Chapter 128 I Don’t Want This Marriage 13
This series of actions was smooth and smooth, and 888 was dumbfounded watching it.

He asked suspiciously: "Host, what are you going to do?"

Why take a screenshot?
Lan Shuang replied without raising her eyes, "Show Lu Yihan, what good things his girlfriend has done, why don't you show his girlfriend?"

"Oh, that's right!" Lan Shuang suddenly remembered something, and suddenly sat up on her knees, "How did I forget this?"

"What's the matter?" 888 asked suspiciously as she watched her pick up the laptop and start operating it.

"When the original owner was dating Lu Yihan, she accidentally found out that Lu Yihan's mother was seriously ill and was hospitalized. She knew that the medical expenses were very expensive, so she secretly paid his mother a large sum of money and hired a nurse to take care of her. Lu Yihan Without knowing it, I thought it was done by the Lu family."

888: "As expected of a dog-blood novel, you can know this kind of thing just by asking, right?"

Lan Shuang stretched her waist: "What's wrong with asking?"


Oh too.

She directly sent a message to the nurse, "I will pay you this month's money, you can stay or not, I don't care, I don't have to go next month."

Aunt Song, the nurse: "Ah? Don't you need to go? Is there something wrong with me?"

Lan Shuang: "No, it's not your problem. I broke up with my boyfriend, and I don't plan to spend any more money to take care of his mother, so you are free for the rest of this month."

Aunt Song gave her a few words of regret, then packed her things and prepared to leave the hospital.

After dealing with her, Lan Shuang called the hospital again, stopped the next month's fee, stopped taking money from her card, and asked others to pay.

After doing all this, she released Lu Yihan from the blacklist, and sent him the screenshot, 【Take care of your girlfriend, don't let her harass me】


Lu Yihan had just been scolded by Patriarch Lu, his face was hot and sore, he wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand, and went upstairs with a sullen face. When passing by the hall, he heard the ridicule of those people.

He turned his head and took a gloomy look, and the laughter even became louder. Those few people were all the children of the head of the Lu family, born in the royal family, illegitimate children, and illegitimate daughters. They were all mixed together. They had been found long ago. , and the relationship was not good, but because of Lu Yihan, they temporarily stood on the same front.

There is no other reason, it is because Lu Yihan got Lan Shuang's blue eyes.

Borrowing the favor of Miss Lan's family, he was directly taken back to recognize his ancestors, not to mention returning to his family, but also gained the attention of the head of the Lu family, who gave him shares, let him gain a firm foothold in the Lu family, and promised that he would only need to hold on to Lan Shuang's heart In the future, the company will share half of it with him.

After all, the benefits brought by Lan's are far more than that of half the company. No matter how you look at it, the owner of the Lu family is sure to make money without losing money.

But this undoubtedly moved other people's cakes. The Lu family's property is only so much. Before Lu Yihan came back, everyone fought fiercely, but they probably knew how much they could share, so it was still very peaceful on the surface.

But Lu Yihan broke this balance. If he gets more, it means that others can get less, or even nothing. Who can bear this?

So Lu Yihan became the target of public criticism.

He knew it in his heart, so he never had contact with these people. Swallowing his breath, he turned and went upstairs when his phone rang suddenly.

He took it out and saw that it was Lan Shuang. He was stunned for a while, thinking he was dazzled, but after repeated confirmation, he found that it was really Lan Shuang.

The avatar was still the same as his couple's avatar... Uh, it changed in the next moment, and it was replaced with a kitten.

Lu Yihan: "..."

He went back to his room with mixed feelings, closed the door and clicked on the dialog between the two, and then saw a long series of screenshots.


He opened his mouth in doubt, and his face turned green in an instant.

"What is Su Le doing?"

After reading the chat records, he was a little speechless and a little embarrassed.

Especially after quitting to see Lanshuang's news, this complex emotion reached its peak.

He clicked on the dialog box, [I really don’t know about this, sorry]

After thinking about it, he said: [I hope you don't blame her, she is just too innocent]

Lan Shuang rolled her eyes on the other side, simple?Just a hammer.

Lan Shuang: [You don't need to explain so much to me, I'm not interested in how you two are]

Lan Shuang: [Don't let her appear in front of me, I will respond]

Lan Shuang: [I packed up the things you gave me and sent them back to you another day. You don’t have to return the things I gave you, just throw them away]

Lu Yihan frowned, 【You don't need to return those things】

However, as soon as this message was sent, a red exclamation mark popped up in front of it.

Lu Yihan: "?"

Blocked him again?

Angry and funny, he turned around twice, then threw the phone on the bed and sat down on the carpet in frustration.

He scratched his hair fiercely: "How did it become like this? Why?"

Thinking of what Lan Shuang mentioned, he stood up after being silent for a while, since he was going to send the things back, he seemed too unmannered to return them, so he should sort it out and return it to her, and make it clean.

He found a large cardboard box for express delivery from the corner, and was taken aback for a moment, what was it in here?

He looked at the label on it and remembered that these were the snacks that Lan Shuang bought for him when he was just a freshman. At that time, she didn't know what she liked to eat, so she bought a bag of various snacks and packed them A big box was full, and he was very tired when he moved back to the dormitory. He was very unhappy at the time and found it troublesome, but other people in the dormitory were envious.

Later, when he moved back to Lu's house, he thought this big box was very convenient for storing things, so he took it back.

Seeing it again at this time, I can't tell what it feels like.

He looked around, and his eyes fell on the bedside table. It was a starry sky projection lamp. After turning off the light and turning it on, the room instantly changed into a universe, which was very beautiful.

The bottom row of the closet is full of shoes, and several pairs are limited editions, which Lan Shuang bought for him, almost once a month.

The first suit and tie in the closet was given by Lan Shuang.

The first watch was given by Lan Shuang.

The first pair of cufflinks was given by Lan Shuang.

The first ring was given by Lan Shuang.

The first hand-woven scarf was given by Lan Shuang.


I never thought there was anything before, but now I suddenly turned around and found that two-thirds of the things in this room were sent by Lan Shuang.

Lu Yihan stood in it, feeling a little dazed.

So, did Lan Shuang give him so much?He thought he didn't remember it, but when he deliberately looked at it, those memories were still vivid in his mind.

Besides, Lan Shuang bought the laptop on his bedside table for him.

"Lan Shuang..."

Lu Yihan sat down dejectedly, trying to remember the gift he gave Lan Shuang, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't come up with a reason. He couldn't remember many of them. It seems that this year he gave her a bouquet on Valentine's Day. roses.

(End of this chapter)

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