Chapter 319 319. Official Communications
In other words, after the Zerg invasion destroyed the trademark database this time, the newly registered trademarks in the past five months have not been backed up, and they no longer exist after restoration.

Of course, the State Administration of Trademarks later took emergency measures to allow residents who have registered trademarks within five months to re-register. If there is relevant registration evidence, priority will be given.

The staff of the Trademark Office also worked overtime to review applications... At that time, there was a so-called creation, the 'shortest trademark application record' was produced at this time.

Because people with relevant evidence, it took less than a day to experience the process of trademark 'from scratch'.

Although Su Luo didn't know exactly which five-month trademark database was missing, the registration time of ordinary trademarks sent by He Lin was obviously close to the time when the Zerg invaded.

Coupled with the fact that the other party was able to obtain the exclusive trademark earlier than herself, it was not difficult for Su Luo to guess that the other party must have used some connections to help her fake the trademark.

It's just that in order to make the time of the trademark look more reasonable, the other party chose a year ago that was neither too long nor too short... But what they didn't expect was that they happened to choose a special time period.

Although Su Luo didn't know the specific time period of the missing database, Su Luo couldn't find any relevant information on the star network... After all, these data are confidential. Even if there was a trademark that was emptied, it was just an announcement and then a private message. Inform everyone to make up the trademark.

But since the timing is such a coincidence, Su Luo must find a way to use this as a breakthrough to investigate.

Of course, just in case, she couldn't bet all her treasures on the other party's carelessness, and the trademark cost didn't even pay attention to the time issue, so she must have other plans.

Thinking of this, Su Luo first informed Steward Zheng of this matter and asked her opinion on how to deal with it. Although Steward Zheng replied in a timely manner, her previous work did not involve this aspect at all, so her reply was 'will help investigate' and 'be prepared for PR first'.

Indeed, trademarks are not a trivial matter, and public relations must be done well, otherwise if the other party guides public opinion, the matter will only become bigger and more chaotic.

Now the main reason is that the other party's purpose is unknown.

Generally, in this case, there are only two purposes, one is to make money, and the infringement is threatened to make her compensate, or let her spend money to 'buy' the trademark-yes, trademarks can be purchased.

Except for the interstellar trademark, no matter it is an ordinary trademark or a special trademark, it can be bought and sold.

It's just that the conditions for buying and selling exclusive trademarks are relatively harsh, but if the other party wants to do this, there should be no conditional problems, and they will solve the influence of other factors by themselves.

Another purpose is to come up with a sneaky trick, first tell her about it, and then deliberately offer a sky-high compensation.

But any normal person is naturally unwilling to pay sky-high compensation, so he can only give up the original trademark and change the name, so that the other party can use the name 'Siji Vegetables and Fruits' by themselves.

It would be best if she can directly inherit her original store before she opens a new store, and then accumulate the original fans of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits before the public responds in time.

Even if she later opened a new store and announced the truth, she still has to accumulate fans again, and most importantly, her store has to be upgraded again.

The consequence of re-upgrading is that she can no longer sell fruit... Naturally, it also includes Yishuo strawberries.

Without the attraction of Yishuo Strawberries, within the shortest one-month upgrade time, it is enough for the other party to further develop the "Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits", and if the other party chooses to want a trademark, then he must have attracted some planters or spiritual planters As a supplier, otherwise, if such a good sign as Siji Vegetables and Fruits is only used to sell some ordinary things, it is better to blackmail her directly to make money faster and more...

And if the other party also has planters and spiritual planters, then their development will also eat into Su Luo's development space. The market is so big, not to mention that Su Luo still needs to 'disappear' for a month to upgrade.

The Internet has 'memory', and it is also the fastest way to replace 'memory'. Who knows if anyone will remember the old 'Four Seasons Fruits and Vegetables' after a month?

Originally, the distinction between these two situations can be seen based on the amount of compensation demanded by the other party. If it is too high, it is the former, otherwise it is the latter.

But the value of the compensation requested by the other party is not high, but it is not low, so it is difficult for Su Luo to judge for a while.

However, at this moment, her optical brain sounded, and Su Luo realized that this was an undisclosed communication. If she guessed correctly, it should come from an interstellar official communication——

Because she has set up to 'reject strangers' communication', in other words, the only ones who can contact her are her acquaintances in the optical brain communication, and the official communication that cannot be passively rejected under any circumstances.

Su Luo was still wondering if this was a communication from the interstellar court, after all, such a thing happened now.

Naturally, this kind of communication had to be answered, and even Su Luo had thought about what he would hear later, and how he would answer it.

But what she didn't expect was that this communication did not come from the Interstellar Court, but from the Trademark Office.

"Hello, this is the Interstellar Trademark Office. May I ask if this is the owner of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits, Su Luo, is Miss Su?" A slightly hasty voice came from the opposite side.

Su Luo frowned subconsciously, not knowing the purpose of the other party's communication at this time.

And what she finds strangest is the tone of the other party's speech, which is very hasty... as if she is doing something very important and there is not enough time.

Under normal circumstances, the official staff's call is either intelligent AI, or the tone of speech should be gentle, polite and patient, and must be orderly and clear... But obviously the other party's tone is polite, but it has nothing to do with patience On what side.

However, Su Luo still answered the other party's question. After all, these days, few people have the ability to pretend to be the official interstellar communication, and can accurately find her communication number.

"Yes, may I ask..." Originally, after Su Luo answered 'yes', she wanted to ask the other party what's the matter, but unexpectedly, there was an even more unusual behavior on the other side——she interrupted Su Luo's words.

This is a situation that no normal official staff should have, and it is a serious mistake and impolite behavior.

But what the other party said made Su Luo have no time to take this issue into consideration.

"I'm sorry Miss Su, your trademark was reviewed by me..."

(End of this chapter)

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