Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 101 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 31

Chapter 101 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 31
Lan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was tired all over, she felt very comfortable in her heart. She only felt a breath of depression and let out with her breath, feeling relaxed.

She looked at the girls on the screen and said: "I have sent someone to send Jin Bin to the police station. The people over there are preparing to arrest him. Now that the evidence is solid, Jin Bin will not be sentenced to death. We will work hard to make him Life imprisonment, let him sit through the prison, everyone can rest assured."

"Also, the assets under his hands, except for those that should not be confiscated, the rest of the money earned through formal channels will be donated to charities to make some contributions to public welfare, and the other part will be compensated To each of you victims and their families."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Lan Shuang hurriedly said: "Don't refuse, think this money is dirty, you deserve it, it is your compensation, even if this compensation has been late for so many years, even if this compensation is compared with what you have suffered Insignificant, but still hope to improve the life of you and your family as much as possible."

Lan Shuang looked at the grey-haired and haggard mother and said, "Many families have been running around for these things, and in the end their wealth was gone and they didn't get the fairness they deserved. So these are compensations for your years. Please don't decline."

Hearing what she said, thinking of her family, the girls finally accepted it.

After saying a few more words to appease the girls, Lan Shuang turned off the live broadcast. She stood in the middle of the room, staring at a certain point in a daze, and the smile on her face disappeared little by little.

In fact, it is said so, but some lives have withered, and compensation will not help.

Lan Shuang was not in a good mood, she felt sluggish after the blood poured down her head, and she didn't have the energy to do anything.

She stood there for a while, but did not respond to the sound of the door opening behind her.

Jiang Han walked up behind her and looked at her for a while, with too much emotion in his eyes, it wasn't just those girls watching the live broadcast, he was also watching, he could feel that Lan Shuang was a little out of control at that time, she was real Very angry and sad.

Although he didn't know why she hated Jin Bin so much, he wanted to ask, but seeing her state, he couldn't ask.

He walked behind Lan Shuang and asked, "Have you enjoyed it?"

Lan Shuang turned to look at him when she heard his voice: "Why are you here?"

Jiang Han looked at her somewhat messy hair, and stretched out his hand to help her smooth it out. Seeing that her eyes were a little red, he paused, and reached out his hand to gently touch her face: "Crying?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows suspiciously: "Huh?"

Jiang Han's warm fingertips were pressed against Lan Shuang's eyes, Lan Shuang blinked reflexively, and her long eyelashes brushed against Jiang Han's fingers, making it itchy.

Jiang Han's eyes darkened slightly.

Lan Shuang held his hand, and said in a calm tone, "No, it might be because of the intense emotions just now."

Jiang Han was noncommittal, he stared at Lan Shuang for a while, held her little hand behind his back, and pulled her out: "Go back."

"where to?"

Lan Shuang gave him a puzzled look: "I'm tired and want to sleep."

"Why do you always act like you can't wake up?" Jiang Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Lan Shuang didn't say a word, in fact, she wasn't very tired, she was just tired and wanted to find a place where no one was around to stay for a while.

"Go home." Jiang Han dropped this sentence and led her out.

Hearing these two words, Lan Shuang was in a trance for a moment, home?She doesn't seem to have a home.

Jiang Han stuffed the man into the car, then got into the car from the other side, and said to the driver, "Go back to the suburban villa."


The driver nodded, raised the baffle, and concentrated on driving.

"Villa in the suburbs?" Lan Shuang wondered, "Do you still have a house here?"

Jiang Han nodded: "Well, when I was in China, I often lived here. I bought a villa here for convenience, and there are properties in other places, but I rarely go there."

Lan Shuang was silent: "..."

Is this the rich man?
After thinking about it, she stamped 888: "Little Baba, let's discuss it."

"Huh? Host, please tell me." 888 immediately stood up straight.

Lan Shuang: "In the next life, put it on the body of a rich lady. I want to be rich again."

888 thought for a while: "Well, it's not impossible, let me find it for you, there should be this type of task."

"Okay." Lan Shuang suddenly looked forward to it.


Before Lan Shuang could bargain with 888 again, Jiang Han suddenly spoke up.

Lan Shuang was taken aback: "So fast?"

Someone came to open the door for her. She went down and saw a very beautiful small villa in front of her.

Compared with foreign manors, this villa is pitifully small, but the small garden that comes with it is very warm, with various flowers planted in it, and it is blooming right now.

Green climbing vines climbed all over the wall from the other side of the villa, looking very lively.

Lan Shuang watched the servant open the white door, and felt like entering a fairy tale world for a moment.

Jiang Han looked at her expression from the side, seeing the light in her eyes, he knew she liked it very much.

He bent his lips slightly, "Go in and have a look."


Lan Shuang walked into the villa quickly. The housekeeper this time was a kind-hearted auntie. She opened the door for Lan Shuang and handed her a pair of slippers: "I just bought them, and they should be just right for Miss."

"Thank you." Lan Shuang took off her high heels and stepped on the thick slippers, like stepping on a cloud, the size was just right.

She took two steps inside, and suddenly smelled a sweet fragrance: "Have you made dessert yet?"

Jiang Han walked over from behind her, took her hand very naturally and walked in, and led her to the sofa, where a beautiful swan cake was placed on the large round coffee table.

Lan Shuang was taken aback, "This is..."

Jiang Han said softly: "Your birthday cake."

"Although you don't think it's necessary, I think it's still necessary. This is your first birthday when you come to me."

He pulled Lan Shuang to sit down on the sofa, and the auntie housekeeper handed him the birthday hat. He turned his head and put it on Lan Shuang, and said with a smile, "Shall we sing you a birthday song?"

Lan Shuang thought about it for a while, and the frightening Master Jiang clapped her hands and sang a birthday song for herself...

This picture is a bit beautiful, she doesn't dare to think about it.

The housekeeper looked at this and then that, and clapped her hands very politely, "Oh, I don't know if the food is ready in the back kitchen, I'll go and have a look, you guys talk first, talk first."

Then turned around and disappeared.

The fast speed and the standard posture made Lan Shuang once suspect that her aunt was in the race walking team when she was young.

Suddenly, Lan Shuang's chin was pinched, and she forced her face away, "Don't look at her, look at me."

"What are you doing?" Lan Shuang was puzzled.

Jiang Han suddenly let go of her, sat up straighter, stared intently at her slightly parted thin lips, and sang birthday song to her with that extremely magnetic voice.

"Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To Lan Shuang..."

Lan Shuang was stunned for a while, like a seagull attracted by the sea, hovering in his deep eyes, his heart was beating.

(End of this chapter)

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