Chapter 406 406. More Than Losing Money

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality.

Once you enjoy the beauty of food, you can no longer accept nutritional supplements that have no texture and a single taste.

This time, the sense of crisis caused by the Zerg made everyone snap up the crops on the market. In the past, when the Zerg invaded, there would not be such a crazy situation.

At most, everyone would stock up on nutrients or medicines, and those crops on the market could be mobilized and supplied to the military.

But it's different now. Everyone is used to eating fresh food, so they have bought all the crops on the market, so there are no materials to mobilize here.

This is why it is said that the supplies of the military department are also a little tight.

In order to prepare for the battle, they need to concentrate their combat power more than ever before, and they must gather more people. The more people, the more expenses.

Even if you don't count other expenses, food and drink are always necessary, right?
To ensure that the space fighters can be in combat at all times, they have to eat a lot of food every day, and sometimes even need food with a higher energy index, so as to ensure the energy supply in their bodies.

But with the Zerg's movement still undecided, they were unable to make decisions on many things, and the only thing they could do to 'strengthen their security' was to waste their supplies in vain.

If you don't talk about certain three legions, the relationship that Su Luo is maintaining now is considered very good.

Although it doesn't look like much, but compared to the original monthly output of only 120 catties, [-] catties is close to the natural output of strawberry essences in a year, but they only spent one day now... No, to be precise Only three hours.

Therefore, although the actual figure is 200 million catties, the effect that can be achieved far exceeds this figure.

This improvement looks a lot, but compared to what they actively generated, it seems not enough.

According to normal prices, these 200 million catties of fruits and vegetables should increase Su Luo's small coffers by more than half, from 400 billion to 600 billion.

And she didn't want to put it in a shop to sell it... Let the second-hand dealers make money, this is simply more uncomfortable than making Su Luo lose money!

Spirit plant elves are the same as supernatural beings, their abilities will also be improved...the higher their abilities, the stronger their strength, and their own birth or output will increase.

This can also just ease the stiff relationship with the military before... It is not an exaggeration to say that it is stiff, because only the second, third, and tenth armies really had conflicts with Su Luo.

Although this is definitely not enough for all the space fighters to eat, but because the fruits and vegetables provided by Su Luo are of excellent quality, the most important thing is that the energy index is not low. The lowest batch of fruits has an energy index in the [-]s. Even the energy index of vegetables that don't have a lot of energy basically exceeds the minimum requirement for military supplies.

Before that, the military department, which was suffering from a shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables and had nowhere to buy them, suddenly received more than 200 million catties of fruits and vegetables from Su Luo.

Two days have passed since Su Luo sent her 200 million jin of crops to the military headquarters.

The rest of the time was spent by Su Luo and Tie Dan harvesting and packing strawberries.

In addition to this batch of 200 million catties of common crops, Su Luo asked her own elves to take the initiative to produce crops for the first time after she learned about the current situation of the military headquarters and received "help" from various parties.

But this is not important, anyway, if there is a real fight, most of the crops will not be kept, or she will try to move them away, but she can't, so she can only stay and be polluted.

From the beginning, they could only naturally produce less than 120 catties of Yishuo strawberries in a month. After their ability has improved, they can now naturally produce [-] catties of Yishuo strawberries in a month.

And she has been maintaining a very friendly relationship with the other seven legions for the past six months.

As for the increased output of Strawberry Essence's ability, basically all of it was sent to the military headquarters by Su Luo.

After all, the star warriors eat these foods to absorb the energy in them. If the energy in the crops is more, then the need to eat will naturally be less.

But whether it is the former or the latter, the military must now take some action as soon as possible, and must not sit still.

Although Yishuo strawberries on Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits are still sold once a month, the total volume has not increased, and even occasionally decreased.

So supporting the military is her best choice.

The planting cycle of crops is very long, but they are consumed very quickly. When the supply cannot keep up, and the Zerg attack again, the only possibility for human beings is failure.

As expected, all the elves agreed, because they were willing to do anything for their master, not to mention that these things were just a piece of cake for them.


Either they quickly find a way to make the crop output keep up with everyone's consumption rate, so that they are not afraid of the Zerg's war of attrition.


Of course, Su Luo's batch of fruits and vegetables were not given to the military for free, but because the price she offered was not the price corresponding to the actual crop grade, but the price of qualified products, so there is nothing wrong with giving away for free. the difference.

Under the condition that the Strawberry Essence took the initiative to give birth, Su Luo filled ten large boxes in just one day, all of which were Yishuo strawberries.

But the reason why there is such a relationship is that apart from the white sweet radishes that are bound to be delivered every month, the Yishuo strawberries that Su Luo began to sell to the military a long time ago also accounted for a large part.

After a little weighing, Su Luo was startled by the number displayed on the machine—there were a total of one thousand and one hundred catties of Yishuo strawberries in these ten large boxes.

So now we must quickly find the whereabouts of the Zerg, and then directly annihilate the opponent in one fell swoop.

Because Yishuo strawberries are the fruit grown from the body of the strawberry essence, they got out their own bodies, and in order to better give birth to Yishuo strawberries, they returned to the body that they haven't returned for a long time.

But because she took the initiative to lower the price, the money she actually received was not even 100 billion, but only 80 billion.

The seven elves suddenly disappeared, and the bustling place seemed quite empty.

Now that the spawning was over, Su Luo couldn't see them, so she didn't know much about their situation, so she could only understand them through words.

"Are you alright? Will spawning so many at once have any effect on you?" Su Luo touched the strawberry vines, but before her hands touched the strawberry vines, these emerald green vines actively and intimately entangled in her hands.

Rattan was wrapped around the white hands, such a smooth and translucent color, if you didn't pay attention, you might even think it was a pair of chain-like jade bracelets.

(End of this chapter)

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