Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 104 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 34

Chapter 104 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 34
Jiang Han lowered his eyes, obviously trying to escape again, Lan Shuang immediately reached out to grab his chin, and said fiercely: "Don't hide! How long are you going to escape? Is it so difficult to admit your own intentions?"

Jiang Han stared at her in a daze, his cold and stern aura completely faded away, his whole body soaked in alcohol was soft and innocent.

"Jiang Han, run away when you encounter problems, it shouldn't be you."

Lan Shuang leaned close to him, long curly hair fell on Jiang Han's body, at his fingertips, he stretched out his hand and gently picked up a strand, slowly entangled, just like Lan Shuang's words, entwined in his heart, constantly Force him to look directly at his own heart.

After an unknown period of time, Lan Shuang felt a little uncomfortable sitting, and wanted to change his position, but the person under him suddenly reacted, and he suddenly turned over and pressed Lan Shuang on the bed.

Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect him to come out so suddenly, she looked at him in surprise: "You—"

Jiang Han propped his hands on both sides of her head, and suddenly he lowered his head and kissed her. On her lips, it was a temptation, but he couldn't help himself.

He got up a little bit, stared closely at Lan Shuang's eyes, and didn't see any other emotions in it, so he was relieved. When he spoke, he still hesitated, but when he said it completely, he was much firmer. .

He said, "Lan Shuang, I like you."

"No matter what you think, I want to keep you by my side."

As he said that, he kissed again, the first time was familiar and the second time was acquaintance, this time he paused for a longer time, rubbing, tossing, being extremely intimate, all the unspeakable feelings were hidden in this kiss.

Lan Shuang felt it, she put her arms around Jiang Han's neck, raised her head slightly, and greeted him.

Jiang Han was stunned when he noticed her initiative, he didn't expect such a reaction.

Does this mean that she actually likes herself?
A small expectation is enough to make the heart beat a little.

Lan Shuang licked his lips lightly, then lay back on the pillow, and said with a smile: "Do you know how long I have been waiting for this sentence? Sometimes I even wonder, will you never say goodbye to me all your life?" Say."

Jiang Han: "I..."

Lan Shuang leaned closer and kissed him again and said, "You just asked me where I want to go in the future, and now I can answer you."

She pressed her hands hard, let Jiang Han cover her body, and whispered into his ear: "I want to go to your heart, go to your home, and go to the days when I have you."

After she finished speaking, she still felt that Jiang Han was not stimulated enough, so she added with a chuckle: "Jiang Han, I like you very much."

It was like throwing a firework into the dark night sky. The moment it exploded, it was radiant and soul-stirring.

Jiang Han was stunned for a while, and after realizing it, he directly expressed his excitement with actions.

The taste of red wine is tainted with lust, a little is enough to make people feel like they are in bliss.

The fingers are clasped tightly, the body temperature is exchanged, I don't know where it started, and I don't know where it will end.


In fact, Jiang Han wasn't that drunk, he woke up not long after, and after coming out of the bathroom, he drank a glass of water and completely sobered up.

Jiang Han's eyes darkened involuntarily as he looked at the snow-white calf and feet exposed by Lan Shuang, who was lying on the bed with the quilt rolled up in a drowsy state.

Rubbing it lightly with his fingers, he seemed to be able to recall the smooth and warm touch.

With slender ankles and long, firm calves, he can...

"Cough." Jiang Han's Adam's apple slid up and down, obviously he just drank water, but he felt that he drank it for nothing, and he was very thirsty.

He got on the bed from behind, approaching Lan Shuang with a sense of oppression.

Lan Shuang turned over and wrapped herself in the cup, and said sullenly, "Tired..."

Jiang Han looked at her exposed legs amusedly, what kind of ostrich behavior is this?
He stretched out his hand to pick up Lan Shuang's quilt, and coaxed softly: "Don't be bored, come out, I don't do anything."

This person is usually too serious and domineering, so his speech is always quite majestic and reliable.

So Lan Shuang hesitated for a moment, and really got out of the quilt. She looked at Jiang Han with eyes that still had water marks.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, she was pulled out of the quilt completely and held tightly in her arms.

"Jiang Han, you backtracked—"

"Really? I forgot."

Jiang Han started to move with a low smile, Lan Shuang will soon be unable to complain anymore...


When Lan Shuang fell asleep that night, she didn't remember anymore, she only knew that it was already one o'clock in the afternoon when she woke up the next day.

The warm sunshine outside the window rushed in, and crawled all over the bed. She couldn't stay under the quilt because of the heat, so she turned over to expose herself.

"Ugh... so sleepy..."

Lan Shuang yawned, and tears immediately fell. She blinked, feeling a little awake, but felt that she was not fully awake.

What happened last night came into her mind, she slowly opened her eyes wide, turned over and tried to sit up, but when she moved, she felt her waist ached, her legs ached, and her knees also ached.

She gritted her teeth and dragged her second-hand body, which seemed to be reorganized, and slowly turned over.

888 cheered and shouted in her mind: "Wuhu~ Host, you're awake~"

Lan Shuang asked weakly: "What are you so excited about?"

"Of course I'm excited. Yesterday's female partner's evil thoughts dropped, and now there are only 40 left!"

"40?" Lan Shuang was also surprised, "Did it drop so much?"

"That's right, it's probably because Jin Bin has already entered the prison, and the female partner has fulfilled a wish, so there are more rewards~ Also, Jiang Han confessed, you two...hehe, hehe..."

Lan Shuang: "...Okay, don't laugh so obscenely."

888's smile froze: "Oh."

"So I have points now?"

"Yes, I have [-] points. Does the host want to buy anything?"

Lan Shuang was silent for a while, not knowing what she was thinking, the sunlight hit her side face, kissing her passionate crimson.

"Can points be replaced?" She asked suddenly.

"Ah?" 888 was a little confused: "Substitute? Who? We are a serious system!"

Lan Shuang sneered, "Yes, what am I thinking."

888 asked curiously: "Who does the host want to replace?"

Lan Shuang shook her head, "It's nothing, I just asked casually."

She felt that her waist was really sore, so she lay flat on the bed like a salted fish, staring at the ceiling in a daze, her mind went blank, and for a moment she forgot who she was and what she wanted to do.

She didn't turn her head to look until someone opened the door and came in.

Jiang Han was wearing gray and white home clothes, with his sleeves loosely rolled up to his elbows, exposing his strong and strong forearms. He walked over with a bowl of porridge in one hand and a glass of juice in the other.

I don't know if it's because he's full, but Jiang Han now has a sense of satisfaction all over his body.

Seeing Lan Shuang looking over, she smiled lightly: "Are you awake? Are you uncomfortable?"

 Alas, I have no room for an old colorist

(End of this chapter)

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