Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 103 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 33

Chapter 103 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 33
He knew that she wanted to take revenge on Du Mingsheng, but he still couldn't help thinking, would she have lost her old love for Du Mingsheng, would she be coaxed by Du Mingsheng's few words to rekindle her old love, would she not let her go?

After all, they have been in love for 20 years, they are real childhood sweethearts, and they have many memories exclusive to the two of them.

And he and Lan Shuang have known each other for less than half a year, and when they first met in such a bad situation, how does Lan Shuang treat him... How does Lan Shuang feel?
These thoughts continued to surge, forcing Jiang Han to have a headache.

"Master Jiang? Jiang Han? What's wrong with you?" Lan Shuang saw that he had been silent and stood there in a daze, so she got up and walked over, patting him on the shoulder.

Jiang Han's pupils opened slightly, and he suddenly came back to his senses, and said coldly, "It's nothing, I'm leaving first."

"Hey?" Lan Shuang watched him stride away, and shouted, "You haven't promised me yet!"

Jiang Han pretended he didn't hear it, and when he got in the car, he suddenly didn't know where he was going.

The driver asked, "Master Jiang, is he going to the company?"

Jiang Han shook his head, hesitated for a moment and said, "Go to the winery."



"Host, Jiang Han seems to be jealous?"

888 suddenly went online to remind, and Lan Shuang said with a deep expression, "I can see it."

"then you……"

"Now it's almost time for Jiang Han to face his own heart. Of course I have to help him. If he is a very aggressive lover, I don't have to worry about it. It's good to cooperate with him, but he just avoids it." Type, if I take the initiative, he will always hide in his own thinking and refuse to face up to his feelings, so I have to retreat and let him understand, otherwise there will still be problems in the future."

888 pondered: "Is that so? Host, don't you have no love experience? How do you know so much?"

"Haven't you ever eaten pork or seen a pig running?" Lan Shuang turned and sat back on the sofa, "I've read countless chapters."

888 remembered the things she saw in her previous life: "..."

"Besides, what do you mean I have no experience in love? Doesn't the one with Jun Conglan in the previous life count?"

888: "...It seems to be counted, but you are marrying first and then falling in love."

"Is there a difference?" Lan Shuang took out her mobile phone, found her girlfriend's WeChat account, sent her a message, and asked her to meet the day after tomorrow.

888 thought about it, and the way they are doing now seems to be similar to marriage first and then love, no love and no marriage, but living together.

Hmm... It's such a complicated relationship, no wonder the two are so entangled.


Jiang Han didn't come back all afternoon, Lan Shuang sat in the living room for a long time but didn't find anyone, so she had to go back to her room first.

She came out of the bathroom and was drying her hair when she heard the car horn outside.

She hurriedly ran to the window and opened the curtains to see that it was indeed Jiang Han's car. She turned her head and looked at the wall clock on the wall, it was ten o'clock.

"It's so late? Are you hiding from me on purpose?" Lan Shuang reluctantly changed into soft and loose white pajamas and went out, standing at the door of the living room to block people.

Jiang Han didn't come in by himself, but was framed by Qi Yuan and Wen Yan from left to right. He seemed quite drunk.

As soon as the door was opened, the smell of alcohol was overwhelming, but the smell of red wine was very strong.

Lan Shuang frowned: "Why do you drink so much?"

Qi Yuan helped the person to walk in, and said helplessly: "I don't know what happened, Master Jiang suddenly went to the winery in the afternoon, and then he didn't leave, drinking one after another, originally he was very good at drinking , but I can’t hold back and drink too much.”

"Go upstairs first."

Lan Shuang followed behind, while Qi Yuan was still muttering: "No matter how much I tried to persuade Mr. Jiang, I didn't listen, and I was still in a hurry. I was afraid that he would get angry, so I could only watch from the sidelines. I thought he was almost drunk and couldn't beat him. I'm dead, so I snatched the wine bottle and brought him back."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Then you are very brave.

She looked at Wen Yan, and always felt that Wen Yan would be more reliable. Sure enough, as soon as Wen Yan met her gaze, she said, "Master Jiang is in a bad mood. Miss, you should spend more time with him. Master Jiang rarely has such gaffes." The last time was when he was a kid, it's been 15 years."

Lan Shuang paused, then nodded: "I see."

After putting Jiang Han on the bed, Qi Yuan was sweating and wanted to say something, but Wen Yan pulled him out by his tie, and Wen Yan even closed the door with his backhand.

As soon as the door was closed, Lan Shuang walked to the bedside and looked at Jiang Han, who was blushing. His usually calm face was rarely filled with sadness and unwillingness.

She sighed, walked over and squatted by the bed and touched his forehead: "Why bother?"

Hearing her voice, the person on the bed with half-closed eyes suddenly turned around, his blurred eyes fixed on Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang asked softly, "Do you know who I am?"

Jiang Han was silent for a long time before his eyes slowly focused. His voice was hoarse and he said slowly, "Lan Shuang."

As if to be sure, he said it again: "You are Lan Shuang."

Lan Shuang held his hand with a smile, and gently squeezed his fingertips: "Yes, it's me."

Jiang Han's eyes suddenly changed, and he asked fiercely, "Why are you here? Didn't you go to him?"

"Him?" Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Who is he?"

Jiang Han's chest rose and fell for a moment, then he turned over silently, with his back to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang: "???"

Losing his temper?
"How can you still be cute when you're drunk?" She whispered, got up and sat on the bed, held his face and made him turn back to look at her, "You mean Du Mingsheng? Do you think I'm going to find him , so unhappy?"

Jiang Han snorted softly from his nasal cavity, lowered his eyelashes to cover his deep eyes, but didn't speak, but no matter how he looked at it, the word "poor" was written all over it.

Looking at Jiang Han like this, Lan Shuang felt that she was overflowing with maternal love.

She leaned over Jiang Han's heart and said softly, "It's not that you don't trust me, it's that you don't have confidence."

Jiang Han's eyelashes trembled, and he slowly raised his eyes: "Not confident?"

"Yeah, you feel uncomfortable because I'm going to seek revenge on Du Mingsheng. You think that we might still be together, and our old relationship might rekindle, but you just haven't thought about it. I just want to make a break with the past, and then start a new life."

Jiang Han was startled: "A new life? Where are you going to live?"

Lan Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What do you think?"

She raised her head, turned over and sat on Jiang Han's waist, and asked very seriously: "Jiang Han, most people don't feel uncomfortable because their subordinates are going to see their ex-boyfriend. Have you ever thought about why you have such a behavior?" mood?"

"Why?" Jiang Han murmured, his brain paralyzed by alcohol was a bit dull.

"I'm asking you. The answer to this question is very important to me. If you think it through, speak up, and I'll tell you my future plans."

 Oh, don't be awkward, little couple, give me a kiss tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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