Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 111 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 41

Chapter 111 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 41
For the remaining ten points of resentment, Lan Shuang was distressed for a long time, until she had another phone call with the original owner's parents, and finally realized that the remaining ten points were not because of hatred, but because of guilt.

The original owner in the last life died tragically. The original owner's parents didn't even know what happened. They heard that they were hit by a car after arguing with Du Mingsheng and accidentally pushed out. They must have resentment in their hearts, but they couldn't do anything to Du Mingsheng So I can only endure this breath.

The parents aged overnight, took their daughter's ashes and left this sad place, and returned to their distant hometown. From then on, they were unhappy for the rest of their lives, and they passed away one after another not long after.

That's why the last wish of the original owner was that he hoped to find someone who loves him and live a normal life, so that his parents can enjoy the happiness along with him.

After figuring this out, Lan Shuang discussed with Jiang Han and went back during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

For Jiang Han, going home to meet his parents was a very novel and bewildering thing.

In the mall and in Jiang's house, he can plan strategies, but he can't deal with Lan Shuang's matters calmly.

He has been anxious since the first three days of going there. It doesn't seem obvious on the outside, but how familiar Lan Shuang is with him, he can see his nervousness at a glance.

For example, when he usually deals with documents, he always concentrates on it. He is used to keeping a cup of coffee at hand, but most of the time he just keeps it and doesn't know how to drink it.

But for the past three days, he drank more than three cups a day.

In addition, he is always holding the phone mysteriously in a daze, or sliding his fingers on it, frowning to browse something that seems confusing to him.

Lan Shuang bumped into him once and asked him what he was looking at, but he hesitated and changed the subject.

At first, Lan Shuang was a little puzzled, but when she found Jiang Han staring at the electronic wall clock in a daze, she suddenly understood that this guy was really nervous about meeting his parents.

Lan Shuang dragged him to the sofa and sat down, and asked him funny: "Why are you so nervous? Are you afraid that my parents won't like you? No, Aiwujiwu, I like you, and they will like you sooner or later."

"Really?" Jiang Han seemed to have some reaction. He sat on the sofa, held Lan Shuang's hand, pursed his lips and asked, "Will they really like me?"

He was a little dazed. In the past 28 years of his life, liking was really worthless to him. He didn't care what others thought of him. Whether he liked it or hated it, it didn't affect him. He just wanted to be what he wanted. Just do it.

But after encountering Lanshuang, this rule frequently failed.

He cared about Lan Shuang's emotions and the thoughts of the people around her, for fear that other people's dislike for him would affect Lan Shuang's opinion of him.

"Of course, you are so good, why are you so unconfident?" Lan Shuang sensed that Jiang Han seemed to have a knot in his heart, and she wanted to untie this knot before going home, otherwise she was really afraid that this guy would be overwhelmed and run away immediately. .

She leaned over and planted a kiss on Jiang Han's side cheek, "Tell me?"

Jiang Han hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice: "I have been an unpleasant child since I was a child. People around me, including those who saw me for the first time, are afraid of me all these years. How can such a person please the elders?"

He smiled wryly and said, "What's more, I'm 28 this year, seven years older than you, will your parents not accept it?"

Lan Shuang smiled softly when she heard the words, leaned back on his shoulder and clasped his fingers tightly, and said, "I didn't tell you, in fact, my father is also older than my mother, five years older, younger At that time, he took good care of his mother, but he didn't know what was going on when he was old, he became more and more like a child, and in turn became my mother doting on him."

"You are only seven years older than me, so it's no big deal." Lan Shuang said.

Jiang Han stroked her hair gently, "I promised you to tell you about my childhood when I came back, but I have been waiting for a suitable time when I come back. Every time I want to talk to you, I want to talk to you again. Wait, but since it was mentioned today, choosing a day is worse than hitting the day, so let’s talk about it now.”

Leaning back, he briefly recounted his past 28 years of life in a low voice.

"I am not the crystallization of the love of my parents, but the product of family marriage and interests. Before me, Ms. Song was pregnant with two children, but they were both girls. At that time, there was no eldest grandson in the family. As the eldest sister-in-law, Ms. Song did not want to be left behind. , so those two girls... are not left behind."

Lan Shuang was stunned: "What? Did you stream?"

"Yeah." Jiang Han responded in a low voice: "At first she didn't have any hope for the third one, but she didn't expect the third one to be me, a boy. She was very happy, maybe during the period of October pregnancy During the time, she also loved me for a short time, but after she was born, she felt that she had completed the task, handed me over to the nanny, and devoted herself to the company."

"At that time, the various factions in the family struggled fiercely, and because Ms. Song gave birth to a son, several parties even made a lot of moves, both openly and secretly. Even I was implicated, and almost died several times. Later, the old man became angry. Ten people were sent around me, and the nanny and bodyguards took turns to watch over me, but I survived."

When Jiang Han talked about this, his tone was very calm, as if he was talking about the experience of an insignificant person.

Listening to Lan Shuang, the smile on her lips gradually disappeared.

She just held Jiang Han's hand tightly and listened to him continue without asking.

"As long as I can remember, the teachers at home have never stopped. Needless to say, the most basic subjects, I also hired a few foreign language teachers, English, French, German, Japanese, all of which I have to learn, painting, piano, etc. , violin, Sanda, Taekwondo, shooting, car racing... Only normal people can't think of it, there is nothing I don't learn, from morning to night, seven days a week, I am fully scheduled, and there is no free time."

"Then you don't have a childhood?" Lan Shuang looked up at him.

Jiang Han chuckled: "Maybe, at that time, as long as I failed a subject, Ms. Song would not let me eat, or beat me with the iron ruler at home, made me stand, and closed the small dark room."

Lan Shuang couldn't sit still anymore, she sat up suddenly, "What else did she do?"

Jiang Han's eyes were empty and dark, without any light at all, "It's nothing, that is, the man who was bringing a wild man home was caught by me and beat me up. I wanted to find my father, but found that my father was also at home at that time, just hugging another man. A woman."

Speaking of this, he smiled sarcastically, "Mr. Jiang also beat me with a belt because I ruined his good deed, and they went their separate ways and locked me in the room."

"But they are still very happy to arrange my life. Where do I go to school, what kind of friends do I make, what kind of clothes do I wear? If anything doesn't suit their wishes, they will be beaten and abused. Until I became an adult, they kept arranging blind dates for me. If I don’t go, I will be tied up, forcing me to chat and go shopping with people, forcing me to get engaged.”

(End of this chapter)

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