Chapter 320 320. Hint
"...According to the order of the superior, due to the timing of the application, it is not approved now."

Su Luo: "?"

... If you don't approve it, you won't approve it. Why make a special call?

And the attitude is so weird.

To be honest, if the other party was not able to get through her communication, Su Luo would have doubted whether the other party was from the Trademark Office.

And obviously the rejection of the trademark registration is notified directly through the personal information interface of the optical brain... Otherwise, if you call to notify every time, wouldn't it be a waste of manpower?
"Do you have any other matters?" I don't know if it was Su Luo's illusion, she always felt that when the other party asked if she had other matters, her tone returned to the original official tone.

But Su Luo was stunned for a moment by the other party's inexplicable words... Then Su Luo seemed to realize something, and subconsciously squeezed the light brain tightly with her fingers.

"I understand, there is nothing else, thank you." After speaking, she hung up the communication without giving the other party a chance to speak.

As the communication was hung up, both parties in the communication breathed a sigh of relief.

The person who claimed to be the Trademark Office breathed a sigh of relief because he had accomplished what he wanted to do, and he had no conscience of guilt. At the same time, he was also thankful that Su Luo was smart and quick to respond.

And Su Luo breathed a sigh of relief because the other party's words seemed to confirm some of her conjectures.

Although she didn't know who the other party was, why he did this, and what his purpose was, she always felt that there was no need for the other party to lie to her at this time.

Because it doesn't make sense.

Based on the fact that what the other party said was true, Su Luo learned three pieces of information:

First, she is indeed the person who audited the trademark of 'Four Seasons', but she was not auditing for Su Luo, but for another person, and this person was the one who sent the interstellar law letter to Su Luo, and that person was He Lin people.

Second, there is indeed a problem with the timing of the trademark application, and the problem should be what Su Luo suspected before. It is related to the Zerg invasion and the destruction of the database... The database was destroyed, and everyone re-applied for the trademark. Only the time of your trademark application coincides with the time when it was destroyed, so how could your trademark not be fake?

Thirdly, she did not do this voluntarily, but an 'order from superiors'... To put it bluntly, He Lin found a relationship, and then someone from above arranged this matter for the woman who communicated with Su Luo.

There are two advantages to doing this. One is that the purpose can be achieved, and the other is that even if the matter is exposed, the 'superior' can pick himself out at that time and pass the responsibility to this woman.

This kind of tactic was also common before, that is, the so-called 'temporary workers' made mistakes.

Although the other party may have done this because of uneasy conscience, after all, it is impossible for people who work in the Trademark Office to not know the impact of the exclusive trademark.

In particular, Four Seasons Fruits and Vegetables is currently the hottest star online store, and there are even more money interests involved.

But in fact, it is more to protect oneself... You must know that trademark fraud, this is going to be jailed.

As long as she helps to counterfeit trademarks, then she will have a handle in the hands of others. This handle is useless even if she changes jobs, because the other party can report her at any time, and then her credit score will be affected.

I also mentioned credit score before, this kind of record is followed for a lifetime, unless she directly changes her identity information to live, otherwise her life will be ruined.

Even if the other party doesn't take advantage of this and take the initiative to report her... But unless she can guarantee Su Luo's defeat in this 'trademark war', she will still be pushed out to take the blame.

The only thing she can do, or her best choice is to help Su Luo, and bet that Su Luo can solve this problem perfectly.

As for why you didn't report it to your superiors... But any normal person knows that it is impossible to succeed.

Also, why didn't she refuse in the first place, but now she still resorts to such a circuitous and troublesome way... It can only be said that she cannot refuse this kind of thing, who dares to refuse the order of the superior?

What's more, she was also deceived at that time, she thought that what she passed was Su Luo's trademark, and she thought that Su Luo had found a relationship and wanted to obtain the exclusive trademark in advance.

At that time, she was even very excited that she was able to review the trademark of Siji Fruits and Vegetables, because she herself had bought a lot of things in Siji Fruits and Vegetables, and every shopping experience was very good, and she also had a good impression of Siji Fruits and Vegetables.

But she didn't expect that the trademark was stolen and replaced by another person's.

She was smart enough to discover this problem in time and then change the trademark application time.

After all, not everyone sitting in her position can think of using the database destruction incident a year ago as evidence of an obvious 'fake trademark' to help Su Luo so quickly. Basically, most people can't think of this method .

They could only sit and wait, hoping that Su Luo would 'lose', that the matter would not be exposed, and that the culprit would not threaten them with this matter.


Although because of this communication, Su Luo could basically confirm her thoughts, but just in case, she still had to actually investigate.

What if the other party came to deceive her on purpose?
Even if it is true, she still needs evidence to prove the time frame of the database loss that year, so that when dealing with the other party, she will not be able to speak without evidence.


Just when Su Luo was preparing to investigate, on the other side, Xiaosi, who managed to take advantage of Tang Qian's deep sleep and sneaked out of her house, encountered some small troubles.

"Guoguo, where is this place..." Xiaosi almost cried out as she looked at the completely unfamiliar environment.

Tang Qian's family lives in the center of the city. Although the city center of Xingji is not dark at night, but even so, if you don't know the way, you don't know the way.

She walked around several times, but fortunately, the security in the city was very good, and it was almost impossible for any strange people to appear, otherwise it would be quite dangerous for her to run around like a child.

'...Master, Guoguo doesn't even know where this place is. 'Guoguo, like Xiaosi, has never gone out since she came here, so it is impossible to understand.

But Xiao Si is still relatively clever.

After walking aimlessly for a few minutes, she didn't know what she thought of, and suddenly her eyes lit up and she said excitedly, "I know! Guoguo, let's go to Uncle Patrol Guard for help!"

Interstellar patrol guards are somewhat similar to the previous traffic police. Although there is a big difference in responsibilities, in the eyes of Interstellar people, the phrase "call for patrol guards when you encounter difficulties" is similar to the old saying "call for police when you encounter difficulties". These are things that are taught to children from an early age.

(End of this chapter)

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