Chapter 123 I Don’t Want This Marriage 8
It was Saturday, and the weather was very good. Jiang Lusheng made a reservation early in the morning at a very high-end private restaurant in the city center.

This private restaurant does not accept temporary guests. If you want to eat, you have to book a place and time in advance, and you can serve the food directly when they come.

It was the first time for Lan Shuang to come here. Looking at the scene of blue bricks, black tiles, small bridges and flowing water in front of her, she couldn't help being stunned. For a moment, she had the illusion of time travel.

It's hard to imagine just looking at this place. It's in the city center, and it's really out of place with the surrounding tall buildings full of modern technology.

Perhaps this is the so-called "quiet amidst the noise".

"Is it Mr. Lan?"

A girl in a light blue cheongsam came over and asked.

"Yes, we are invited by Mr. Jiang." Lan Runqing said to the girl.

The girl immediately smiled and said, "Please—"

"Thank you."

Several people were led into a small wooden room. There was no high table, but a low table. They took off their shoes and sat around the table.

"Where's Jiang Lusheng?" Lan Shuang was a little surprised, he had an appointment with them, why are they all here and he isn't there?
"Sorry, I'm late."

As soon as the words were spoken, the light at the door was blocked, and a tall man stood against the light, holding a large bouquet of roses in his hands.

The voice is very warm and pleasant, with a slight smile, it is easy to make people feel good.

Lan Shuang, a person who controlled both voice and appearance, immediately forgave him for being late without principle, but he was not late for long anyway.

When he got closer to Lan Shuang, he realized that this person not only had a nice voice, but also had an impeccable appearance. He was tall and tall, with wide shoulders and narrow waist. He was wearing a gray-blue suit with a casual style. Somewhat steady.

He is a person who does not seem to have any spikes and does not bring a sense of oppression.

The whole body can be described in two words - comfortable.

He looked comfortable and felt comfortable.

Lan Shuang's first impression of him was very good.

"It's not too late, Xiao Jiang comes as soon as he comes, why did he bring a bouquet of roses?"

Su Lan moved towards Lan Runqing with a smile. Lan Shuangting stood up and glanced at Jiang Lusheng, "Hmph, that's his fault. He likes roses and takes them with him everywhere."

Jiang Lusheng smiled innocently, and looked back and forth between Su Lan and Lan Shuang, "Actually, it's not one bouquet, but two bouquets, for two beautiful ladies. I planted the flowers myself, and they will wither if I don't pick them off." , it’s better to give it to a beauty to realize its value.”

Su Lan smiled even more heartily, and she reached out to take it, "How can you be so embarrassing?"

Jiang Lusheng handed the remaining handful to Lan Shuang: "It's the first time I've met you. Let me introduce myself formally. My name is Jiang Lusheng. I'm 26 years old. My father and Uncle Lan have a good relationship. Shuangting and I are also friends. Don't mind, you can treat me as your brother in the future."

Lan Shuangting rolled her eyes behind her shamelessly.

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, reached out to take the flowers, and shook Jiang Lusheng with the other hand, "Hi, my name is Lan Shuang, and I'm four years younger than you."

The two looked at each other and smiled, a little tacitly.

However, Lan Shuang's gaze was quickly attracted by the small mole under Jiang Lusheng's left eye, and she froze for a moment.

This exactly the same as Jiang Han's, and the size is almost the same.

After realizing this, her heart beat fast and violently.

Jiang Lusheng noticed her abnormality, and moved closer: "Huh? What's wrong? Is there something dirty on my face? Why do you keep staring at my face?"

Lan Shuang regained her senses, withdrew her hand and joked: "No, I just think you look good, especially the little mole right now, which is very unique."

Without giving Jiang Lusheng a chance to speak, Lan Shuang held the flower in her arms, lowered her head and smelled it, "Yes, it smells very fragrant."

The scene where the beauty hangs down her eyes and smells the flowers is so beautiful, the angle and light are just right, Jiang Lusheng can't wait to take a picture of this scene with his mobile phone.

But due to so many people around watching, he really couldn't do this idiot's thing, so he had to look away regretfully, "Thank you."

"Sit down, sit down." Lan Runqing waved her hand.

"it is good."

Jiang Lusheng took off his coat, and sat beside Lan Shuangting in a white shirt. On the other side was Lan Shuang. There was a close distance between them, intimate but not ambiguous.

After the dishes were served, Jiang Lusheng opened the wine, raised his glass and said to everyone: "I have just returned to China, and my career has just started. Uncle Lan and Shuang Ting have helped me a lot. I have always kept it in my heart. I am free today. Please welcome me." Have a meal and talk about your feelings."

"You kid is too humble. How is your career just getting started? You are so talented in this area. In two years' time, you will definitely have a place in the top business district of City A."

Lan Runqing admired Jiang Lusheng very much, and there was light in his eyes when he spoke.

Jiang Lusheng clinked glasses with him neither humble nor overbearing, and said with a smile, "Let's borrow Uncle Lan's blessing."

"Hahahaha——" Lan Runqing laughed heartily.

Su Lan took a sip of the wine and put down the glass.

Lan Shuangting, on the other hand, said with a smirk: "Other people's children are good, anywhere is good. Alas, it's another day when I suspect that I am not my own."

Jiang Lusheng turned to look at him, and asked without changing his face: "What kind of blow did Shuangting receive?"

Lan Runqing snorted: "Don't worry about him, add drama to yourself all day long."

Lan Shuangting drank the wine angrily.

When it was Lan Shuang's turn, Jiang Lusheng saw her raise his glass, shook his head and said, "Girls, don't drink it, it's bad for your health."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "It's okay to drink less."

"It still doesn't work. If the whole family is drunk, one of them must be sober. Then you have to call a car for us."

Jiang Lusheng joked, then rang the bell to call the waiter and asked her to fetch freshly squeezed juice, "What kind of juice does Auntie and Xiaoshuang like to drink?"

"I don't drink juice, it doesn't matter if I drink a little wine, please serve orange juice for Tiantian, she likes it."

The more Su Lan looked at Jiang Lusheng, the more satisfied she was. It was great that she could pay attention to such small details.

"Sweet?" Jiang Lusheng was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang put down her wine glass and said generously, "This is my nickname."

Jiang Lusheng paused for a moment, and a soft smile appeared in those beautiful and affectionate eyes: "It's quite appropriate, it sounds good."

"Thank you." Lan Shuang lowered her head to eat.

After the orange juice was delivered, Jiang Lusheng put it between Lan Shuang and himself. Every time Lan Shuang's glass was almost empty, he immediately filled it up.

Even when he was talking to Lan Runqing, he could notice from the corner of his eye, and he naturally picked up the glass jug and poured it for Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang was a little embarrassed by his thoughtfulness, but he didn't say much.

His expression and movements were natural, as if he just wanted to pour water for her.

Lan Runqing could see it clearly, but he was a little drunk, so he didn't take it to heart, because Jiang Lusheng seemed to be a very honest gentleman. He smiled and said, "Xiao Jiang really takes care of my sister."

 Hey, big tail wolf

(End of this chapter)

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