Water Margin people

Chapter 1297 Pre-war Party

Chapter 1297 Pre-war Party

"There are more than 200,000 troops, of which tens of thousands are rubbish, a hundred thousand are just ordinary soldiers, and the remaining tens of thousands are Western troops with decent combat effectiveness. How much price do we have to pay to kill all these people?"

Wanyan Gao looked at the generals and said.


Everyone frowned and thought.

"If we take into account the enemy's elite battle supervision and assistance, as well as the enemy's armor and weapons, we will have to pay at least 70,000 to 80,000 casualties!"

Wanyan Loushi made the calculation and said, if they only faced more than 200,000 Song Dynasty Imperial Army and Western Army, they would suffer at most 20,000 casualties.

But the problem is that the elites of Qi are also there. These people may supervise the battle, but they can't really turn a blind eye to the war. As long as they reveal a flaw, the enemy will definitely pounce on them like a pack of wolves smelling blood.

This makes the generals of the Jin Kingdom dare not let go of their hands and feet to fight. Once they have scruples in this battle, they will restrain their hands. As a result, they can only use 50% to 60% of their 100% combat power.

"Seventy to eighty thousand casualties?"

Wanyan Gao's brows almost knitted together. The number of people was about the same as what he had calculated. It was hard for them to accept such casualties.

The trade of 70,000 to 80,000 casualties in exchange for the enemy's 200,000 troops was definitely profitable, but this battle would not end so easily. After that, they would have to face Sun Lei's more than 200,000 elite troops. If their army consumes too much energy and encounters the elite of the new army, they will definitely lose.

"We can't fight like this! If we fight like this, we will fall into Sun Lei's scheme! Sun Lei just wants to use these soldiers to consume us!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said.

"But...but when the war starts, Sun Lei will definitely let those surrendered soldiers rush to the front. The more we push, the more passive we will be!"

Wanyan Zongfu said.

"So we have to find a way to defeat Sun Lei's vicious moves!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at everyone and said.

Everyone fell silent and began to think about how to break the situation.

Liaoyang Mansion.

Sun Lei arrived slowly with his army, and the generals in the city, led by Xu Guanzhong, Lin Chong, and Wang Jin, lined up to welcome Sun Lei.

"How is it? How did the enemy react?"

Without any courtesy, Sun Lei led everyone directly up to the city wall of Liaoyang Mansion.

"Your Majesty, the enemy is arrayed ten miles away on the high ground and in the woods!"

Wang Jin pointed to the blocked mountain forest and said.

"Didn't come?"

Sun Lei looked at the north and asked.

"Only a small number of soldiers and horses came to test, and the main army has not moved."

Wang Jin spoke.

"Wanyan Wu is really calm when he begs for money. I've exposed such a huge flaw, but he still doesn't fall for it!"

Sun Lei looked at the north and sighed. He had mobilized the Song Dynasty's imperial army with low combat power. These people would be broken into pieces at a touch. How could they hold back in the face of the fat sheep, the Golden Army, and the vicious wolves?

"The enemy only harassed us and never started a fight."

Wang Jin replied.

"Your Majesty, I will take people to call for formation right now!"

Du Bo said, now that Sun Lei is here, the war should begin.

"Let's go tomorrow. The army just arrived today. Let's take a day off!"

Sun Lei shook his head and said that the army around him was not too tired, but he had to give the enemy some time to react.

"There's a big feast before the war tonight! Light the bonfires!"

Sun Lei looked at everyone again and said.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

The troops inside and outside the city shouted in unison.

The loud shouts resounded through the sky and reached the Jinguo formation.

That night, a bonfire was lit outside Liaoyang Mansion, and the aroma of meat filled the air.

"Brother, can I have a drink of wine? There is meat but no wine, and there is no taste in my mouth!"

Li Kui looked at Sun Lei with a big pork leg and asked. The meat was very fragrant, but he still wanted to drink some wine.

"No, there will be a war tomorrow, and alcohol is prohibited in the army!"

Sun Lei directly rejected Li Kui's proposal to drink. Alcohol is the most distracting thing. The enemy is only ten miles away. What if someone suddenly kills him?

"Brother, I'll just take a sip!" Li Kui said pitifully.

"Tieniu, His Majesty has said that alcohol is prohibited!"

Everyone looked at Li Kui and said, although they all wanted to drink.

"Want to drink? It seems okay!"

Sun Lei rolled his eyes and suddenly had an idea.


Li Kui was overjoyed when he heard this.

"But you have to get drunk, like Lingding gets drunk!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

Everyone who originally thought they could have a drink was all smiling, but when they heard Sun Lei's words, their hearts tightened. Drinking is not that simple.

"I'm not drunk!"

Li Kui is not really a fool. He is going to fight tomorrow and is getting drunk today. Isn't that looking for trouble?

"You are not allowed to drink unless you are drunk!"

Sun Lei looked at Li Kui and smiled.


Li Kui's mouth was so open that he couldn't react. He didn't know what Sun Lei meant, but he only felt a chill down his spine.

"Are you drinking or not?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Kui and asked with a smile. He knew that Tieniu was stubborn, and if he provoked Tieniu a little, he would definitely be fooled.

"Drink! Bring me the wine!"

Li Kui yelled at the soldiers that he was fearless and fearless, just drinking.

"Let's go outside the city!"

Sun Lei nodded to everyone.

"Tie Niu, you are stupid, how can you drink?"

When Bao Xu saw Li Kui triumphantly carrying the wine jar and heading out of the city, he kicked Li Kui on the butt in anger. Everyone knew there was a problem, but Li Kui, the fool, rushed forward. This was not intentional. The face of the camp?

"Isn't it just drinking? I just need to sleep when I'm drunk!"

Li Kui said nonchalantly, carrying the jar and heading out of the city.

"Don't try to persuade me, Your Majesty has his own intentions!"

Xiang Chong patted Bao Xu on the shoulder and said.

"But the battle is tomorrow!"

Bao Xu gritted his teeth and said, they must be the main force in the battle tomorrow, and the main general Li Kui is the main force. What if he gets drunk tomorrow?

"Let's watch more! But the final battle won't be that fast. After all, there are almost a million troops."

Li Gun said helplessly, the combined troops of both sides were almost worthless, this kind of decisive battle would not be a simple hedging.

The bonfire outside the city was already full of roasted mutton, and the generals and soldiers ate the meat around the fire.

"Brother, I drank!"

Li Kui was very proud. Everyone had no wine to drink, but he was the only one who had something to drink.

"Drink, after finishing this jar there are still three jars left!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Tianniu, you idiot. Your Majesty is obviously putting on a show to paralyze the enemy. He was so drunk today, how can he go out into battle tomorrow?"

Everyone snickered. There were dozens of generals coming this time. Although there were many enemies, the credit was not enough. Only Li Kui, the iron bull, could do it if he delayed his meritorious service for a sip of wine.

"Tie Niu drinks, let's just drink some tea!"

Sun Lei smiled again and said, pots of tea were delivered to everyone, and those who didn't know thought they were pots of wine.

Everything outside the Liaoyang Mansion was seen by the Jin Kingdom scouts who were hiding in the dark, and they quickly reported it to Wanyan Wu for begging.

"Having a bonfire party outside the city and drinking?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai frowned.

"Here comes this move again, deliberately paralyzing us and then killing us!"

Wanyan Gao gritted his teeth and said, this is not the first time Sun Lei has done this.

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