Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 113 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 43

Chapter 113 Jiang Ye is in real fragrance again today 43
Lan's mother even pulled Lan Shuang aside with some worry, and asked solemnly: "Did you go to the supermarket to rob? This is not good, why don't we send it back and surrender?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Your old brain circuit is also quite strange.

She held Mother Lan's hand helplessly and said, "Mom, where do you want to go? Are we like that? He..." Lan Shuang turned to look at the tall man with a thin waist and long legs in the sun, He smiled, "He's just richer, and he was too nervous when he came here for the first time. He was afraid that you wouldn't like what he bought, so he bought a copy of everything he saw."

Lan's mother clicked her tongue: "This is too much...how dare you?"

"Just accept it. These are all his wishes. If you don't accept them, it will be even more uncomfortable for him."

Lan Shuang said that Lan's mother finally accepted it, and the family moved the things upstairs together. They ran back and forth several times, and the neighbors around looked out curiously.

Mother Lan explained: "It's nothing, Shuangshuang brought her boyfriend back."

Hearing what she said, the neighbors congratulated each other and came over to join in the fun. Seeing Jiang Han and Lan Shuang standing together, they also said that they were really a good match, and they were both talented and beautiful.

The folk customs here are relatively simple, and the relationship between the neighbors is very good, so everyone is very kind, and they didn't say anything bad because of Jiang Han's generosity.

It was the first time for Jiang Han to deal with such a scene, he was a bit cramped, but some of his methods in the mall can still be used, he smiled and asked Lan's mother and Lan's father to share some fruits and drinks with the neighbors, everyone did not expect him Such generosity was full of praise for a while.

Lan's father looked at him and thought that this young man was really good at handling things. When he got the chance, he said to Lan's mother: "I think it's pretty good, much better than that Du Mingsheng. Not ordinary people."

Mother Lan nodded in agreement: "Well, it's pretty good, let's have a look."

After dismissing the enthusiastic neighbors, the family closed the door and sat on the sofa, Lan Shuang and Jiang Han sat together, Lan's father and Lan's mother sat together, tea, melon seeds and fruit snacks were placed on the sofa, which they had prepared early in the morning Yes, the tea tables are all polished.

Who said that only Jiang Han was nervous?
"Mom and Dad, this is my official boyfriend—Jiang Han."

Lan Shuang spoke first, and Jiang Han got up and bowed to the two elders, and then stretched out his hand: "Auntie, uncle, my name is Jiang Han, and I am the current helm of the Jiang Group."

"Jiang Group?" Papa Lan's eyes widened instantly when he heard the words: "Is it the Jiang Group I thought of?"

Jiang Han smiled and said, "Yes, from high-tech to daily necessities, Jiang's scope is covered."

Lan's father was stunned, and subconsciously reached out to shake his hand, but he didn't say anything.

Mother Lan was fine, she smiled and shook hands with Jiang Han, then looked at Lan Shuang worriedly, how did such a young and promising person know Shuangshuang?
She thought so, so she asked.

Jiang Han sat down and said: "Shuangshuang and I met during a play. At that time, I saw her by chance and fell in love at first sight. I started to pursue her. She didn't agree at the time, but we have been together for a long time. Pao, she agreed."

Lan Shuang smiled: "That's right, he spent a long time with me, and I was moved by him."

As for the specific content, she didn't say anything. She and Jiang Han discussed these in advance.

So these white lies are very necessary. Anyway, the people in the lies, one will go to jail if they go in, and the other will have no hope of returning here in this life.

"That's it..." Lan's mother was a little relieved, and continued to ask: "So how old are you this year, have you considered getting married? Who is there in the family? Sorry, you may feel a little offended by asking so many questions, but As Shuangshuang's mother, I still have to ask what I should ask, otherwise I can't rest assured."

Jiang Han nodded, expressing his understanding: "It's okay, there's nothing we can't say."

"I'm 28 this year. If Shuangshuang is willing, I plan to get married after she graduates. Of course, the exact time depends on Shuangshuang. I can do it."

Lan's mother glanced at Lan Shuang, and Lan Shuang said, "I'm not in a hurry. I'll think about it after I graduate and my job is stable."

Lan's father shook his head: "Then you can't let people wait too long, 28 is not young, and you will be [-] when you graduate, you really have to consider marriage. We understand that you young people put career first, but this is not the case. Delaying your marriage, isn't it?"

Lan Shuang said helplessly, "Understood, Dad."

"Our family..." Jiang Han paused when he said this, Lan Shuang remembered that he had just had an illness, would it be bad to mention it at this time?

She held Jiang Han's hand worriedly, "If you don't want to say it, don't say it, and I will explain it to my parents later."

"Ah?" Lan's mother and Lan's father looked at each other blankly, "Is it inconvenient? Then don't talk about it, don't worry."

"It's okay, I've already seen it." Jiang Han held Lan Shuang's hand and squeezed it, and said soothingly, "Trust me."

Lan Shuang pursed her lips, "Yes."

"In fact, my family is a big family with a large population. Not to mention the side branches, the main family has several branches. My father is the eldest in the family. There are four younger brothers and three younger sisters."

"So many people?"

Lan's mother exclaimed, thinking inappropriately, this Shuangshuang has passed, can you recognize everyone?

Jiang Han smiled and said: "There are quite a lot of them. They all have more than one child and are in charge of different departments, but I am the boss of this generation, and the entire Jiang family is supported by me, so if Shuangshuang marries me , don't look at their faces, and don't listen to anyone's mercy, no one dares to show her face."

Hearing what he said, the big stone in Lan's mother's heart fell to the ground, "This is the best."

Lan's father also nodded: "Then your parents agree that you and Shuangshuang will be together? Although Shuangshuang is the apple of the eye of our husband and wife, in other respects, he is very different from you."

Jiang Han paused for a moment, and then said seriously: "Uncle and aunt, I have to confess this point, my relationship with my family is very bad, and my parents and I have no contact with each other except for the necessary support obligations. Agree, it doesn't matter."

"Ah?" Papa Lan was surprised: "How did this happen?"

Lan's mother immediately elbowed him and glared at him again, which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted, isn't it normal for a wealthy family to have some grievances?

Ordinary families even have parents and children who disagree, let alone such a big family?

Have to ask, ask a hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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