Chapter 404. 404.
Thinking of this, the nervousness that he felt due to Su Luo's extraordinarily serious instructions gradually disappeared, replaced by full of expectations and curiosity for his new partner.

'Master, is the new partner a spiritual plant like us? 'Fu Bao ran to Su Luo's hand, grabbed her cuffs with both hands, and looked at her expectantly.

Not only Fubao, but other elves also had the same expression, but Fubao reacted the fastest, so he became everyone's substitute.

"Guess?" Although Su Luo didn't give an accurate answer, everyone could guess from her state that the new partner should be a Lingzhi.

Of course, there is also a very small possibility that it is not Lingzhi...

Facing the master who is unwilling to tell the answer, they can only resort to their own unique trick-acting like a baby.

Except for Logue, who couldn't let go, and Qingcheng and Xiaoyi, who had already determined the answer in their hearts, the remaining eight elves surrounded Su Luo's hands, and they gently pulled Su Luo's sleeves with their hands, dangling back and forth, The tone also began to change gradually.

Su Luo couldn't stand such sweet torture, and finally surrendered.

Although the elves were good-looking and had a nice voice, they couldn't bear to make some strange noises on purpose. Su Luo didn't want to torture her ears anymore, so she chose to tell them the answer.

"Okay, okay... Just tell you guys." Hearing this, these little guys cheered, and then looked at Su Luo expectantly.

Because of this operation, the prices of food and medicine have skyrocketed.

This is trickery.


Under such circumstances, logistics becomes very tense, because normal shopping and such excessive consumption under special circumstances, and almost everyone is in the case of excessive consumption, logistics must be too busy.

In such an extremely tense atmosphere, everyone began to hoard food, medicine, and various daily necessities, etc., and even spent a lot of money to buy energy armor and energy weapons on the black market or through various special channels.

Netizen 1: Have you noticed that there are more patrol guards around your home?Anyway, my place has changed a lot. Before, there were three teams alternately, but now it has doubled, and there are six teams patrolling at the same time!
Netizen 2: That's right!I noticed that too!It's just that people around me didn't take this to heart, so I asked them, and they all said they didn't find any problems.

Su Luo glanced at Qing Qiang, then nodded slightly.

It was obviously the Zerg invasion, but everyone said it was like the end of the world.

Those who use special methods, such as selling these in-demand items at 'reasonable' prices, some people think of 'baiting' methods.

This is already the thousandth Starblog that Su Luo has seen to incite the emotions of the people.


As expected, after refreshing the page, this star blog has disappeared. If you search for the star coin id of this 'Netizen 5', you can find that this account has been permanently banned and canceled.

Many people seem to think that they have found a 'business opportunity', and they start stocking up on goods that are in short supply, such as food and medicine, and then sell them at high prices...

Because the other elves were communicating enthusiastically, they didn't notice the communication between Qingcheng and Su Luo.

The interstellar express center is full of orders, and there are mountains of express delivery waiting to be sent to various planets almost every day.

"The new partner is indeed a spiritual plant." Su Luo said with a smile.

With the accurate answer, everyone began to look forward to the appearance of the new Lingzhi partner... The content of the discussion ranged from the type of new partner (vegetables/fruits/grains/flowers, etc.), to personality, to color.

Different from the traditional 'baiting', this is something that both parties are aware of and willing to do.

With this method of transaction, the price bureau has no solution. After all, it is impossible for them to check whether each package is consistent with the purchased items shown on the shopping record.

Netizen 4: Although, I also understand that these things are cyclical, but I still feel that this time is different from before. Anyway, I have never seen so many patrol guards before, and there were not so many during the Interstellar Centennial Celebration patrol guard.


Now, anyone who knows the 'Riddle Humanities' can gain attention by saying some plausible things on Starnet.

Obviously the battle has not yet started, and the Zerg has not even taken the first step to leave their lair, but it seems that the Zerg has arrived at the door of human beings.

Netizen 3: Normal, I always come here every few years, the fuss can only show that you are still young and have little experience... just get used to this kind of thing.

Even though the official has issued announcements again and again to calm everyone down and not to believe rumors, everything is based on the official and military news, but the panic is still spreading.

This method is to sell goods that are already of high value, but when the buyer places an order, the seller sends out the 'things' that the buyer needs according to the 'actual situation' of the buyer.

But this also has a fatal shortcoming, that is, once the buyer is deceived... For example, the order taken by the buyer is a piece of jewelry, but the two parties have negotiated that what the buyer needs is medicine, but the buyer finally receives the goods as a piece of jewelry , instead of the medicines that were originally negotiated - what was received was consistent with the purchase record.

Netizen 5: Gossip, keep it real!Everyone has been taking it easy recently, go out if you can, stay at home as much as possible, and prepare some 'self-defense' things if possible. I can't tell you the information.

When Qingcheng guessed that the new partner was a tree (but didn't know it was a fruit tree), Su Luo had already brought three robots and left in a hover car.

This also made their jaws drop in shock when they saw their master come back with a fruit tree tonight...Of course, this will all happen later.

Although the Price Bureau has taken action, it can only stop those transactions on the surface.

When they were discussing passionately, Qingcheng, who found something wrong, raised a question: 'One tree? '

Although from a practical point of view, buyers have been deceived into consumption, but because the transactions they made did not comply with the regulations, buyers have nowhere to redress their grievances.

Especially for this kind of transaction, the buyer is often coaxed by the seller to sign a 'no refund, no exchange' agreement.

Do not sign?Can!
If you don't sign it, I won't sell it!
In order to buy things, you have to be willing if you are unwilling.

And because of this willingness, even if the things they bought were not what they wanted, they could not return or exchange them, and they could only suffer a dull loss.

(End of this chapter)

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