Chapter 124 I Don’t Want This Marriage 9
Lan Shuangting glanced at Jiang Lusheng suspiciously: "Really?"

Jiang Lusheng smiled gently: "It's a matter of convenience, it should be."

Lan Shuangting stared at him, took advantage of Lan Runqing's drinking time, leaned into Jiang Lusheng's ear and whispered: "Be honest, don't have any wrong thoughts about my sister, she just fell out of love!"

Jiang Lusheng glanced at Lan Shuang, who was staring at the juice in a daze, and gently pushed Lan Shuangting away, "You think too much, am I a person who takes advantage of others' danger?"

Lan Shuangting thought about it too, this person is notoriously frigid, how could he easily have any thoughts about someone he just met?
It should be because he thought too much, although his sister is the best in the world in his heart, but Jiang Lusheng... is a weirdo, and cannot be deduced by common sense.

After comforting herself, Lan Shuangting relaxed her vigilance and clinked glasses with Jiang Lusheng.

Only Su Lan sat aside, observing everyone's reactions calmly, and finally smiled meaningfully.


At the end of the meal, everyone had a great time. Jiang Lusheng was very good at talking, he was very good at measuring, he was very good at flattery and sincerity, Lan Runqing drank too much and almost dragged him to admit that he was his son, but Lan Shuangting disagreed with life and death. Turn this up.

Lan Shuang looked at the three men who were about to fight, and couldn't laugh or cry. Su Lan also drank a little too much, blushed and dizzy, and walked unsteadily. In the end, she and Jiang Lusheng helped him into the car.

There were three drunks in a car, and Lan Shuang wanted to get in the car at first, but after thinking about it, it seemed a little bad to leave Jiang Lusheng alone, and he drank a lot.

So she closed the car door and said to the driver: "You take them back first, and I will take a taxi to take Mr. Jiang home."

"Yes, ma'am."

Jiang Lusheng stood against the wall, watching the car leave, his eyes fell on Lan Shuang's back, and there was a somewhat ambiguous smile.

Lan Shuang turned around and walked towards him. Seeing him leaning against the wall, she hesitated and asked, "Are you unsteady? Do you want me to support you?"

Jiang Lusheng smiled apologetically when he heard the words, his eyes were blurred, "I'm a little dizzy..."

"I called a car and it will be there in a while, so please bear with me."

She reached out to help Jiang Lusheng, and when he walked to the side of the road, the man suddenly tilted his head and landed on Lan Shuang.

The weight of an adult man is still not light. Unprepared, Lan Shuang was crushed and staggered, and quickly supported him with both hands, "Be careful."

"I'm sorry, it's pressing on your hair." Jiang Lusheng raised his hand to help Lan Shuang push the hair on his shoulders behind him, then smiled and fell on the pillow, and the hot breath he exhaled hit Lan Shuang's ear directly, "Let me rely on you a little while."

Lan Shuang shrank her neck a little itchy, but she still didn't push him away, and let him lean on, "Yeah."

Lan Shuang didn't speak any more, just looked at the road ahead, while Jiang Lusheng opened his eyes, although the end of his eyes was a little red, but his eyes were clear, and he didn't look drunk at all.

He didn't think about anything, he just couldn't help wanting to get close to her, touch her, and bully her.

Although it is a bit perverted to say it, this is indeed his current desire.

The strong and abrupt feeling made him a little confused, but he didn't want to control it.

Soon the car called by Lan Shuang arrived. The driver saw that she was struggling to support Jiang Lusheng by herself, so he got out of the car and opened the car door for them, "Beauty, this is your boyfriend? You're so drunk!"

Seeing that the driver's hand was about to touch him, Jiang Lusheng suddenly stood up, and awkwardly got into the back seat.

Lan Shuang smiled: "He's not my boyfriend, but my... brother."

The driver was stunned, "Oh! No wonder they all look so good-looking, a family."

He got into the car from the other side, fastened his seat belt and asked, "Then where are you going?"

Lan Shuang was about to close the car door and get into the co-pilot, but found that the ribbon on her sleeve was pressed under her leg by Jiang Lusheng.

After thinking about it, Lan Shuang got into the back seat and turned to Jiang Lusheng, "Do you still remember your home address?"

Jiang Lusheng raised his head and reported a place name, the driver was a little embarrassed: "The suburbs? That's too far away, I..."

"It's okay Master, I'll give you twice the fare."

"Hey, good, thank you beauty!"

The driver turned around happily, no longer paying attention to the movement behind him.

Sitting next to Jiang Lusheng, Lan Shuang stretched out her hand to twitch her belt, but Jiang Lusheng pressed it so tightly that she couldn't twitch.

Lan Shuang poked his shoulder helplessly: "Jiang Lusheng, you're pressing on my clothes, lift your leg?"

Jiang Lusheng turned around and looked at her blankly: "Huh?"

He looked down and saw that the ribbon end of Lan Shuang's sleeve had disappeared under his trousers.

"Sorry, I didn't notice."

Jiang Lusheng immediately raised his leg, and Lan Shuang took the opportunity to pull the ribbon back. However, the ribbon was tied to the cuff, and it was difficult to tie it with one hand. It was too awkward to leave it alone, and it looked like it was hanging down.

She tried a few times, but she didn't succeed, Jiang Lusheng suddenly said, "I'll help you."

As he said that, he turned around, fastened the ribbon with his fingers deftly, and tied a bow that was symmetrical with the other side.

After thinking about it, he tied the knot again, "This way it won't open, give me the other hand."

"Oh, good." Lan Shuang stretched out her other hand, Jiang Lusheng couldn't help laughing lowly seeing her so obedient.

After both sides were fastened, he shook Lan Shuang's wrist, then quickly withdrew his hand, and said naturally, "Okay."

Lan Shuang raised her hand and looked, "Is your bow tie too standard?"

She turned to look at Jiang Lusheng, only to find that Jiang Lusheng had already closed his eyes and leaned back, frowning, as if he was not very comfortable.

Lan Shuang didn't know if he would get motion sickness, so she didn't pull him to continue talking.The car quieted down, Lan Shuang stared out the window, the surrounding scenery changed from bustling and crowded to sparse and deserted, and became more and more biased.

Looking at it, his shoulders sank, and when he turned his head, Jiang Lusheng seemed to have fallen asleep, and the inertia of the car made him fall down.

Lan Shuang thought for a while, but still didn't push him away, and let him sleep on her pillow.

It's not too far anyway, let him go.


After arriving at the address given by Jiang Lusheng, the driver exclaimed: "It turned out to be a villa, no wonder it's in the suburbs, it's so beautiful! It's really rich!"

Lan Shuang rolled down the car window and took a look. It was really beautiful, full of European style, and the garden in front was full of fiery red roses.

"Jiang Lusheng, wake up, you're home."

Lan Shuang pushed Jiang Lusheng, told him that he didn't respond the first time, and frowned impatiently the second time, then grabbed Lan Shuang's hand and held it in his own, with a hoarse and lazy voice, with a few It's very coaxing: "Hey, don't make trouble, I'll sleep for a while."

I don't know if it was because of the alcohol, but Jiang Lusheng's hand was very hot, and he just wrapped Lan Shuang's hand in it.

She was slightly moved in her heart, but still patted his face helplessly: "Don't sleep, you should get out of the car!"

Jiang Lusheng opened his eyes this time, looked at Lan Shuang in front of him, was stunned for a moment, then looked at the hands they held together, and let go of them embarrassedly, "Sorry, I fell asleep."

(End of this chapter)

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