Chapter 125 I Don’t Want This Marriage 10
Lan Shuang didn't take it seriously, pointed to the door outside and said, "You're home, go back and have a good rest, you'd better take some hangover medicine, can you get out of the car? Do you want me to help you?"

Jiang Lusheng shook his head, "I don't bother you to toss back and forth, you sit, and I will get off by myself."


Lan Shuang watched Jiang Lusheng walk to the driver after getting out of the car, realized what he wanted to do, and immediately said, "You don't need to pay me, I'll ask him to drive me later—"

"I told you to invite you to dinner. It doesn't make sense for you to pay the fare. It's too rude. If you want to invite me, next time."

Speaking of which, Jiang Lusheng took out 500 yuan and handed it to the driver, saying, "Take this lady home, the address is..."

The driver didn't expect that he could earn so much by taking this trip. He smiled so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, and patted his chest to assure: "No problem, don't worry, I will definitely send the lady back!"

Jiang Lusheng nodded, stood on the side of the road and waved to Lan Shuang who was in the car, with a faint smile on his face.

The sun fell on him, making him as elegant as a gentleman in the middle ages.

Lan Shuang was in a daze for a moment, and when she woke up, the car had turned around and left Jiang Lusheng's villa, and she couldn't see anything.


When Lan Shuang arrived home, she found a luxury car parked at the door, she raised her eyebrows, there are guests?
The housekeeper stood by the gate and waited. Seeing her come back, he immediately went up to greet her: "Miss, you are back, there are people at home."

Lan Shuang got off the car and said to the driver first, "Thank you for your hard work, Master, let's go."

The driver looked at the huge manor in front of him in shock, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time. After driving half a street, he was still feeling: "My dear, this one and two are so rich, it's like a dream!"

Lan Shuang and the others left before going in with the housekeeper, "Who's here? I remember I didn't have an appointment today."

The Lan family pays great attention to rules, if they already have an appointment that day, they will not let other guests come, lest the hospitality be poor, so this person is clearly uninvited.

Uninvited guests are not really good guests.

The butler's tone was also not very good, "Yes...he is from the Lu family, and he said he came to make an apology."

Lan Shuang paused slightly: "The Lu family?"

"Yeah." The boss was not happy when mentioning the housekeeper of the Lu family, "This family hasn't given up yet, so it must be said that Lu Yihan is ignorant, he has already educated him, let him break up with that girlfriend, and plans to let him give up. The lady apologizes, and if I continue the relationship, I have never seen anyone who is shameless, cheating is a fact, and an apology can turn the story over?"

Lan Shuang also sneered: "Maybe they really think so."

"Bah! Shameless things, if you say that you can't find someone with a bad family style, then the Lu family is not upright. The head of the Lu family was very romantic when he was young. What kind of good thing can his illegitimate child be? My young lady is so nice. , it’s not that no one wants it, so why hang him with a tree with a crooked neck?”

The housekeeper scolded all the way. At first, Lan Shuang was a little reluctant to respond to the Lu family's behavior, but it was quite interesting to listen to the housekeeper's scolding all the way without repetition.

By the time she reached the door, all her anger had subsided.

Just as she was about to go in, someone came out suddenly. She took a closer look and saw that it was Lan Shuangting. At this moment, there was no trace of drunkenness on his face, only gloomyness remained. It seemed that he had already sobered up.

"Brother, why did you come out?"

Lan Shuangting took a step forward and took Lan Shuang's arm and said: "The disgusting people are here, if you don't want to see them, you can go back to the room from the other side, don't worry about them, I'll have someone drive them out. "

In fact, Lan Shuangting has always been very personable in front of outsiders, otherwise his reputation would not be so good. Only in front of his own people would he show a childish and straightforward side.

All the words like driving people out of the house have been said, so it can be seen that he is really disgusted to the extreme.

"No, I just wanted to meet them."

"What are they doing?" Lan Shuangting's face darkened even more.

"It's not that there is still love, but I just want to see what else they can say. Besides, hiding from them will make them feel that I am afraid. I still don't forget it. If I say it in person, it can make them die completely." Heart."

Lan Shuang pulled Lan Shuangting to walk in, and comforted him: "Look at me, brother."

Lan Shuangting had no choice but to let her go.

After entering the living room, Lan Shuang sensed the oppression of the atmosphere. Sitting on the sofa across from Patriarch Lu and Mrs. Lu, she happened to say to Lan Runqing in a friendly voice: "Patriarch Lan, we only found out about this later. If I knew earlier, how could I indulge him?"

"That's right, it's our fault for wronging Shuangshuang. We apologized to her, but since she already knew about Lu Yihan's cheating, why didn't she say it? We can help her deal with it, why did it happen at the engagement banquet?" It's so embarrassing, not only our Lu family loses face, but also the Lan family!"

Mrs. Lu said bitterly, as if she was really fighting for Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang smiled. The original owner in the previous life was also deceived by Mrs. Lu, thinking that she was really gentle and kind, and treated her well, so she was willing to get close to her and treat her as a mother-in-law , but she didn't know that it was because of her obstruction that the relationship between her and Lu Yihan became more and more rigid.

In this life, she is not so easy to mess with.

With a chuckle, Lan Shuang let go of Lan Shuangting's hand, and walked over by herself, "Madam Lu, do you mean to blame me?"

"Blame me for not keeping an eye on Lu Yihan, blame me for not telling in advance, why don't you blame yourself for not keeping Lu Yihan in check?"

Lan Shuang came over and sat down next to Su Lan, and Lan Shuangting sat next to Lan Runqing. The family of four sat neatly.

Madam Lu and Patriarch Lu immediately felt the pressure.

"That's not what we mean..." Mrs. Lu quickly defended.

Lan Shuang's eyes fell on Lu Yihan, who was standing silently with his head down, and sneered, "I didn't say it in advance because I wanted to give him a chance to cut himself clean. Who knows that this person will never change What about helping outsiders to bully me, so why should I give him face?"

Mrs. Lu was at a loss for words, and her complexion suddenly became even uglier.

Patriarch Lu glared at her, and then turned to Lan Shuang, feeling guilty again: "Shuangshuang is right, it was our negligence, but our two families spent so much time preparing for the engagement, and suddenly it is so yellow Yes, it's really a pity, I came today just to see if there is any room for redemption."

"Regret? I don't feel regretful at all. Instead, I feel lucky. It's not too late to rein in the precipice. Our Lan family doesn't feel ashamed. Why should we feel ashamed when we didn't do anything wrong? Tiantian really married this kind of half-hearted and irresponsible Damn brat, I feel ashamed!"

Lan Runqing was unmoved in the slightest, his expression was indifferent, and his disgust did not need words.

Patriarch Lu was silent. He turned his head to look at Lu Yihan, and suddenly pushed him: "Bastard, what are you still doing in a daze? Kneel down!"

 Recently, I have read everyone’s messages, and I have replied, but they have all been swallowed. Well, in special times, I can’t post and reply, everyone forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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