Chapter 126 I Don’t Want This Marriage 11
Lu Yihan staggered from being pushed, and knelt down without standing still, but the expression on his face was still unwilling.

Obviously as proud as he is, he cannot accept kneeling in public, but due to various reasons, he has to submit, like a little widow who is forced into prostitution.

Lan Shuang looked at it with amused expression. In her last life, she was high above the original owner, and she was always the only one who begged for his share. Begging him to stay, begging him to forgive, begging him to look at her more, she has been flattened from being a proud girl of heaven. The edges and corners have become a boudoir and a dissatisfied woman, and now her status is reversed. It's really... so cool!
"What is Patriarch Lu doing? Asking him to kneel down and apologize, do you think this matter can be overturned? Have you asked our consent? We didn't make him kneel, and we didn't accept his apology. From now on, our two families have no relationship."

Su Lan calmly said to Lan Shuangting: "Shuangting, see off the guests."

"Wait—" Patriarch Lu panicked seeing Lan Shuangting stand up, "This matter depends on the wishes of the parties, doesn't it?"

He immediately turned his head to look at Lan Shuang, and said with begging eyes: "Shuangshuang, although this bastard did something wrong, but you really loved him anyway, let him apologize to you, and we will talk about it later, at least If you don't forgive him now, he will feel uneasy, and we can't let him go."

Lan Shuang has really seen what it means to tell nonsense with open eyes. No wonder she is the head of the family. She is really slippery and can handle people's hearts. If the original owner is not her sitting here today, maybe she will really soften her heart.

It's a pity, the original owner who was thrown aside after being used by their family died long ago.

Lu Yihan slowly raised his head to look at Lan Shuang, his eyes were very complicated, he tried to see the same complexity from Lan Shuang's eyes, but unfortunately, there was nothing, Lan Shuang always looked like he was watching a drama.

Seeing him looking at her at this time, Lan Shuang smiled, and Su Lan persuaded with concern: "Tiantian, if you don't want to worry about it, let them leave, this is our home."

"Yes, Dad is here, no one can force you."

Lan Runqing stared at Lu Yihan with a dull face: "Get up, this matter—"

"Father, it's okay." Lan Shuang suddenly said, and everyone present was stunned.

Lu Yihan's eyes suddenly revealed the light of "I knew you would compromise", but Lan Shuang pushed him back to hell with the next sentence, "Apologize, I will wait."

Others don't need this apology, but she has to, not to her, but to the original owner who has suffered from cold violence and disgust.

Lu Yihan didn't expect Lan Shuang to say that, his eyes widened, and then he realized that Lan Shuang really didn't love him anymore, and there was no warmth in her eyes.

She was so tall, she was dressed so beautifully, like a spoiled princess, and she was just a puddle of mud at her feet.

This made him unbearable, he asked hoarsely: "Lan Shuang, are you really so heartless?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, "What is unfeeling? If you are ruthless, I will give up. What's wrong? Who stipulated that you don't love me, and I have to humblely wait for you to turn around? Do you really think you are the savior?"

She frowned impatiently, and said with a more serious tone: "Apology!"

Lu Yihan pursed his lips tightly, and after a stalemate for a long time, finally lowered his head slowly, "Okay, I apologize, I'm sorry!"

Seeing this, Mrs. Lu hurriedly said: "Shuangshuang, you see he apologized, this matter—"

"That's it." Lan Shuang stood up and said, "The matter of his cheating will be written off. We won't embarrass him, but in the future, our two families should not communicate with each other."

Lan Runqing nodded with satisfaction: "Well, that's it. There is no need to say anything else. Where we should cooperate, we will cooperate normally. That's all. It's okay for the children to have nothing to do with each other. I wish him an early return." May, Frost Court—”

Lan Shuangting stood up and stretched out her hand: "Everyone, please, we just got off the wine table today, we are very tired, and it is inconvenient to continue entertaining."

Mrs. Lu did not give up and wanted to struggle a bit, but Patriarch Lu grabbed her hand and said with a sneer, "Okay, then we will take our leave."

I've already lost enough face today, and if I stay any longer, I'm asking for boredom, so let's go quickly.

When passing by Lu Yihan's side, Patriarch Lu still couldn't swallow his breath and kicked him: "What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you get up?"

Lu Yihan fell down on the carpet, the veins on the back of his hands were bulging, he finally stood up without saying a word, took a deep look at Lan Shuang, and left with Patriarch Lu.

When they left, Su Lan immediately grabbed Lan Shuang's hand and asked, "Tiantian, are you really letting go?"

Lan Shuang was helpless: "Really, Mom, I just want to start a career now, and I don't want to waste time on insignificant people. As long as I think about the time I spent around Lu Yihan in the past, I feel stupid. "

"Nonsense, you are attracted to Lu Yihan only if you have never been in love and experience. If you meet someone better in the future, you will know how wise your choice today is."

Su Lan patted Lan Shuang's head, looked at her with pity, then changed the topic, and asked, "By the way, why did you come back? Where is Jiang Lusheng?"

"He was very drunk, I sent him back, and then asked the driver to take me back."

Lan Runqing raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "This kid can't hold alcohol, but he's pretty good in other aspects! If you have a chance, invite him to come and sit at home."

Su Lan glanced at him, "It seems like you can drink a lot, but Xiao Jiang is really a good kid, with polite manners, humorous conversation, young and promising, and looks even more talented. By the way, the company he owns now has also stepped into the It’s on track, it’s getting better and better, Tiantian, if you don’t understand anything, you can ask him.”

"it is good."

Lan Shuang agreed to come down, and then went upstairs.

I went back to my room and took out my phone to look at it. There were a bunch of unread messages on it. I had turned on the mute before eating, but forgot to turn it off.

She unlocked it and saw that her parents asked her why she hadn't come back yet, and there was news about her eldest brother, and Jiang Lusheng sent the rest.

Jiang Lusheng: 【Are you home yet? 】

Jiang Lusheng: [Return to me when you see, I will confirm your safety]

Lan Shuang sat down by the bed, and sent him a message: [I'm home, I just saw off the uninvited guest, I'm sorry]

Jiang Lusheng returned quickly: 【Your ex-fiancé? 】

Lan Shuang froze for a moment, 【How do you know? 】

Jiang Lusheng: [Your brother told me]

Seeing what he said, Lan Shuang didn't think much about it, [Yes, their family came to block the door of my house, apologize to me, hope to get back together, and kneel down to me]

Jiang Lusheng came out of the bathroom and was drying his hair. When he saw this line of words, his face turned cold instantly: 【You agreed? 】

Rose: [How is it possible?I made him apologize on his knees, but didn't say that I would forgive him, he will never be forgiven by me in his life]

 Another day to sort out Jiang Lusheng's one hundred style of chasing his wife, pure scheming boy
(End of this chapter)

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