Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 102 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 32

Chapter 102 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 32
It was the first time for Jiang Han to celebrate someone’s birthday, and it was also the first time he sang. He didn’t think there was anything wrong when he sang, and felt a little ashamed after he sang. He reflected on whether he was out of tune, whether he sang well, whether Wrong.

But these were just running through his mind, and he didn't show it. On the surface, he was still that cold and aloof Jiang Ye.

He stared at Lan Shuang, "Don't you want to make a wish?"

Lan Shuang blinked her eyes before she realized it, and then she couldn't help laughing: "I haven't lit the candle yet."

Jiang Han's face was blank for a moment, as if...

He coughed lightly, picked up the lighter from the other side of the tea table, and lit the candle with a "snap", "Blow, blow."

Looking at the "21" flickering with candles, Lan Shuang suddenly felt better. She closed her eyes and clasped her hands in front of her body, making a wish devoutly.

Jiang Han looked very curious, what wish would she make?
Soon Lan Shuang opened her eyes and blew on the candle. When the candle was extinguished, the atmosphere faded instantly. Jiang Han seemed to be unintentionally holding a knife and fork while asking, "What wish did you make?"

Lan Shuang pulled out the candle and said with a smile, "It won't work if you express your wish."

"Oh." Jiang Han replied dryly, cut a big piece of cake for her and handed it over: "Eat it."

Lan Shuang took it and said, "Tsk, I really didn't expect that one day I would be able to eat a cake that Master Jiang personally cut for me. It's a bit dreamy. Hit me, am I dreaming?"

Jiang Han couldn't help laughing, and raised his hand to pinch her face, "Does it hurt?"

Lan Shuang shook her head: "It doesn't hurt, it really is a dream."

Jiang Han got up and sat back, "Then treat it as a dream, and never wake up."

Lan Shuang glanced at him, with unclear meaning.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

Jiang Han pursed his lips and said, "I don't really like to eat these sweet and greasy things."

Lan Shuang dug a little bit with a spoon and fed it to Jiang Han's lips, "Give me some face, take a bite, there is still a sense of ritual, if you eat my cake, even if you get the blessing of the birthday star, you will share half of the good luck." .”

Jiang Han looked at her curved eyebrows, his heart moved, and he really opened his lips.

The smooth and soft cream melts in the mouth, sweet and mellow, which really subverted his cognition, it is not particularly sweet, and it is quite delicious.

Lan Shuang observed his expression, seeing that he didn't feel disgusted, she fed him another mouthful.

Jiang Han: "No."

The cream stained the corners of his lips, looking a little funny.

Lan Shuang sat on the ground and laughed.

"Okay, don't make trouble, get up and sit down and eat well." Jiang Han reached out and wiped off the cream with his thumb, wiped it with paper, and pulled Lan Shuang up.

"I can't finish eating such a big cake by myself, you eat it with me, and share with everyone."

"it is good."

Jiang Han was almost responsive today, he cut a piece for himself and called his aunt over, asking her to share it with Qi Yuan and the others.

"Don't eat too much, save some stomach, I have prepared other things."

Jiang Han instructed Lan Shuang, got up and went to the kitchen to bring out a bowl of noodles.

Very simple hand-rolled longevity noodles, with a few green vegetables and two eggs floating on it, so simple that it doesn't seem like something that will appear in this villa.

Jiang Han put the bowl in front of Lan Shuang, handed her the chopsticks, and said a little uncomfortable, "Try it and see if it tastes good."

Lan Shuang put down the cake, took the chopsticks and looked at the distorted noodles in the bowl, a thought suddenly came to her mind, "Who made this?"

Jiang Han coughed lightly: "What's wrong?"

Lan Shuang looked at his red earlobe without knowing it, and her smile deepened: "Ah, it's nothing, I just think it's very kind, and it looks good."

"Then eat it while it's hot." Jiang Han heaved a sigh of relief and laughed.

It was rare for him to smile, and Lan Shuang suddenly felt a little silly looking at it.


She picked up a little bit and ate it, it was a little salty, but the taste was not bad, so she ignored the blemish and ate happily.

Sitting opposite her, Jiang Han felt particularly fulfilled and satisfied when he saw this.

He didn't do anything, just sat here and watched Lan Shuang eating noodles, and he could watch with gusto.

Soon a bowl of noodles was bottomed out, and there were still two eggs left.

Lan Shuang held one and handed it to Jiang Han's lips: "Ah—"

"I don't have to—uh!"

The egg was stuffed into his mouth, and Jiang Han hurriedly chewed it.

The taste was really good. Lan Shuang ate the rest. After eating, she groped her stomach and collapsed on the sofa, and said contentedly, "I'm so full, I'm a bit full."

Jiang Han smiled and took a sip of water, "Are you happy?"

Lan Shuang nodded, raised her head and looked at him seriously: "Thank you, I am very happy."

Jiang Han was taken aback for a moment, then smiled softly: "Just like it, in the future..."

He originally wanted to say that I will celebrate your birthday every year in the future, but this is too ambiguous, and something will change after saying it.

So he paused, and stood up as if nothing had happened: "I still have things to deal with, if you are tired, go back and rest."

At this time, this person is still awkward here.

Lan Shuang was helpless, she suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

"Huh?" Jiang Han turned his head to look at her.

Lan Shuang didn't look at him, she just lay on the back of the sofa and said, "Since today is my birthday, can I make a small request?"

"You said."

"I want to stay in the country for the time being."

Jiang Han's face changed slightly: "Isn't Jin Bin's matter settled? What are you staying for?"

Lan Shuang rubbed her belly and said, "Jin Bin has solved it, but Du Mingsheng is still living a carefree life."

Hearing this name, Jiang Han frowned, and the photo of the two of them together flashed in his mind inappropriately.

So young, so beautiful, does it mean that you can let go of it?

Jiang Han was not sure, his heart sank a little bit, "You want to take revenge on him?"

Lan Shuang: "Well, I don't want him to have such an easy time."

"What are you going to do?"

Jiang Han's voice sounded normal, but the hand beside him was already clenched.

"Go and see him first. How will he react when his long-lost ex-girlfriend appears?"

Lan Shuang thought about that scene and found it very interesting, "Also, I heard that he is getting very close to my girlfriend now, and he unilaterally announced that he broke up with me, heh, he wants to attack my girlfriend again? It's a good idea. "

Jiang Han frowned even tighter, his eyes darkened, "Really? So you're going to disturb them?"

"Of course, I was cheated by a scumbag once. I can't let my best friend be fooled again. I have to expose Du Mingsheng's lies to my face and break up? If I want to break up, I dumped him!"

After Lan Shuang finished speaking, she turned to look at him: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Han didn't know what was wrong, but he was annoyed when she mentioned this person, and he couldn't restrain his bad mood. He wished that this person would disappear completely, and never be mentioned by Lan Shuang again.

(End of this chapter)

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