Water Margin people

Chapter 1298 Facing Fear

Chapter 1298 Facing Fear

"We won't be fooled!"

Jin Wushu gritted his teeth and said, "Every time you take a step, you gain wisdom. They have already suffered countless losses in this."

"Sun Lei is just drinking and having a party in front of the battle. Is he really not afraid that we will kill him?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai asked with a frown.

"Your Majesty, wasn't this what happened to the Jin Mansion last time? We will never be fooled. If we want to fight, we will fight head-on in an upright and upright manner. Our country, the Great Jin Kingdom, does not play tricks."

Wanyan Loushi also spoke.

"Yes, it must be under the noon sun!"

Wanyan Zonghan added.

Everyone nodded repeatedly. They were really frightened by Sun Lei's conspiracy, and now they were not willing to take any risks.

"Come on, let's go take a look!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai suddenly spoke.

"Your Majesty, if you go, you will be fooled!"

Everyone hurriedly tried to dissuade him. Sun Lei was an insidious liar. To deal with such a person, you must ignore him. No matter what he does, you should treat him as invisible. Once he becomes interested, he will be fooled.

"Is it enough to just turn a blind eye and listen but not hear? Sun Lei held a banquet with such great fanfare, and we didn't even dare to take a look. This is a drop in morale."

Wanyan Wu Qimai said.

"But it's easy to be fooled. What Sun Lei knows best is to pretend to be full of flaws and deceive others."

Wanyan Gao said.

"Sun Lei did it on purpose. If we go, we will be easily fooled. If we don't go, we will lose morale. This is also a conspiracy!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at the crowd and said, "The battle is about to begin. Morale is very important. The momentum has weakened before the battle begins. How can we fight next?"

"This Sun Lei is really insidious!"

Everyone was filled with indignation, and Sun Lei's move directly put them in a dilemma.

"So we have to go and take a look! As long as we keep our heads clear, no matter how many tricks he plots, it will have no effect!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at everyone and said, this is what he wants everyone to face.

They have been defeated by Sun Lei too many times. Many people subconsciously have fear when facing Sun Lei. He must let everyone overcome their fear before the battle, and the easiest way to overcome fear is to face fear.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Everyone saluted Wanyan Wu in unison, and then put on armor and weapons.


Seeing the high morale of everyone, Wanyan Wu Qimai nodded with satisfaction.

Outside Liaoyang Mansion.

Li Kui couldn't control himself after drinking too much, so he drunkenly sang a ditty around the campfire.

"it is good!"

Sun Lei laughed and looked at the ugly Li Kui, as if he was watching a comedy.

Sun Lei cheered, and everyone else laughed. It was really interesting that Li Kui got drunk and ended up twisting his waist and singing like a big bear.

The soldiers laughed wildly. There were not many opportunities to see the general like this.

"It's so embarrassing! It's so embarrassing."

Bao Xu just wanted to bury his head in the soil. He had no face to see others. The whole camp had been humiliated by Li Kui.

"Your Majesty, Wanyan Wu has arrived!"

Xu Guanzhong pointed to the north and whispered to Sun Lei. There were fire lights in the dark north at this time. They were torches held one by one. And where the torches were most concentrated, there was a huge flag held. Judging from the size, it should be Wanyan Wu begged to buy the flag.

"He's finally here. I thought he didn't dare to come!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

In the dark night, the fire appeared several miles away and stopped. Judging from the fire, the number of people was not many, only a few thousand.

"Your Majesty, there are not many enemies. Do you want to kill them?"

Lin Chong asked in a low voice. "It's useless. These are elite light cavalry. They will run away as soon as we move them. There is no way we can catch up!"

Sun Lei shook his head. Wanyan Wu Qimai dared to bring people here, so he must be sure to leave.

"It doesn't matter, what I want is for them to come over. If they dare to come over today, then they dare to let go of their hands and feet when fighting in the future. Otherwise, they will always be tied up and dodge, and it will be difficult for us to handle!"

Sun Lei said, this is his purpose, to let Wanyan Wu beg these people to regain some confidence.

At this time, Wang Jin had summoned a group of soldiers to line up outside, and the artillery on the city was also ready.

"Don't be so nervous. They won't come. After being fooled so many times, even a stupid roe deer knows to be alert."

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"I will sneak up with people and kill them!"

Yue Fei was eager to try at this time. They had firearms in their hands. As long as they approached quietly under the cover of night, they would definitely be able to kill these people.

"Look carefully. Wanyan Wu Qimai has released scouts. You can't approach quietly!"

Sun Lei pointed at the cavalry poking at the dark shadows under the moonlight. There was a circle of sentinel cavalry outside Wanyan Wu Qimai.

"These guys are really careful!"

Yue Fei felt a little sorry for such a good opportunity.

"Don't worry about them, let's continue the party. Who has any talent? Go up and perform!"

Sun Lei looked at everyone and shouted.

There are many people in the army who know their talents, and even the emperor has spoken, but none of them have performed properly.

"You are really drinking and having fun under our noses! It's really Sun Lei's style!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at the brightly lit Liaoyang Mansion, and the only emperor who dared to do this in front of the two armies was Sun Lei.

"Obviously he deliberately tricked us into going there, and then ended up doing it himself. How brave he is!"

Wanyan Gao said, looking at him like this, he really had the urge to kill him. As long as they killed Sun Lei, they would have completely won this battle.

However, Wanyan Gao knew very well that all of this was a trap to tempt them into falling for it. If Sun Lei dared to appear outside the city, a dragnet must have been set up nearby.

"The more this happens, the less we can be fooled!"

Jin Wushu said.

"Light the fire!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai gave an order, and threw several torches on the fire nearby. The dry fire started burning in an instant, and the firelight illuminated the surrounding area. Wanyan Wu Qimai and others stood in front of the fire. Looked at Liaoyang Mansion quietly.

The sudden lighting of the fire made the defenders at Liaoyang Mansion nervous, thinking that the enemy was about to take action.

"Ha ha!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai laughed when he saw the chaos in Liaoyang City. The enemy was nothing more than that.

"Ha ha!"

The rest of the people also laughed.

But Sun Lei didn't care at all and continued to watch the soldiers performing, smiling and chatting with everyone.

Above the Liaoyang Mansion, the veterans waved their whips and beat the running imperial troops.

"Wang Zhen, your military training skills are too bad. How long has it been? It's still like this!"

Sun Lei looked at Wang Xun and asked with a smile.

"You throw all the worst soldiers at my place, what can I do?"

Although Wang Zhen was very angry, he still retorted that it was not that he was incompetent, but that the source of the disease was too bad.

"Aren't these all forbidden troops! If you say so, they will feel inferior!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Inferiority? If these people have low self-esteem, it's not like they can't be trained!"

Wang Xun said bitterly.

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