Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 110 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 40

Chapter 110 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 40
Du Mingsheng was pressed by a group of people and took a shower. From head to toe, from inside to outside, he looked like pork that was about to be put on the cutting board.

Then he was put on a suit of shameful clothes and wore cat ears on his head.

He was pushed out the door in shame.

Before he was escorted into the car, he was still struggling to save himself, but the eldest brother didn't say anything to him at all, and directly blocked his mouth, and even took out a contract, regardless of his wishes, forcibly pressing his finger prints Fingerprinted.

Du Mingsheng's eyes went black for a while, and he thought of Lan Shuang again in a trance.

"50, your debt will be written off, we will never trouble you again, how about it? It's worth it to exchange your girlfriend for 50?"

The scene where I was forced to sign the agreement suddenly came to life, how similar is it to now?
Even the amount is the same, Lan Shuang was sent out for 50 at the beginning, but she is sold for 50 today.

Du Mingsheng leaned on the car seat, dazed and sad. Could this be retribution?

After being sent to that sister's house, Du Mingsheng realized that there was more than one person here. There were four gorgeously dressed women sitting in the living room. No matter how well maintained they were, they couldn't hide the fact that they were getting old.

Loose skin, sagging flesh, wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, and vicissitudes in the eyes all show their rich experience.

Du Mingsheng felt chills all over when he saw a few people, as if falling into an ice cave.

The eldest brother said to the lady in the red dress in the middle: "Sister Li, this is Xiao Du, how do you see it?"

With that said, he pushed Du Mingsheng out.

Sister Li crossed her legs and looked at Du Mingsheng. She still held a cigar in her hand. She took two puffs and exhaled smoke rings, "Come here, it's too far away to see clearly."

Du Mingsheng was shaking with fear, and he even had the urge to run, but just as he turned around, he was stopped by a group of strong bodyguards.

Sister Li got angry immediately, she sneered and waved her hands and said to the elder brother: "Someone will give you the money later, go out, I want to train and train this ignorant thing."

"Yes, Miss Li, take your time." The elder brother didn't care about Du Mingsheng's life or death, turned around and left cheerfully.

Du Mingsheng watched the door close, feeling ashamed.

The bodyguard directly pushed Du Mingsheng in front of Sister Li. Du Mingsheng staggered and knelt down on the ground. Sister Li grabbed his collar with one hand and lifted him in front of her.

"After entering this door, do you still want to run?" Sister Li sneered and snuffed out her cigar, and patted Du Mingsheng's face, "Where else can you run? Let me tell you, you signed the contract. If you dare to go back on your word , to pay me 500 million yuan, can you afford it?"

Du Mingsheng's eyes widened. He was forced to sign the contract before he even had time to read it. How could he know that he would have to pay so much?
500 million is not enough to sell him.

Seeing that he was stunned, Sister Li stretched out her hand to lift him up, and her hands wandered wantonly on him.

Du Mingsheng had no choice but to bear it stiffly, his body stretched like a piece of wood, but Sister Li didn't dislike it, and said to the others, "What are you waiting for?"

"Isn't this for you to try something new?"

Several other people gathered around, Du Mingsheng wanted to cry but had no tears.

([-] words that are unsightly and cannot pass the review are omitted here)


When he was washed and thrown on the bed like a rag, Du Mingsheng was already unconscious.

He heard the door being closed and then locked, tears rolling down the corners of his eyes.

Crying silently.

He was so tired that he fell into a dream after a while.

In the dream, he became a spectator and saw some scenes that he had never seen before.

He returned to Jin Bin's boat, he saw Lan Shuang and himself standing in Jin Bin's box, Lan Shuang looked at him in disbelief, but he left mercilessly.

"Why is it different from the previous one?" Du Mingsheng looked at it suspiciously, and then saw the door closed, Lan Shuang was like a sheep strayed into a pack of wolves, repeating everything she had passed through.

His eyes widened, and he was stunned for a while before he realized that he rushed forward to separate them, but his hands could only pass through those people.

He could only watch them entangle and watch the light in Lan Shuang's eyes dimming little by little.

Finally completely shattered.

Then the scene changed to another place, Lan Shuang was being abused in various ways, he couldn't even think about those terrible things.

He even wondered if he was dreaming, otherwise why could he be so clear?

He tried hard to wake up, but it was no use after struggling for a long time.

When the screen changed, it suddenly changed to his school, and he saw himself kneeling on the side of the road proposing to Xie Qiuning.

Xie Qiuning was about to agree to herself when Lan Shuang rushed out suddenly and had a fierce quarrel with herself. Although she couldn't hear what the quarrel was about, she could tell that she was very excited. During the pushing, he pushed Lan Shuang by mistake After going out, a speeding car approached and knocked Lan Shuang into the air.

Blood splattered on the spot.

Du Mingsheng's eyes widened, he took a deep breath, opened his mouth wide to shout but couldn't, as if someone had strangled his neck.

He saw Lan Shuang's face turned to his side, saw her eyes bleeding, and suddenly he could hear a voice, and he heard Lan Shuang say: "Du Mingsheng, you ruined my life, I hate you!" You, no matter what you are, I will never forgive you, I want you to experience everything I have experienced, I want you to suffer more than me, I want you to live in torture for the rest of your life, which is my compensation."

"Du Mingsheng, this is your retribution."

"Ah—" Du Mingsheng yelled suddenly, and woke up from the dream when he stepped on the air.

He sat on the bed panting heavily, cold sweat dripping down his forehead, his heart was beating wildly, almost jumping out of his chest.

Du Mingsheng was stiff all over, feeling that his soul had left his body.

It seemed that Lan Shuang's voice still echoed in his ears, "Retribution...Retribution?"

It turned out to be retribution...

Du Mingsheng suddenly laughed sadly, put his hands in his hair, and the quilt slid down to reveal his bruised and purple body.

The laughter alarmed the bodyguards outside, who came in and scolded him a few words.

Du Mingsheng was tired from laughing, so he lay down on the bed and cried, vomiting while crying, and finally fainted from exhaustion.


Lan Shuang listened to the person on the phone saying that Du Mingsheng passed out and was sent to the hospital. She just said indifferently: "Understood, you don't need to tell me about him in the future, as long as he doesn't run away."

The people over there agreed, and Lan Shuang hung up the phone.

Jiang Han stood behind her, hugged her waist when she finished speaking, put his chin on her shoulder and said, "It's all over."

Lan Shuang casually threw the phone back on the bed, turned around and hugged Jiang Han, and listened to 888 in her mind saying: "The female partner's resentment value has been eliminated by [-] points, and there are [-] points left. The host will continue to work hard."

She hooked her lips into a smile, and said in relief: "Yes, it's all over."

(End of this chapter)

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