Chapter 122 I Don’t Want This Marriage 7
Rose: [Why do I ask if you are dead or not?Do you have a grudge? 】

Jiang Lusheng: [No, he often does this, probably as a way of expressing friendliness. 】

Lan Shuang looked at the news, lying on the bed and laughing for a long time inexplicably.

"Little Baba, this Jiang Lusheng is really interesting." Lan Shuang looked at Jiang Lusheng's profile picture on the phone, a little curious about what the real person would be like.

888: "Well, it looks like this."

Lan Shuang asked: "Then what did he study? The family situation...forget it, I'll just ask him directly."

She typed in the dialog box: "What major did you study in university..."

However, before sending it out, the other party first sent a message: [I still have something to do here, let's not talk about it, see you the day after tomorrow. 】

Then I sent a cute cat expression.

Lan Shuang's words seemed inappropriate, so she paused and deleted all the words in the dialog box.

Rose: [Okay, then you are busy. 】

After posting this, she realized something was wrong, "Wait—see you the day after tomorrow?"

Lan Shuang turned over and sat up: "What does it mean to see you the day after tomorrow? He is coming to our house?"

888: "Isn't the host curious about what he looks like? We'll see you soon! Are you unhappy?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "What you said is weird, as if I'm a person who looks at faces."

888: "?"

Lan Shuang: "...well, I am."

She chatted with 888 for a while, took out her laptop, and leaned against the bedside to learn about the situation of the Lan family branch. After all, she was going to practice soon, so it was okay to know nothing, and it was not easy to be a rich lady.

If you want to make the scumbag regret, you have to make him realize how blind he is.

When you are good enough and good enough for everyone to look up to, the scumbag is just a speck of dust on the ground. Naturally, you won’t be worried about him anymore. Who would be moved by a piece of sand?

With the foundation of the previous life, she seems to be handy with these company reports, business contracts and the like, and can even directly serve as the CEO of the company, but now she is the eldest lady of the Lan family who has just graduated, so she still has to hide a little bit and show it. The level that a fresh graduate should have.

When she was concentrating, she forgot the time. She felt sleepy only to find out that it was too late, so she closed the computer, wrote down a few key questions in the memo, and asked her elder brother and father for advice tomorrow.

Finally, when I turned off the computer and mobile phone and was about to go to bed, the screen suddenly lit up. Lan Shuang was taken aback, and saw a WeChat message pop up on it.

Jiang Lusheng: [Good night]

Lan Shuang smiled lightly, 【Good night】


Jiang Lusheng didn't sleep after sending the message, sitting on the bay window watching the night scene outside.

In the past 25 years of his life, he has never experienced that kind of strong throbbing, and it is still a dream when he thinks about it, but he clearly knows that it is not a dream.

He pressed the position of his heart, and that healthy heart would beat faster and lose its balance when it thought of the man's face.

Although he always likes more romantic things, that's just the way he lives. He likes beautiful and strong things, but in fact, the word "reality" is engraved in his bones.

When puberty sprouts, many people will fantasize about love at first sight, but he never believes in these four words. He doesn't think anyone will make him fall in love at first sight, or in other words, he can't imagine what the person who can make him fall in love looks like.

But today, he actually experienced first-hand what it means to be "thumping".

Although he didn't understand the reason, it didn't prevent him from taking the initiative to attack.

Thinking of something, Jiang Lusheng had a slight smile on his lips.


"Dad, I don't understand the data here. What does this mean?"

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Lan Shuang sat on the sofa and asked Lan Runqing for advice with a laptop. Seeing her daughter being so serious about her progress, Lan Runqing was very happy, "Here, the first one is for investment, and the latter one is divided into several shares." ..."

Lan Shuangting saw this scene when she got dressed and came down the stairs. She couldn't help teasing Lan Shuang: "Tiantian is turning grief and anger into strength. Are you going to be a domineering female president?"

Lan Shuang looked at him with a smile: "Can't you? People must have their own careers to gain a foothold in this world."

"You are very enlightened, brother supports you!" Lan Shuangting gave her a thumbs up.

Lan Runqing glared at him: "Hurry up, I'll be late, if you waste a minute, our Lan's will lose tens of millions, if Lan's loses money in your hands, I will break your leg!"

Lan Shuangting: "..."

He held his breath, turned his head and shouted inside: "Mom, look at my dad, isn't he too partial? The daughter is the apple of the eye, but the son is the rotten Chinese cabbage, right?"

Su Lan took out the cut fruit with a smile, forked a piece of apple and stuffed it into his mouth: "After eating, hurry up and earn a dowry for your sister. If it doesn't work this time, it will always be used in the future. When the time comes, you must It’s more grand than this time!”

Lan Shuangting swallowed the apple, and bowed towards the sofa: "I promise to complete the task, and let Her Royal Highness get married in glory."

"Go, go --" Lan Runqing couldn't hold back her smile.

Lan Shuang's heart was full of warmth, the family was obviously afraid that she hadn't come out yet, so they purposely created such a relaxed atmosphere.

They really love her!
Thinking about it this way, it's a pity that the original owner just died like that. Even if the scumbag is gone, at least there are still these family members who love her.

It doesn't matter, when she comes, she will definitely fulfill the original owner's wish and help her repay her family.

Lan Shuang benefited a lot from listening to Lan Runqing talk about business matters. Even though she and Jiang Han had experienced a lot in her previous life, she could learn a lot from her elders.

Thinking of Jiang Han, Lan Shuang couldn't help but go away for a while.

I don't know if I can meet again in this life...


"Ah? Dad, what's the matter?" Lan Shuang blinked her eyes back to her senses.

"What are you thinking? Are you tired? Don't rush these things, learn slowly. Your talent is very good. Dad can feel it. It's just a shortcoming of actual combat training."

Lan Shuang couldn't explain to him why she was distracted, so she nodded and said, "I'm a little tired, so I'll go upstairs to rest for a while, Dad, let's continue watching TV."

"Okay... hey, wait!"

As soon as Lan Shuang got up, Lan Runqing stopped her.

"What's wrong dad?"

"Tomorrow we have an appointment with your uncle Jiang's son. According to his age, you have to call him brother. Anyway, you are fine tomorrow. Come with us? It's good to relax."

As if she was afraid that she would disagree, Su Lan said with a smile, "Your brother Jiang is very powerful and kind. It's rare to go back to China and meet him. If you feel restrained and boring, you can leave early."

In fact, Lan Shuang really wanted to meet this "Brother Jiang". Hearing what they said, she agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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