Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 109 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 39

Chapter 109 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 39
After Xie Qiuning finished speaking, he stepped on his high heels and left without showing any sympathy. Many people passing by saw the scene just now and pointed at him. Du Mingsheng suddenly felt his face burn.

He didn't bother to think too much, and walked away in despair with the doll.

Lan Shuang stood in the dark watching this scene, and sighed with a half-smile: "Oh, this is just the beginning, Du Mingsheng, the best is yet to come."


After Du Mingsheng returned to the rental room, he closed the door with his backhand and slid on the ground.

He couldn't figure out how things could become like this?
Thinking of the scene of seeing Jiang Han and Lan Shuang kissing when he came back that day, he felt a pain like a knife in his heart.

When he was in love with Shuangshuang back then, he only kissed Shuangshuang's lips lightly at most. One was because Shuangshuang was too shy to accept further intimacy for the time being, and the other was...he actually had a crush on Shuangshuang at that time I can't even arouse any interest.

Although they are childhood sweethearts and seem to be together naturally without confessing, he always feels that he has no passion for Shuangshuang.

But Xie Qiuning is different. When he saw Xie Qiuning for the first time in college, he felt it very much. Xie Qiuning is beautiful, generous, and confident. He has almost gathered all kinds of advantages. He is the dream goddess of countless boys. The most important thing is One thing is that her family is also very good.

If he could be with Xie Qiuning, his parents would be very happy too.

So after knowing that Lan Shuang would not come back, he came up with Xie Qiuning's idea. He thought that maybe he could take the opportunity to gain sympathy and chase him down, but when it was about to happen, Lan Shuang came back suddenly.

What's even more frightening is that she is completely different from before.

Like a dusty pearl, the dust on it was suddenly brushed off, revealing her pure and delicate true face.

She is really beautiful, so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off.

When she was pushed against the wall and kissed wantonly, there was a seductive smell in the corners of her eyes and brows.

This was something he had never seen before, something he dreamed of having.

But...she won't come back, Xie Qiuning also hates him, he has nothing now.

Thinking of this, Du Mingsheng really wanted to cry.

But just when he was about to buy some wine and get drunk, his cell phone rang suddenly.

He took it out and saw that it was his friend, "Hey, what are you doing? Isn't there no class? Go out and play."

Du Mingsheng wanted to say no more, but seeing the empty room, it was meaningless to stay here by himself.

"Okay, wait for me for a while."

He got up, changed his clothes, and went anyway.

I don't know if it is in response to the saying "unlucky in love, proud in the casino". These days, he has been very lucky and always wins, so his heart swells even more.


A week later, when he came back, he suddenly started to be unlucky. He lost two games and won one game, and then continued to lose.

Someone laughed at him: "Young man can't do it anymore, have you done something wrong recently? Why don't you recite it like this?"

Du Mingsheng glanced at him and said nothing, and pursed his lips. He didn't know this person very well, and his previous poker friends were not in this group. Because he was too lucky, he wanted to earn more, so he went to a higher poker table. Now the stakes are getting higher.

He was unwilling to lose all the time, so he kept betting.

But his luck today was really bad, and he almost lost the bet in his hand.

Seeing that he was about to lose again, he had nothing to bet on, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. He gritted his teeth and looked at the cards, but in the end, his eyes were blurred, he made a mistake, and he directly fired the cannon.

"Hahahaha, thank you Xiaodu, I'm just waiting for this card, you ordered a big one."

The man showed his cards with a smile, and the blood on Du Mingsheng's face faded away.

His fingers couldn't stop shaking.

"Yo, why are you staring blankly? Give me money!"

The man spread his hands at Du Mingsheng. Du Mingsheng took out all the money on his body, but it was not enough. He gritted his teeth: "I... I don't have enough money on me, can you delay giving it?"

The man was also very talkative, and said directly: "That's okay, let's gamble a few more times, maybe you will have the money back if you win?"

Du Mingsheng breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay."

As a result, he never won once in the next few days, and lost more and more, but he just couldn't stop.

Until the last one was over, the faces of the others were not good.

"Do you have money or not?"

Du Mingsheng did the math, even if he sold his house, it would not be enough.

Trembling all over, he whispered, "I... I'll fight again! I'm sure I can win!"

"Fart your mother! How many times have you beaten, and the more you lose, the more you lose, you don't want to play tricks, do you?"

One of the men flipped the poker table, and there was a "cracking" sound, which made Du Mingsheng fall off his chair without sitting still.

"I...I didn't..."

"Stop talking nonsense and take the money!"

A person stepped forward and grabbed Du Mingsheng by the collar and lifted him up from the ground.

Du Mingsheng's face turned pale: "I have no money...Brother, can I pay it back with something else? When I go to work, I will definitely be able to pay it back. Don't worry, I'll make an IOU first!"

"Heh, who would believe it? I want the money in cash. If you don't pay it, ask your family to pay it back!"

"My family has no money. My parents are old and have no savings. The remaining money has to be given to them for retirement..."

Although Du Mingsheng is a beast, he still has a bit of conscience towards his parents.


The man was so angry that he clenched his fist and was about to hit him, when a man next to him suddenly grabbed his wrist: "Hey, brother, don't do it, talk carefully if you have something to say, if you don't have money, you can exchange it with something else. He's pretty good, too."

After the words fell, several men looked at each other, and suddenly laughed tacitly.

The elder brother narrowed his eyes and looked at Du Mingsheng, and said with a sneer, "What's so good about a pretty boy?"

"You don't understand that. It's the boy with a pretty face that attracts people. Don't those people like it?"

The man winked and said next to the eldest brother: "I just met a sister, and this time is empty, this boy's appearance just suits her appetite."

The eldest brother's eyes lit up: "How much?"

The man stretched out five fingers: "50."

"Hiss—" the elder brother gasped, and his heart was moved immediately, "Okay, then clean him up and send him over."

Du Mingsheng understood it, and was stunned until someone came to pull him, and he struggled violently: "No—I don't want it! Don't! Let me go! You can't do this to me! This is against the law! "

"How can you say that what you love and what I want is a crime?"

The elder brother leaned over and patted his face with a smile, "Either go, or..."

He looked at Du Mingsheng's legs and said, "Just keep your two legs!"

Du Mingsheng's eyes widened in horror, and he was dragged out just like that.

(End of this chapter)

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