Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 112 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 42

Chapter 112 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 42
"At that time, I finally realized that if I didn't resist, I would end up like those in the Jiang family, being a marionette and living in a golden cage for the rest of my life."

There was a slight change in Jiang Han's tone, Lan Shuang frowned, but was a little worried that Jiang Han's state was a bit wrong.

"Jiang Han..."

She held Jiang Han's hands and wanted him to stop talking, but Jiang Han turned his head and said to her: "Shh, let me finish, okay?"

Lan Shuang licked her lips, she couldn't say anything bad or good.

Jiang Han saw that she had calmed down, smiled slightly, and continued to say: "So I rejected the engagement and ran away on the day of the engagement, but they arrested me not long after. Mr. Jiang and Ms. Song were very angry. It directly broke one of my legs, but I can't remember exactly who hit it, at that time my eyes were covered in blood, and I couldn't see anything clearly."

"But that's not the most serious injury..." Speaking of this, Jiang Han showed a somewhat innocent expression on his face. He tilted his head and pointed his forehead with his finger: "Well, where is it? It seems Is it the back of the head?"

Suddenly Ms. Song's distorted face appeared in front of his eyes again, and he couldn't help flinching.

Lan Shuang felt pain in her heart, she raised her hand and hugged Jiang Han tightly, "Don't be afraid, I'm..."

"Ah, I remembered."

Jiang Han's eyelashes trembled, and there were little waves in his eyes as deep as the sea, "Ms. Song smashed my head with the lamp on the table, and there was a lot of blood... when she saw Terrified too, I remember her pale face, like a picture taken before she died."

His voice fluttered gently, like a dandelion that would disappear in the wind at any time.

Lan Shuang bit her lower lip tightly, not to disturb him by making a sound, but hugged her even tighter.

"I lay in the hospital for a month, and then I got a disease."

"What disease?" Lan Shuang suddenly remembered Jiang Han's reaction on the cruise ship last time.

"Bipolar disorder." Jiang Han said softly: "It's terrible. I couldn't control myself once I got sick, and then I locked myself in the room when I got sick again."

"Shuangshuang, are you afraid of me?"

I don't know why the topic turned to this, but Lan Shuang is sure that Jiang Han has fallen ill, and he should be suffering from depression.

She reached out and touched the hair on the back of Jiang Han's head, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I have seen everything you look like, even if you go crazy, I can wake you up, at worst, I will let you bite again."

Jiang Han lowered his eyelashes, hugged her back, and said softly: "I won't bite you again, don't leave me..."

"I will always be by your side."

Lan Shuang raised her face slightly and kissed him on the lips.

Jiang Han looked down at her, still not emotionally up and down, as if trapped in his own world and refused to come out.

Lan Shuang sighed helplessly, "Xiao Baba, how can I appease such a person?"

888: "Well... bipolar disorder is a difficult disease to treat, so... well, I don't know."

"The cause of this disease is complicated, and there is no definitive conclusion yet, but most of it is related to experience. Obviously, Jiang Han induced depression because he remembered those things when he was a child."

888 stroked his chin and said deeply: "The sufferings he experienced when he was a child have become a knot in his heart. If he doesn't untie it, he may get sick every time he thinks about it."

Lan Shuang frowned when she heard this, it was a bit difficult to handle.

She thought about it, pulled Jiang Han up and walked upstairs, "May I draw a picture for you?"

Jiang Han looked at her blankly, neither saying yes nor no.

Lan Shuang assumed that he had agreed, and everything in the villa was complete, including an easel, drawing paper, and brushes. After setting it up, she adjusted the colors and started painting.

Oil paintings are rich and colorful, giving people the strongest sense of impact.

She thought about it, first drew half of the black, and then drew a cage in the lower left corner. Inside the cage was a scarred little boy. He was holding on to the railing and looking outside, longing for someone to rescue him.

Jiang Han stood behind her and looked at the painting, his breathing gradually became heavy, and he clenched his hands tightly on both sides of his body.

Lan Shuang didn't speak, and continued to draw. This time she painted bright sunshine, blue sky and white clouds on the right side.

A girl in a long red dress knelt down to open the cage and took the boy's hand.

This is the first picture, and the second picture. The night cage disappeared, and the whole painting became brighter. The girl hugged the boy in her arms tightly. Where her hand touched, the wound opened blossoming. Pure white flowers.

The boy who was covered in bruises turned into an elf in an instant, surrounded by flowers.

Jiang Han stared at this painting for a long time, he pointed to the boy on it and asked, "Is this me?"

Lan Shuang put down the paintbrush in her hand, and turned around with a smile: "Yes, isn't it cute?"

"Although I haven't seen what you looked like when you were a child, I can look at you now and speculate. It may not be accurate, but the whole is still similar."

Lan Shuang stood up and wiped her hands with a handkerchief. She touched Jiang Han's face and said softly, "No matter what happened in the past, I'm here, and you will never go back to the darkness again."

"Why?" There was finally a little fluctuation in Jiang Han's eyes.

Lan Shuang raised her head and kissed him on the lips, and said in this posture: "You are the sea under the night, and I am the lighthouse that illuminates you. We are dependent on each other."

Jiang Han was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lit up little by little, like the moon rising from the sea, gradually revealing his bright and clean face.

Lan Shuang opened her lips slightly as if being bewitched, Jiang Han grabbed her waist suddenly, picked her up, put her legs around his waist, walked out of the studio while kissing her, and went to his bedroom.

Backlogged emotions, indulgent desires all intertwined.

She hugged Jiang Han tightly and whispered in his ear, "Jiang Han, I love you."

He pushed back the broken hair on Lan Shuang's face, held her face and kissed her from the forehead, "I love you too, I have never loved you before."

The two looked at each other and smiled, then indulged in the kiss again.


In the end, Jiang Han overcame his fear and went to see his parents with Lan Shuang, but...it was fine, he even bought a trunk full of presents and had someone drive them over.

Seeing this, the elders who were picking up people at the door almost stared out.

(End of this chapter)

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