Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 108 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 38

Chapter 108 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 38
Seeing the door close in front of his eyes, Du Ming almost rolled his eyes angrily.

Embarrassed and angry, he stood up and looked, and found that everything related to Lan Shuang had been removed from the house.

"Why are you so heartless?" He rushed to Lan Shuang's previous bedroom, opened the door and found that it was also empty.

He gritted his teeth and scratched his hair, cursed something in a low voice, turned his head and slammed himself into the sofa in the living room, but he didn't feel right after sitting down for a while. He looked down and found a pile of With a pile of waste paper.

The texture looks a bit like the photo?

His eyelids twitched, he picked up one and turned it over to see that the smiling and naive person on it was himself!

He quickly turned over the other papers one by one, all of them were himself without exception, and it was cut out from a group photo at first glance. I don’t know what happened to the other half, but his cut was very careless, even a lot of paper. The cuts were all bad, and the worst part was that one of his faces was split in two from the middle, and the bottom was uneven to the touch.

Du Mingsheng frowned and took a closer look, and found that in the lower right corner of the photo, two words were engraved with a ballpoint pen without water - so ugly.

Du Mingsheng: "..."

He had a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, and he almost fainted from anger.

"Jiang, Han!"

He gritted his teeth and shouted.


Jiang Han who came out of the building sneezed.

Lan Shuang looked at him suspiciously: "Have you caught a cold?"

Jiang Han pulled his lips, "Ah, no, probably Du Mingsheng is scolding me."

Thinking of the good things he did, Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, and shook his little finger, "I didn't expect Master Jiang to be so childish."

Jiang Han coughed uncomfortably, took her troubled hand, and put it in his pocket, "Once in a while."

He didn't deny it, but his ears were red.

Lan Shuang's heart softened when she saw it. Outsiders could only see his domineering and ruthless side, but they didn't know that he was actually very cute.

Jiang Han must have been a cute little baby when he was a child, right?
I don't know what went through to become what I am now.

Lan Shuang suddenly felt a little unexplainable distress.

"Jiang Han."


Lan Shuang rarely called him by his name so formally, so he couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

Lan Shuang walked forward side by side with him, and suddenly raised her head to look at him with a focused and gentle expression: "When I finish dealing with the matters here, let's go back, can you tell me about your childhood?"

Jiang Han's footsteps paused slightly, and his expression was a little inexplicable: "Why do you want to hear about my childhood?"

Sensing his resistance, Lan Shuang said softly: "Because I haven't participated in your past, but I want to have the complete you, I like you, whether it is the past or the future, these are you, so, let me make up for you Are you sorry?"

These words are reasonable and cannot be rejected at all.

Jiang Han was silent for a moment before continuing to move forward: "But my past may not be good, I'm afraid you will be disappointed after reading it."

"No, you can't change the past experience. What I love is you, and I won't change my feelings for you because of other things."

"...Okay, I'll tell you when I get back."

Lan Shuang smiled gratifiedly, and pulled Jiang Han's tie with the other, "Look at me."

"Huh?" Jiang Han turned his head puzzled, because the tie was being pulled, he had to bend over.

Before he could stand still, Lan Shuang suddenly pulled his tie and kissed him.

This time it's not superficial, but a sip.

Even Master Jiang, who is used to seeing strong winds and waves, couldn't help being stunned and blushing.

The "culprit" withdrew his hand, patted him, and walked away briskly.

Jiang Han: "..."

Looking at Lan Shuang's back, he couldn't help laughing lowly.


Lan Shuang said that she wanted to take revenge on Du Mingsheng, but it didn't directly ruin him. It was the beginning of the school season. She went directly to the Academic Affairs Office and met with the principal. No one knew what they talked about. Anyway, Lan Shuang came back to class normally Yes, it wasn't affected in the slightest.

On campus, Du Mingsheng ran into her once by chance, and was quite frightened, for fear that his old background would be exposed.

Ke Lanshuang didn't even look at him, like a stranger.

Du Mingsheng had a nightmare that night, and the next day he was in a daze, not knowing what to do.

On weekends, his brothers asked him out to play, to KTV, and to gamble.

He was very resistant at first, but his friend kept lobbying him, saying that the bet here is very small, and it doesn't matter if you lose, just for fun.

The world is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. This dog can't change the shit eater and wavered again. He half-pushed and followed him, and then the friend in the middle said that he had something to ask him to help.

It was hard for Du Mingsheng to refuse, and he was immediately addicted to the poker table. After winning, he felt comfortable and felt like he had found himself again.

The friend came back and wanted him to wake up, but he refused, and asked the friend to play on the other side. The people at the poker table also advised: "Hey, this guy plays well, let him play with us, you left halfway , go to another table."

The friend had no choice but to make up the number at another table.

Du Mingsheng won three games in a row. He was so happy that his eyes were shining abnormally because of the excitement.

The others looked at each other and smiled slightly, but Du Mingsheng, who was immersed in the joy of winning the card, didn't notice it at all.

On this day, he won more and lost less, and when he walked, his feet were trembling.

The friend asked him if he would come tomorrow?
Du Mingsheng came back to his senses, and said with a smile, "Come on, Brother Kan will take you to kill everywhere."

The friend sneered, and reminded him "well-intentioned": "Take it easy, don't get stuck in it again, just play with it once in a while, this thing can't be eaten, be careful that you won't be able to pull it out if you sink too deep."

"Understood." Du Mingsheng replied reluctantly. He had heard all kinds of people say these principles, and his ears were already calloused.

Seeing him like this, his friend stopped persuading him, and the two walked away shoulder to shoulder.


The next day after that, Du Mingsheng was blocked by Xie Qiuning right after class.

When Du Mingsheng saw Xie Qiuning, he still felt guilty, "Ningning..."

"Du Mingsheng, don't call me that, I'm disgusting." Xie Qiuning's expression was rare indifference and boredom, as if he was looking at some ugly bug.

"What's wrong with you?" Du Mingsheng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Lan Shuang had returned, and he wanted to pull Xie Qiuning's arm nervously: "Ningning, listen to me—"

Xie Qiuning avoided his arm, and slapped him hard with his backhand, "Don't touch me! You scum, you don't deserve to be loved, and you don't deserve to be loved. Whoever falls in love with you will be unlucky!"

She threw back the cheap little doll that Du Mingsheng gave her before, and said coldly: "Shuangshuang doesn't care about you, I can't bear it, you will go as far as you want in the future, and you will appear in front of me and Shuangshuang again." , I will beat you."

(End of this chapter)

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