyu was really loyal to him and willing to die for him.


Zhang Jun immediately gave the order, and the army quickly moved towards the fork in the front.

Just when the army arrived at the fork in the road, Sun Li's army also happened to arrive.

"Sun Li!"

Zhao Gou looked at the banner with the character Sun as general, and then at Sun Li who was riding a horse and leading the troops. The expression on his face was complicated. Sun Li must have surrendered to Sun Lei at this time.

"Zhao Gou! Arrange quickly!"

Sun Li looked surprised, but he immediately ordered the army to form an array.

"Sun Li, if you are defeated and surrendered to Sun Lei, I can pardon you! It's not too late to put things right now!"

Zhao Gou looked at Sun Li and shouted, Sun Li was the Grand Lieutenant of the Song Dynasty, and it would be a great help if he could recruit him to surrender.

"Bah, I am originally from the Qi State, and I am undercover in Tokyo. If you encounter me today, none of you can even think of running away!"

Sun Li laughed proudly and said.

"You are Sun Lei's man!"

Zhao Gou froze on the spot. This was something he had not expected. He had no idea what was happening in Tokyo. Is the Song Taiwei an undercover agent of the enemy?

"Sun Li, if you dare to betray the Song Dynasty, you and I are at odds with each other!"

Luan Tingyu stood in front of the formation holding a spear, pointing at Sun Li and cursing.

"Senior brother, it's not me who has deceived you all this time. I only used you to keep it a secret. Now that Zhao and Song Dynasties have perished and the world is united, if you surrender now, I will protect your glory and wealth!"

Sun Li watched Luan Tingyu cupping his fists and apologized.

Zhao Gou looked at Luan Tingyu nervously. He was worried that Luan Tingyu would be persuaded by Sun Li.

"Bah, I have been favored by His Highness, how can I betray you? You deserve to be rebellious and traitorous!"

Luan Tingyu pointed at Sun Li and cursed.

"Stubborn and unruly, Zhao Song has no virtue and deserves to be destroyed. What's the point of following them? Why not follow me? I'm short of a few people around me!"

Sun Li said with a cold expression.

"Your Highness, I will pester the thief Sun Li in a moment. You go first!"

Luan Tingyu whispered to Zhao Gou.

"What about you?"

Zhao Gou was greatly moved and couldn't help but worry about this loyal general.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, that Sun Li is my junior brother. His skills are not as good as mine. I have my own way to escape!"

Luan Tingyu said. (End of chapter)

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