Chapter 127 I Don’t Want This Marriage 12
Seeing this sentence, Jiang Lusheng turned pale, and casually wiped the towel on his hair to make sure there was no dripping, so he put it on his shoulders, sat down on the sofa with his upper body naked, and replied with his phone in his hands.

Jiang Lusheng: [That's right, that kind of person is not worth your time]

Lan Shuang felt that his tone was inexplicably like her parents, so she couldn't help laughing, and was about to reply, when she saw his note, she thought of something, so she clicked on it and changed it, calling Jiang Lusheng too serious , What should I change?
888 made a friendly suggestion: "Why don't you call him Brother Jiang? Isn't that what you called him when you were in a private restaurant?"

Lan Shuang had goosebumps all over her body, she lay on the bed and rubbed her arms: "No, no, it's too nasty."

888 was puzzled: "But you didn't yell less in your last life, didn't you get used to it and it's natural?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

She turned over and looked at the ceiling and said seriously: "You are a child, children, don't listen to these things, be careful not to lead you into harm, protect the physical and mental health of minors, everyone is responsible."

888: "????"

What is this and what?How did it involve minors?

Lan Shuang didn't explain it to him, picked up the phone and started to diverge her thoughts. In the last life, she called him a lot, but it was a small hobby at some time. It's so strange to call him Brother Jiang when I just met him!

The beginning should be pure.

She thought about it for a while, and suddenly she had an idea. She remembered the roses he gave her, which seemed to have fallen in a private restaurant. Everyone was so drunk that they forgot about the flowers.

Since he likes roses so much, let's change his name to "Mr. Rose".

Thinking so, she replaced the original note with Mr. Rose, and sent him a message after confirmation, [Suddenly remembered that I forgot to bring back your roses, sorry]

Hearing this, Jiang Lusheng glanced at a rose on his coffee table, and smiled, 【It's okay, if you like it, I'll bring you another bouquet when we meet next time】

Rose: [But it's July soon, so it's not the flowering period of roses anymore]

Mr. Rose: [It’s okay, the flowers at home are gone, you can still buy them at the flower shop, as long as you want, there are always some]

These words are a bit ambiguous, Lan Shuang watched for a while, and noticed something unusual, but she was too affectionate, so she didn't ask more, just said: [Thank you]

Jiang Lusheng stared at these two words for a long time, "Thank you?"

"Tsk, the first trial failed."

He smiled helplessly, then took a step back and said: [Relax and take a good rest, I have something else to do, so let's not talk about it]

Rose: [OK]

"It's quicker this time."

Jiang Lusheng stared at Lan Shuang's head, imagining what the opposite person was doing at this time, and was dazed, feeling that he was really hopeless, and all his old thoughts were spent on him.

Not promising, but also happy.


After Lan Shuang quit chatting with Jiang Lusheng, she discovered that there was a new contact on WeChat. She clicked in and saw that it was an unfamiliar account, and she didn't know who it was.

She curiously accepted her friend application. Looking at the avatar and nickname, she should be a girl. The nickname is: a glass of coke with ice.

Cola?Lan Shuang sat up from the bed and asked 888: "What's the name of Lu Yihan's little girlfriend? Is it Su Le?"

888 looked up the information, and said in astonishment: "Really, this Coke can't be her, right? Why did she add you?"

"Ghost knows," Lan Shuang shrugged, leaned against the head of the bed, and greeted first: [May I ask who you are? 】

"Host, why are you still chatting with her? Shouldn't you block her directly?"

888 is puzzled: "She's not a good person either. She knows that Lu Yihan has a girlfriend and still flirts with her, and still thinks she's true love. It's so disgusting."

The smile on Lan Shuang's lips was a bit cold, "That's why I have to talk to her more, and see what she wants to do. My task is to separate her from Lu Yihan. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win all battles."

"Okay." 888 stopped talking, quietly watching the excitement.

It took a while for Lan Shuang to send the message, and then there was a reply: [I am Su Le]

Lan Shuang: "..."

Inexplicably, I felt that the visitor was not kind from these four words.

She sighed softly: "Su Le, it's really Su Le."

Lan Shuang: [Su Le?Sorry, I don't know you, what can you do for me? 】

Su Le immediately showed that it was typing...

However, input, cancel, input, cancel, entangled extremely.

Lan Shuang laughed silently, [What's wrong?Unspeakable? 】

The people over there seemed to be annoyed, and the input was not canceled this time.

Su Le: 【Are you Lan Shuang?Stop pretending, you don't know me? 】

Lan Shuang: [I really don't know]

Su Le: […]

Lan Shuang: [I'll get busy first if it's okay]

Su Le: [Wait, I have something to do, I ask you not to pester Brother Han anymore]

Su Le: [He and I are a couple. You have been chasing him before and caused him a lot of trouble. Now that you have regretted your marriage, please don't bother him anymore. We are very happy and I wish you to find your own. happiness】

Lan Shuang looked at the screen with a question mark: "Xiao Baba, is this the brainless foolish white sweet in the dog blood novel?"

888 shook his head: "No, I think she's only stupid, neither white nor sweet, what do you mean? It's said between the lines that you are a third party, obviously she is!"

"So angry!" 888 was indignant.

Lan Shuang didn't make any trouble, she already knew what kind of people they were, so why would she be angry?

"It can only be said that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. What kind of pot goes with what kind of lid. A scumbag and her are a perfect match."

She moved her fingers quickly on the screen, rebutting one by one.

Lan Shuang: [First: When Lu Yihan and I were classmates in college, I liked him and then took the initiative to pursue him. Where were you at that time?You are still in the college entrance examination, thank you, you don't know each other at all, so you are the latecomer. 】

[Second: If he doesn't like me, he can completely reject me. I'm not a stalker. He first agreed to my confession and was with me, and then he didn't know you well. It should be you Quit this relationship, you may not know it at the beginning, but after a long time, haven't you noticed? 】

[Third: It was your appearance that caused me trouble. I didn't go to you for trouble. It's because I'm well-educated. Please don't stand in the perspective of a third party and point fingers at me as a victim. 】

[Fourth: It's not that I regret the marriage, it's Lu Yihan who cheated first, thank you, so the responsibility is on him, I will stop the loss in time, I will not pester him, otherwise, please persuade him not to pester me, I don't need your blessings, I won't bless you either, stay away from me, thank you. 】

After posting these four posts, Lan Shuang didn't even read Su Le's reply, and took a screenshot and blocked her.

 I decided to add a chapter of the story of the previous life at the end of each life in the future, which is the original experience of the original owner.
(End of this chapter)

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