Water Margin people

Chapter 1299 Confrontation

Chapter 1299 Confrontation

"It seems that you have no choice! Then you can only let them sacrifice their lives for their lives!"

Seeing what Wang Zhen said, Sun Lei also knew that these scumbag soldiers were hopeless. If they were hopeless, they would die.

"Do you really want them to die?"

Zhong Shidao looked at Sun Lei and asked.

"As you can see, these people are hopeless. No matter how hard you practice, you can't change them. Do you want me to release such people back to their place? Let them cause trouble?"

Sun Lei looked at Zhong Shidao and asked, "Wang Zhen is not the only one who has failed to train well. Zhong Shidao and others have also failed to train well. These ruffians are hopeless."

"You should know what soldiers like this have done throughout the ages? Instead of killing them, why not let them try on the battlefield? Maybe they can turn around?"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

Master Zhong suddenly thought, and he knew that Sun Lei was right. In other dynasties, these surrendered soldiers would have been trapped and killed.

"Aren't you afraid that these soldiers will cause chaos?"

Han Shizhong suddenly said that the most feared thing on the battlefield is to be defeated without fighting, and the defeat will be transmitted.

"What's so scary about this? Our Qi army won't be affected, but those Western armies are afraid?"

Sun Lei looked at the surrendered generals of the Western Army and asked.

"Of course we are not afraid. In this battle, either the Jin Kingdom will die or we will die!"

Yang Keshi, a group of generals of the Western Army, were determined. They were surrendered generals. They were suffering from rumors from the outside and internal torture. If they wanted to get rid of all this, they would have to rely on this battle.

"Haha, look, they are not afraid of death. What right do those scumbags in the army have to be afraid of death?"

Sun Lei smiled with satisfaction.

In the distance, Wanyan Wu showed his presence by begging for money and left without much pause. He took the people with him and left. After all, this place was too close to Liaoyang Mansion, so there were still risks.

"Okay, everyone's gone, it's time for us to rest."

Sun Lei saw Jin Jun leaving and said to the people around him.

The bonfire went out and the soldiers responded.

"Your Majesty, we have just found out that it is Wanyan Wu who is leading a group of generals."

Ma Ling looked at Sun Lei and reported.

"What about the grassland?"

Sun Lei nodded and asked.

"Tata'er's 100,000 troops have arrived at the southern foot of the Xianbei Mountains. They should be preparing to block the Western Liaoning Corridor after the war breaks out."

Ma Ling said.

"They made a good calculation. They restrained us from the front, the Koreans cut off our retreat, and the grassland people cut off our retreat. Do they really think they can keep me in Liaodong?"

Sun Lei said with a smile, Wanyan Wu Qimai was preparing for a huge encirclement, and he was the one being surrounded.

"Your Majesty, do you want to kill those people in the Tata tribe first?"

Wang Jin opened his mouth and said that the Liaoxi Corridor is actually not that important. Most of their supplies are brought by the navy, but for the soldiers who don't know anything, this news will still cause some panic.

"No need, keep these people and let the grassland people make their own choices!"

Sun Lei shook his head.

"Your Majesty means to let the other grassland tribes deal with them? Will they be willing to surrender?"

Everyone was a little unsure. What Sun Lei wanted was complete control of the grassland, which the nobles in the grassland would not agree to.

“You always have to look to find out!”

Sun Lei shook his head and said that he was not sure what the tribes in the grassland would choose, but he believed that there would be smart people.

At the fourth watch, the military drums of Liaoyang Prefecture sounded, and the cooking team had prepared meals early. The soldiers had a simple meal, took some dry food, and went out of the city to form array.

At the same time, the war drums also sounded loudly in the Jin army camp.

"Your Majesty guessed it right, then Sun Lei can beat the war drum!"

Wanyan Zongqian looked at Wanyan Wu Qingmai and said with admiration.

"It's just the Central Plains Art of War."

Wanyan Wu Qimai shook his head and said, this is all common sense. The most common way for people in the Central Plains to fight is to make food at the third watch, gather at the fourth watch, and set off at the fifth watch. At dawn, Sun Lei had already led his troops to form an array outside Liaoyang Mansion. With more people, the momentum became stronger. Five hundred thousand troops were arrayed. The momentum was overwhelming and seemed to swallow up the heaven and the earth.

At this moment, on the northern horizon, black cavalry lined up and came slowly. Their momentum was no worse than that of the Qi State. And because the Jin State was all cavalry, the combined momentum of the men and horses was actually to suppress the Qi State.

"These golden people have become smarter!"

Sun Lei looked at the enemy coming slowly and said.

"Your Majesty, the enemy is here to show off their power. They just pile up their numbers and don't even have a charging formation."

Zhu Wu looked at the enemy carefully with a telescope and then said, "It is impossible for more than 400,000 cavalry to charge indiscriminately, otherwise they will be in chaos before they can rush in front of the enemy."

The Jin army stopped five miles away from the Qi army.

Wanyan Wu Qimai led a group of generals forward slowly.

"Wanyan Wu is begging for money, it's finally time for a decisive battle!"

Sun Lei looked at Wanyan Wu Qimai and shouted with a smile.

"Sun Lei, if you lead people to withdraw from Liaodong, I can let you leave!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Sun Lei and shouted.

"Haha, I have another suggestion. If you take your people back to the White Mountains and Black Waters and continue fishing and hunting, I will spare your life!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"court death!"

Jin Wushu was furious and waved his weapons in front of the two armies.

"Jin Wushu, your defeated general has the nerve to come out?"

When Yue Fei saw his old rival coming out, he also rode to the front of the formation.

"Yue Fei!"

When Jin Wushu saw Yue Fei, he was furious and killed him directly.

Yue Fei didn't waste any more words and rushed forward as well.

"Why are you so impulsive that you hit me when we meet?"

Sun Lei shook his head and spread his hands speechlessly.

"Sun Lei, do you really want to fight to the death with our Kingdom of Jin?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai continued to test. He wanted to know Sun Lei's true thoughts. He had always had questions in his heart, why Sun Lei left the Central Plains alone and came to Liaodong in person. Even if he wanted to start a war, he would not come in person.

"Isn't this what you want? Will you give up on the Central Plains?"

Sun Lei squinted as he watched Wanyan Wu begging for money.

"No! The Central Plains is rich, why should it be occupied by you?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said.

"Yes, I think so too. Liaodong is also very good, but you are an eyesore! So it's important not to have you."

Sun Lei answered directly.

Wanyan Wu's begging eyes narrowed slightly, and his head was thinking about Sun Lei's words rapidly. He couldn't understand at all, what does Liaodong mean? Is there anything good in this bitter cold place? Even the natives wanted to escape.

"Let's not talk about it anymore, how about it? Let's just hedge and resolve the battle?"

Sun Lei asked as he looked at Wanyan Wu begging for money.

"Okay, I'll step back twenty miles and let's hedge!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said coldly that he would not confront Qi outside Liaoyang Mansion. He could clearly see the dense cannon barrels on the city wall.

"Why retreat? We've come here, so be it!"

Sun Lei waved his hand with a smile, and chariots were pushed out one after another from the military formation. These were the latest chariots, like a smooth long shuttle, covered with sharp cones. These were used to To break the enemy's formation.


Wanyan Wu Qimai immediately ordered a retreat when he saw those chariots. Just looking at these chariots, he knew that they were not simple.

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