Chapter 405
So in order to buy these things, buyers also need to take a lot of risks.

During this period of time, apart from all kinds of gossip about the Zerg, what often appears on Xingbo Hot Search is that different people have experienced the same deception—this may be the official’s intention to remind everyone not to use this kind of Buying things in a different way, that's why I specifically raised the popularity of this kind of thing.

But even after seeing the news that so many people have been cheated, some still fall into the trap of scammers one after another in order to buy things.


The star network was in chaos, Su Luo originally thought that in order to avoid trouble, she would simply find an excuse to close the store like other fruit and vegetable stores, so as to prevent a group of interested people from coming to Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits to inquire about the news...

But she can't do it.

With the current reputation of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits and their status in the hearts of interstellar people, it is okay for other small shops to close. If Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits, which has always been stable and can sell a large number of high-quality crops, closes, the impact of public opinion will definitely be greater than hundreds of thousands of tens of thousands. One or even hundreds of thousands of small fruit and vegetable shops closing at the same time will be even bigger.

Because the reputation of small shops is not as good as that of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits, the quality of their products is also not as good as that of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits, and their total inventory is also not as good as that of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits.

Whether it was to calm everyone's hearts or for some reason, Su Luo did not close the door in the end.

However, although the Four Seasons Fruits and Vegetables hadn't closed their doors, Su Luo had originally arranged for the restocking time, but because of the recent situation, it had to be delayed again and again.

The fact that the Zerg is preparing to invade is real, as evidenced by the previous discovery of the Zerg husk.

The crops produced by the guild are not only supplied to the military or other official departments, if there are more parts, or when funds are tight, they will also choose to sell them on the market.

Since it cannot be sold to ordinary people, it is better not to sell it.

However, Su Luo quickly found a 'good place' for this batch of crops.

After reasonable planning and use, the crop production within the guild has been greatly improved within half a year.

As if this inexplicable tension was just groundless, the Zerg didn't seem to have the idea of ​​​​invading and attacking at all...but soon, they overturned this idea.

As an 'ordinary person' who is not considered an ordinary person, Su Luo will definitely have more news channels than most people.

There are still many nutritional supplements on the market, at least they can guarantee that everyone will not starve to death... But the only thing that nutritional supplements can do is to ensure that human beings will not starve to death.

Of course, in the past six months, the most obvious improvement is the planters and spiritual planters in the guild.

Although their number only occupies a very small part of the entire interstellar, the total crops they produce each year account for a large part of the entire interstellar crop output.

It is also impossible for human beings to be satisfied with filling their stomachs, and nutrients alone are far from enough.

Because they found that these Zergs seem to have some kind of item that can shield humans from detecting the Zerg's movements.

However, according to those people, although they have been monitoring the movements of the Zerg 24 hours a day, they have not found any traces of the Zerg.

The impact of this may not be much smaller than the direct choice of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits.

Now that we have velvet grass, although the velvet grass cannot be sold outside due to the botanical research, it can be used within the guild.

In fact, it's not just that there is no food on the market, places like the military that should have no shortage of supplies have also begun to get a little nervous.

Otherwise, if the announcement is made, but it is suddenly canceled, there will definitely be another "reign of blood" at that time, which will attract countless people's various fantasies.

The current situation is that the military department can't find the whereabouts of the large Zerg troops, and they don't know what kind of means the Zerg used to hide the truth... But this does not affect the military department, which has a serious sense of crisis, to start conscious Carry out a series of strict arrangements and planning.

Although there is a fresh-keeping warehouse, it is not a problem to store it for a month or two or even longer, but because of the problem of the Zerg, Su Luo is worried about putting these crops on the side of the alien farm.

The pictures shown on the Zerg locator, and the picture that the Zerg has not stepped out of its lair are all illusions...

Speaking of this... It's because she didn't see the situation right before. Although the door wasn't closed, she didn't give a week's advance notice of the replenishment time as usual.

On the one hand, it's because the logistics can't keep up recently, and Su Luo doesn't want to join in the excitement. Another reason is that Su Luo knows in her heart that with the current situation, if she puts things on the shelves, ordinary people will definitely not be able to grab much, but they can. Most of them are second-hand dealers.

Due to the increase in the number of crops and the many adjustments in the prices of fresh vegetables and fruits, the current crop prices are very different from those half a year ago, and the prices of most crops have dropped a lot.


Because there are really too many crops in this batch of stocks.

In recent years, more and more humans have joined the farming army. Under this trend, the total crop output of the entire interstellar is also gradually increasing.

But if it was to be transported away to a safe place, Su Luo couldn't find a more suitable place than the Alien Beast Farm for a while.

The largest official fruit and vegetable store on the star network store is run by the guild, and a large number of crops will appear on it every once in a while.

Of course, the food here refers to fresh crops, not nutrients.

In other words, what they saw as 'calm' was just what the Zerg wanted them to see.

The real situation is that the Zerg has long been lurking into various planets through unknown means, and they will launch an attack just waiting for an order!

However, Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits can enter a half-closed state, but those harvested crops have no place to sell.

Except for some special crops, the yield of all crops has basically tripled to four times on average.

Having said so much, what Su Luo thought of, the best place to find these crops was the 'Military Headquarters'.

Although it is still not as good as Su Luo's output, it has far surpassed the previous results.

With the economic conditions unchanged, more and more families can afford to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

According to statistics, at present, more than [-]% of families in Interstellar can enjoy meals cooked with fresh crops every now and then.

After getting used to eating fresh food, more and more human beings began to 'give up' nutritional supplements.

This is why everyone has stockpiled a large amount of nutritional supplements at home to ensure that they will not die of starvation, but at the same time they have to risk being cheated to buy food everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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