Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 105 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 35

Chapter 105 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 35
Looking at his smiling face, Lan Shuang suddenly wanted to give him a punch, didn't he know it was hard?Who is to blame for her being like this now?

As if seeing her accusation from her resentful eyes, the smile on Jiang Han's lips deepened, he put the things on the bedside table, then sat down by the bed, stretched out his hand and gently touched Lan Shuang's face , whispered: "Sorry, I was a little too much yesterday."

Lan Shuang: "Are you sure it's a point? Not a billion points?"

Jiang Han coughed lightly, and his eyes fluttered uncomfortably, "I can't help it, it's really the first time I can't control it, I've been thinking about it for so long, struggling for so long, and suddenly I get a response, I must be a little crazy."

He picked up the porridge bowl, scooped up a spoonful of porridge and blew it, and fed it to Lan Shuang's lips when he felt that the temperature was about the same. "Get up and eat something? Auntie's shredded chicken porridge is very delicious."

"Okay." Lan Shuang reluctantly accepted his reason, sat up and leaned against the head of the bed, and let Jiang Han feed her.

Master Jiang was feeding porridge for the first time, and his movements were very unskilled. He often knocked on Lan Shuang's teeth and lips.

Jiang Han felt embarrassed when he saw this, and he became more careful in the future, and he soon became handy. After finishing a bowl of porridge, Lan Shuang rubbed his stomach, and his mood improved.

"Lie down a little longer? Anyway, you're fine now, take a good rest, we'll all be living here recently."

Jiang Han was about to leave with an empty bowl, but Lan Shuang said, "No, I'll lie down all day today, and I have to go out to meet people tomorrow."

Jiang Han was startled, "Du Mingsheng?"

Even though the two were already together, Jiang Han was still upset when he mentioned this ex-boyfriend.

Lan Shuang looked at him amusedly: "These things can't be avoided. Sooner or later, we have to face them. It's better to cut the mess quickly. Otherwise, I will always hold a grudge, and I will miss him for a long time. After revenge, we will have nothing to do with each other." .”

Hearing what she said, Jiang Han barely accepted it, "Well, then I'll take you there tomorrow."

"Don't you have anything to do tomorrow?" Lan Shuang looked at him, "Don't waste time for me."

"It's okay, I'm not the only one in the whole company, and raising so many people is not just for nothing."

Jiang Han couldn't refuse and said: "That's it."

Lan Shuang had no choice but to say, "Okay."


After Lan Shuang sent Xie Qiuning a message, she replied immediately and asked a lot of questions, but at that time Lan Shuang's mind was on Jiang Han, so she didn't look carefully, and only made an appointment for a time and place.

It wasn't until after getting in the car that Lan Shuang took out her mobile phone and looked through the records, that she saw Xie Qiuning's questions.

Ningning: [Shuangshuang, what's wrong with you?Why haven't you come to class? 】

Ning Ning: 【Are you sick?I want to see you, where are you? 】

Ning Ning: [Why did you and Du Mingsheng break up?Why? 】

Ning Ning: [I really miss you. 】

Lan Shuang looked at it and sighed, Jiang Han immediately turned to look over: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, just seeing the news from my best friend, I feel a little uncomfortable. I haven't contacted her for a while, and she must be very worried."

Jiang Han was taken aback, then held her hand and said in a low voice, "If you want, go back to class."

Lan Shuang raised her head suddenly: "Huh? What about you? I still have two years to graduate."

"It's okay, I can wait for you. When I need to deal with something, I will go abroad, and I will stay here with you if I have nothing to do. It's only two years, but it's actually very fast."

Lan Shuang smiled lightly when she heard the words: "Okay."

She leaned her head on Jiang Han's shoulder and said: "When I graduate, we will go abroad and settle down. If we have nothing to do, we will come back to see my parents. If they are willing, they will go abroad with us, but they probably don't want to. They I’m not used to life abroad and I don’t speak English, so it will be hard to go there.”

Hearing what Lan Shuang said, Jiang Han seemed to have seen the future life of the two of them in front of his eyes. She said before that she wanted to live a life of her own, but she was really not just talking.

He touched Lan Shuang's hair, turned his head and kissed her head, "Well, we can also live abroad for half a year and then return to China for half a year. Anyway, it's the same for me anywhere."

Just having you is enough.


Xie Qiuning made an appointment with her at a milk tea shop near the school.

Because it is the beginning of school season, there are quite a lot of people here, so Xie Qiuning deliberately found a secluded corner to wait.

When Lan Shuang entered the door, she suddenly felt as if she had passed away.

Returning from a wealthy family to a lush campus, the gap is really bigger than a dream.

She looked around and saw Xie Qiuning holding a mobile phone in the corner with a bitter face, and walked over with a smile.

"Qiu Ning, long time no see."

She sat down opposite Xie Qiuning, Xie Qiuning sat up straight suddenly, his eyes widened, "Shuangshuang!"

She was too excited, and her voice was a little loud, which attracted the attention of people around her. She smiled apologetically, and immediately restrained her voice and asked in a low voice, "You're here. What happened to you all this time?"

She put down her phone and held Lan Shuang's hand, looking at her carefully.

Lan Shuang also let her watch, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I ran into something, and I'll be back after I deal with it."

"Can you tell me? It's not convenient to say so, when will you come back to class?"

Xie Qiuning was really worried about her, but at the same time respected her privacy, wanted to ask but restrained herself.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on Lan Shuang's neck and under the collar, and she found a small red mark.

Doesn't look like a bug bite, more like...like...

"Shuangshuang—do you have a new boyfriend?"

Xie Qiuning pointed to the same spot on her neck, Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Yes."

Seeing her admit it so quickly, Xie Qiuning was even more confused: "Then... Where is Du Mingsheng? What's going on with you?"

As she spoke, she scratched her hair in distress, "But I haven't seen you for a holiday, why do you feel like I don't know anything?"

"Let's talk about it one by one. I haven't shown up at school for a while. It's Du Mingsheng who is in the middle. There are people behind him to help. That's why the school doesn't care about my absence from class."

"Huh?" Xie Qiuning was even more confused.

Lan Shuang simply told how Du Mingsheng fooled her into boarding the pirate ship. Xie Qiuning was in a bad mood after hearing that. She almost jumped from the chair, but it was Lan Shuang who quickly held her down. "It's all right now, so I didn't break up with him, but became enemies."

"Is he still human? Du Mingsheng..." Xie Qiuning thought of the experience of being cheated by him during this period, and felt even more disgusted. Kind of rubbish! Does he still have the face to be decadent?"

Lan Shuang sneered: "Otherwise, how can we establish the image of a victim?"

(End of this chapter)

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