Water Margin people

Chapter 1292 Zhao Gou was kept in the dark

Chapter 1292 Zhao Gou was kept in the dark

"Luan Tingyu, I'm asking you, surrender or die!"

Sun Li pointed at Luan Tingyu and scolded him coldly.

"Even if you want me to surrender, remember that you have never defeated me in a martial arts contest!"

Luan Tingyu pointed the spear in his hand at Sun Li and shouted.


Zhang Jun saw that Luan Tingyu and Sun Li were about to fight with their swords drawn, so he immediately led the people away from the fork in the road.

"Want to leave? Stop me!"

Upon seeing this, Sun Li immediately led his troops to stop him.

"Did you forget that I'm still here?"

Luan Tingyu immediately led his troops to block Sun Li.

"Then I'll take you down first!"

Sun Li swung his spear and killed Luan Tingyu.

Zhao Gou and others who were leaving looked back and saw that Luan Tingyu and Sun Li were fighting desperately, and the enemies who were about to pursue them were blocked.

"Come on!"

Zhao Gou had no intention of staying and urged the soldiers around him to protect him and move quickly. He hoped that Luan Tingyu could block Sun Li for a while so that he could go farther.

"Okay, we've gone far, there's no need to fight so hard!"

Sun Li held up Luan Tingyu's spear and spoke in a low voice.

"Am I afraid of being discovered? Have everyone made arrangements?"

Luan Tingyu asked in relief.

"Everything has been arranged. There are people along the road, and they are all soldiers recruited locally by Qi State. They will not arouse suspicion."

Sun Li nodded.

"I will spread the news soon and ask Zhao Gou to stay in Guanzhong. You can just act according to the situation!"

Sun Li added.

"I see!"

Luan Tingyu nodded, as long as everything is arranged.

The two then began to fight in a pretense manner, but they were all routine moves and did not mean to fight desperately. Luan Tingyu left many soldiers and horses here, and Zhao Gou and Zhang Jun's informants were also among them.

Both sides fought for more than a hundred rounds and were still panting. Even if they were pretending, a hundred rounds would not go by like that.

Both sides took a break, but Luan Tingyu still led his troops to block the road to prevent Sun Li from pursuing.

"General Luan, what should we do?"

Luan Tingyu was accompanied by a thousand people. These people were now frightened. If they could not escape, they would die.

"We can't leave now. Once we retreat, the enemy will pursue us as soon as the army is in chaos."

Luan Tingyu shook his head and said, he knew these people were scared, but now he didn't know how to escape without arousing suspicion.

After a short rest and changing horses, both sides fought hard together.

"Junior brother, it is not an option to continue fighting like this. I have to get away! And I can't arouse any suspicion!"

Luan Tingyu looked at Sun Li and asked, the biggest trouble now is how to escape without arousing suspicion.

"Don't worry, Taoist Master Gongsun has calculated it. It will rain at sunset, and you will be able to escape by then!"

Sun Li said with a smile.

"Can all this be calculated?"

Luan Tingyu was a little surprised. The sun was still hanging in the sky at the moment. Although there were clouds, they were not too thick and it didn't look like it would rain.

The two started fighting again, and soon the northwest wind blew, and the clouds in the sky soon thickened.

"It's really going to rain!"

Luan Tingyu felt happy in the strong wind.

"Of course, Taoist Master Gongsun has magic power. By the way, is it inappropriate for you to go back like this? How about you get some skin injuries?"

Sun Li looked at Luan Tingyu and said.

"I told Zhao Gou that my martial arts skills are superior to yours, so I will dismount you with a spear!"

Luan Tingyu said. "Forget it, I still want to fight the Xixia vassal, so don't come!"

Sun Li said quickly.

"Is the Xixia army really coming?"

Luan Tingyu asked.

"I heard that there are nearly 200,000 troops. Xixia has spent a lot of money this time!"

Sun Li said with a smile, this is also a great opportunity for him to make contributions.

"What a pity, I can't go!"

Luan Tingyu said with some regret.

The two fought for more than a hundred rounds, and then returned to the formation to rest.

It was already evening, Luan Tingyu took a sip of water and looked at the gloomy sky.

Suddenly there was a strong wind and it started to rain in the gloomy sky.

"God help me, let's go!"

Luan Tingyu said to the people around him.

After hearing Luan Tingyu's order, the soldiers did not hesitate and immediately evacuated in the direction Zhao Gou left.


Sun Li pretended to lead his troops in pursuit, but gave up after only pursuing for a few miles.

The soldiers led by Luan Tingyu did not notice the situation in the rear. They just fled for their lives.

Luan Tingyu and his men fled all night before catching up with Zhao Gou and others. Zhao Gou and the others found a forest to take shelter from the rain.

"General Luan, the enemy is coming!"

Zhang Bangchang asked quickly when he saw that it was Luan Tingyu.

"It shouldn't be so fast..."

Luan Tingyu briefly explained the situation. He evacuated because of the sudden rain. It was dark and heavy rain, the ground was muddy, and they couldn't light torches. They were traveling lightly and could easily get away from the enemy.

"Release the Sentinels!"

Zhang Jun immediately ordered that he must find out whether the enemy was coming.

The heavy rain continued for two days, and Zhao Gou and others could not rush on their way. The woods could not completely block the rain, so they had to find a cave to take shelter.

"The enemy did not pursue us. It seems that they were also affected by the heavy rain."

Zhang Jun breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the report from the Sentry Cavalry.

"It's raining so hard and Sun Li is carrying a lot of luggage. How can he pursue it?"

Zhang Bangchang also said, they just saw that Sun Li's soldiers and horses were not many, and they were also guarding many vehicles, which were obviously logistics troops escorting baggage.

"Sun Li is a thief. Our Song Dynasty asked him to be a lieutenant, but he became a traitor and now he is just a grain transport officer!"

Zhao Gou said coldly.

"Your Highness, it's hard for us to travel in this heavy rain, so why not rest again until the rain stops!"

Zhang Jun looked at Zhao Gou and said.

"Wait until the rain stops?"

Zhao Gou looked at the gloomy sky. He didn't know how long it would take to wait. Maybe the enemy would come first.

"Your Highness, the soil in the northwest mountains is soft, and it is easy to slide when it rains heavily. Moreover, the roads in the mountains are muddy, which is not conducive to our march. The soldiers can bear it, but the horses cannot!"

Zhang Jun looked at Zhao Gou and explained that what he cared about most were war horses, which were their most precious resources, as well as armor. The Jurchens only gave them leather armors. These Liaodong armors were not made with exquisite craftsmanship and could not withstand long-term use. Rain soaked.

"Okay, just wait!"

Zhao Gou sat by the fire. Although it was already spring, the temperature dropped a lot due to the heavy rain.

It rained heavily for two days in a row before it cleared up. Zhao Gou rested for two days and was not in a hurry. Anyway, he didn't see anyone chasing him. It was probably because the war in the north was tense and he didn't care about them.

Zhao Gou and others were indeed tired during this period. They only rested outside the Great Wall for a few days all the way from Liaodong, so they rested for two more days to wait for the ground to harden before heading south.

After walking for only half a day, they came across a small army at the top of a mountain. Upon inquiry, they turned out to be a Western army hiding from Qi.

This Western Army heard that they came to know Zhao Gou, the last blood prince of Zhao Song, and knelt down in tears and worshiped.

Zhao Gou also felt this and accepted these "loyal people" after crying.

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