Chapter 129 I Don’t Want This Marriage 14
Because Lu's family is also in the local area, delivery within the city is fast. Lan Shuang packed and mailed Lu Yihan's "gift" today, and Lu Yihan received it early the next morning.

After the housekeeper signed for the receipt, he called him, and Lu Yihan took it back himself with complicated emotions.

"Yo, who sent you the stuff? Could it be Miss Lan again?"

It happened that the brothers and sisters at the table were having breakfast, seeing his distraught appearance, they couldn't help but sarcasm a few words.

Lu Yihan didn't even look at them, and walked upstairs with the box in his arms.

One of the girls shouted in dissatisfaction: "Lu Yihan, didn't you hear me? Are you deaf or dumb? Has no one taught you how to treat your elders?"

Lu Yihan was so angry that he turned his head and glanced at the man impatiently: "My mother only taught me how to treat normal people, not how to treat mad dogs."

"I'm your sister, Lu Yihan, don't be shameless!"

Lu Yi threw the glass down in anger, the people next to her didn't try to persuade her, they were all watching the show.

Lu Yihan just glanced at her, then turned back and went upstairs.

"What's the big deal? It's just the illegitimate son of an unpopular dancing girl. What's the air? If Lan Shuang hadn't blindly taken a fancy to him, he deserves to live in the Lu family?"

Lu Yihan's eyes darkened, his hand holding the box tightened a little bit, but he didn't go back impulsively to confront her. In the Lu family, he has no advantage. If he is rejected by the head of the family, his mother's illness will be over.

Holding back his breath and closing the door, Lu Yihan finally couldn't hold back and dropped the box in his hand to the ground.

Fortunately, there was a carpet on the ground to cushion it, and the things inside were not damaged.

Lu Yihan let out a deep breath. He thought about midnight last night, but he didn't think about what he gave Lan Shuang. The box was not heavy for him to hold, and he didn't know what was in it.

But when he calmed down, he was really interested.

Finding a pair of scissors to unpack the package and open the lid of the box, Lu Yihan was in a daze for a while.

The things inside are really... less.

A ceramic water cup looks pretty good, in the shape of a cat, but it looks cheap at first glance. It is estimated that 19.9 taels on a certain software also includes free shipping.

He scrolled down and found a photo of Lu Yihan, which was also the only one.

Because Lu Yihan didn't like Lan Shuang, he resisted her taking pictures. Once he found out that Lan Shuang was taking pictures of himself, he deleted all the pictures on her phone.

At that time, he was indescribably happy to see Lan Shuang's lost and sad look.

Now that he thinks about it, he doesn't quite understand why he did that at the time, and why Lan Shuang was so tolerant?Is it because of love?

Lu Yihan didn't understand, he took out the photo to look at it, it was a candid shot, on it was a silhouette of himself playing basketball, the angle was well grasped, the shot was very handsome, but there was no Lan Shuang on it, only in the lower right corner, there was a lonely shadow.

Lu Yihan felt a little uncomfortable for some reason.

He put down the photo and continued to look at it, a small mirror, a worthless bag, a wooden comb, a lipstick, and a pink bracelet.

Other than that, no more.

Looking at the things that Lan Shuang sent to his room, Lu Yihan was suddenly at a loss for words.

It turns out that there is such a big difference between loving and not loving.

Then can she really say that if she doesn't love, she doesn't love?Lu Yihan leaned his back against the door, a little suspicious.

Originally, he thought about returning the things she gave him, but now, not only did he not go back, he was also ashamed to mention it, which was too embarrassing.

He was in a mess and didn't know what to do for a while.

The phone rang suddenly, and he touched it for a long time before he found it on the bedside table.

He went over to pick it up and saw that it was Su Le calling.

Thinking of what happened last night, he felt even more upset, and felt a little angry when he saw the name. After pressing the answer button, he asked without waiting for Su Le to speak: "You went to find Lan Shuang yesterday? Why did you find her?"

Su Le on the other side of the phone was stunned for a while and didn't speak, but he didn't expect him to question himself.

"Why am I looking for her? What's your tone, Lu Yihan? I'm not for you? I haven't asked you yet, why didn't you reply to my message last night? I called you just now and you didn't reply. I was so worried. , are you angry with me because of Lanshuang?"

Hearing what she said, guilt surged in Lu Yihan's heart again, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you, but you really did something wrong."

"What's wrong? Why are you still holding on to this matter?" Su Le complained in a low voice, "No, how did you know that I was looking for Lan Shuang, and you still have contact with her? Didn't you say that you have cut off contact with her? Yet?"

"It was indeed blocked before, but because of yesterday's incident, she let me out again, showed me your chat records, and asked me to take care of you and don't bother her anymore."

Lu Yihan didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said.

But in Su Le's ears, that's not the case. She silently loved her baby, and then asked in disbelief: "I blocked you before, and then let you out again? Lu Yihan, do you think I'm a three-year-old child?"

Su Le's voice was choked with sobs: "The two of you have been in touch, right? What will happen if you tell the truth? Why are you lying?"

Lu Yihan: " listen to me..."

"Beep beep-"

Su Le hung up the phone.

Lu Yihan: "..."

He looked at the phone blankly, suddenly feeling a little exhausted.

Life is not going well, and love is not going well, should he go to a master to worship, is he guilty of Tai Sui recently?

Lu Yihan's life here is in dire straits, and he has no idea that there are even worse things waiting for him in the future.

On the other hand, Lan Shuang, who left the scumbag, lived an extremely comfortable life.

During the day, I sleep until I wake up naturally. The kitchen is always preparing snacks and snacks. Whatever I want to eat, the chef cooks it right away.

Then read a book and read company information for a while, go to the gym for some activities, take a shower, have a meal with mom and dad at noon, and sit on the sofa and watch a drama together after the meal.

I went upstairs to sleep when I was sleepy, and it was afternoon tea time when I woke up.

If you feel bored, go for a walk in the garden, watch the sunset and swing.

There is also a game hall at home that is comparable to a shopping mall, where you can play anything you want.

Lan Shuang fully enjoyed the happiness of a wealthy daughter.

The most important thing is that her parents and brothers love her, and they will not force her to learn things she doesn't like. Fortunately, the original owner is strong, and she has dabbled in all aspects, including music, art and flower arrangement.

Don't be afraid of showing timidity in the future, just don't be too cool!
She was lying on a deck chair in the garden, basking in the golden sunset and said, "Xiao Baba, life in this world is so beautiful, I don't even want to leave."

888: "No way, host, have you forgotten your name as Desperate Sanniang? You are the first volume king of the Time and Space Administration, you can't be a salted fish!"

Lan Shuang took a sip of the juice and said comfortably: "That's because I was a poor salted fish before, but now that I'm rich, I feel the happiness of salted fish, it's so delicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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